Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

That was fun

“Hey Eli, umm you can watch TV or something? Sorry, I only have toys for two year olds.” I smiled meekly at him, he nodded and walked over to the living room.
Eli wasn’t too small for his age, or too big either. He was obviously mixed, so he wasn’t really dark, but not light, a good mix. He had bright blue eyes to. They really stood out against his skin. Jocelyn must have been really young when she had him. Thirteen or fourteen. I felt kind of bad, if only she had a really screwed up name, she would fit in perfectly.
Jocelyn was pretty tall for a girl. About 5’10. But still really pretty. She had light brown hair with blonde highlights and was fairly pretty. She had bright blue eyes like Eli and a nice complexion. So far I liked her, but you learn not to trust easy here.
Rage was smart, and I knew that he didn’t happen to bring Jocelyn and Eli over the day after it’s partly his fault, I was in the hospital. Just doesn’t work. He knew I wouldn’t yell at him or throw a hissy fit with company around. To bad, the Panic he knows isn’t here.
“So Rage, the doctor gave me pain killers.” I picked up an apple, biting it, then glaring in his direction.
“Is that so?” Everyone had left after I gave them their meds, so it was just me, Jocelyn and Rage. Oh what fun.
“Yup. Apparently, when you pull someone that is crawling out of a shattered window, only by one of there arms, their shoulder can be dislocated. Funny huh?” I took another bite.
“Hilarious.” Rage muttered, sarcasm slipping from his mouth.
“OH! I don’t mean to be rude Jocelyn. I am Panic by the way, says so on my birth certificate, Rage never told you I guess. But you see, I was having a little panic attack last night.” I put emphasis on panic. “And, so being the good brother Rage is, he put me in the basement. But he forgot that down stairs you can hear everything, even when little kids cry.
“So, when our little niece and nephews started crying and winning and he didn’t know what to do, I had to come upstairs. BUT WAIT! The door is locked. Having raised and still raising those kids, I have my mother instincts, which I am sure you know all about, so I did whatever I could to get out. You can fill in the blanks.”
“Wow. That sucks. I am really sorry! Where are your niece and nephews?” asked Jocelyn.
“Upstairs, sleeping.” I said. “They should be up soon though, you can meet them. Jakob is Rave’s son, and Fiercy and Toxic were Fallyn and Jonah’s children.” I turned my attention to Rage. “Have you told her about them yet?”
“Hasn’t come up.” Rage growled.
“Who’s Fallyn?”
“Fallyn is… or was our sister. She died. Well, she was murdered. Jonah killed her, her boyfriend. He tried to kill me to.” I rolled up my sleeve and showed her my scar of Jonah that would be on my for a while, then the one of my neck, that was visible most of the time, but people seem to be kind enough not to ask too much.
Rage’s eyes looked like they were about to popped out of his head.
“Oh right, Rage, you don’t know half of this either.” I took my apple and walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to see if the kids were awake.
That was fun.
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When she gets back from the hospital, she also has one of those brace things...
For her wrist.... lol
Read my other story?