
for you i'd wait 'til kingdom come.

Lowering his head, he tried to hide his smile as he laughed, his cheeks flushing a lovely shade of pink. Yugi grinned, the backs of his fingers lightly caressing the skin where the blood rushed to, shivers tingling down the other’s spine.

“You look good with color,” Yugi teased, though in a gentle tone. Causing Yami to blush even more, he raised his own hand, hesitating as he wrapped his larger hand around Yugi’s. Encouraging him further, Yugi relaxed the muscles in his arm, though he curled his fingers so that they were loosely holding Yami’s hand in return.

Yami let out a half-hearted chuckle, his smile lopsided. He was nervous; it was blatantly obvious. It was..cute.

While his gaze was averted to the floor, Yugi took the opportunity to surprise the older one.

When he pressed his lips against Yami’s, he had to refrain from letting out a small laugh when the other’s breathing hitched for a split-second, his attempt at surprise a success. It took a few accelerated heartbeats before Yami leaned into it, relaxing, and his eyes fluttering down so he saw the multi-colored lights behind the dark lids.

After he felt the warmth leave his lips, Yami let his heavy eyelids try to raise halfway, as if he had woken up from a pleasant sleep. Kissing the corner of his mouth, Yugi looked to see the wondrous shade of what was comparable to rouge tinge the former pharaoh’s cheeks, and smiled widely.

“Red is definitely your color,” he murmured playfully, his tone warm. Yami let out a hushed laugh, as Yugi kissed his lips again.