The Weight of the World


Someone had once told Joe Jonas that the truth always hurt. Always. They could not have been more right. He had learned quickly that it was better to hide the truth from the loves you loved with lies. Lies were the only thing you could trust. They told you more than any truth. They told you the truth would hurt, the truth was too much, and the truth couldn’t come out.

But the thing about lies is that it took a thousand lies to cover one. And then you were living in a spiral of them. One lie was spoken to cover another until finally you couldn’t remember the truth anymore. The best liars were the ones that could convince even themselves of their twisted lies.

But eventually, the truth always came out. Lies were like thieves in the dead of the night. They crept in and took you for all you were worth before you even realized it. And it always happened. Eventually, people just got tired of running from the truth, from running with their lies. And they fell into the abyss of truth. They were always caught, always.

But Joe Jonas liked to think he was smarter than the average liar. He had eluded this fate better than the best. For five years, he hadn’t spoken a single truthful word. What was the point? Lies were easier. Lies could be molded to fit the person. Lies could make everything better. Lies were better than the truth.

When he had walked away from the only world he had ever known, from his family, his friends, his fans, his life, Joe Jonas had made a very important decision. He had decided that life was the best teacher, and his life had taught him that he was better off alone, running from the truth. When he had been forced to come back to L.A., he had made another very important decision. He had decided that he could not run forever.