Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.


So, the whole rich dad thing does actually come in handy, all I had to do was tell them my last name, and it was like my dad’s name was written on the release for. Amazing really. Rage had dropped off my car; he was out meeting his new girl friend or something.
My hair was just in a sling, but only for a little, I just dislocated it. I had to get a tetanus shot in that arm to, so it wasn’t helping my cause. All the glass pieces had to be removed piece by piece, but I had pain killers for that.
Being out of the hospital, which I had only been in for the night, despite that I am supposed to be in the psyche ward. You would think by now, that if a Kaos checks in they should have a bed ready for us there, but I was leaving soon anyways, doctors orders or not, I had kids to go take care of.
One thing I would like to do is go to an amusement part, maybe go to the concert, or go to the beach, maybe even the lake with the kids. But guess where I am going? The drug store. The pharmacy. Yay. So far, the people who legally live under our roof, as in Rhett has legal custody over, only three aren’t medicated. Now, that seems like a lot, but three out of nine? Oh, and the three are all two? Plus, I am the only one that only has one medication. I plan to keep it that way.
“Hey Panic. Here to pick up your monthly meds for everyone?” asked the lady at the counter, Mary. And yes that’s right, the lady know me by name.
“Actually, I am here to pick some flowers and chocolates because no one in my family is insane or anything.” I said with a smile.
“Always one with the humor Panic.” Mary laughed. “Here you go. Twelve new things of meds. Tell everyone I said hi.”
“Will do Mary.” I signed the papers and left with a wave.

By the time I got home, everyone was already home from school, and Rage wasn’t home yet. Not that I minded much.
We had a slight probably with people forgetting to take meds, and when I mean slight, I was the only one taking meds for almost a month. Now, that doesn’t seem bad, with sever manic depression, clinical depression, ADHD, OCD, insomnia, schizophrenia and anger management, things could get crazy.
Riot was down stairs first. “Okay Ri, here is your Seroquel, Effexor, and Ambien. Have fun.” I said sarcastically.
Seroquel is for his bipolar or manic depression if you don’t know.
Effexor some how helps his OCD, which I don’t get, it’s an antidepressant or something to that effect.
Ambien for his insomnia.
Next was Zaylee. “And for you lovely miss, Geodon and Celexa.” I handed her the medicine.
Geodon for schizophrenia.
Celexa for depression.
Trisha came from the back stair case. “Adderal and Eszopiclone, go do something with it missy.
Adderal is for ADHA
Eszopiclone is for her insomnia.
“Oh hey boys.” I said to Rave and Lukas as they came in from outside all sweaty. “Rave…” I said, looking threw all the medicines, “Ah, here they are, Geodon, Prozac and Zoloft.”
Geodon, again, like Zaylee, is for schizophrenia.
Prozac is for depression.
Zoloft, even though is an antidepressant some how helps him with his anger management, at least, I think its an antidepressant. I lose track of these things.
“Lukey, here is your Zoloft, and Zolpiden.
Zoloft, again, is for Luke's, anger management.
Zolpiden is for insomnia.
Now wasn’t that all just a bucket of fun?
“Aunt Nicki, how come I don’t get any colorful pills!” asked Jakob, running up to me.
“Because, you don’t need them.” I said, rubbing his head.
“Hey Panic, this is my girlfriend, Jocelyn, and her son, Eli. She is nineteen and he is six.” Said Rage. Great, like we need more testosterone in this house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just shows how crazy they are.
MAJOR filler. :)
Fantasy Freak? Read my new story :)
Slow at first, but then it gets better.
The Day After Monday