Milestones: Teenagers

Chapter Thirteen


I was startled awake by the sound of shattering glass. It kinda jolted me, but then I just rested my head farther into the pillow. And then the pillow moved. Like a person breathing. I slowly opened my eyes to investigate and I was met with human flesh. My head was resting in the crook of someone's neck as my arm was wrapped around his very bare middle.
Oh dear God... what the hell did I do last night? I don't think I know this person.

I didn't know if I dared look up at the face to see just who it was, but when the person groaned and shifted it scared the crap out of me and I jumped, screaming as I fell backward off the side of the bed I was on. I ended up taking the sheet I was tangled in with me, and landed on the hard wood floor. "Oww... fuck," I said as I rubbed my head.

My screaming had woken up the person still on the bed. I knew this because the bed moved and I heard him talk. "What the fuck..." he mumbled.
Wait... I know that voice.

The guy leaned over, his head coming into view as he looked down at me. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized it was Brian. "What the hell are you doing down there.... in a sheet?" he asked, scratching his head.

"I fell," I said.

"Oh... well it's a good thing you fell off that side of the bed. There's a shattered bottle of vodka on the floor on the other side...."

"Ouch..." I said, grimacing at the thought of landing on glass shards. I shook the thought from my mind and wrapped the sheet around me as I stood up. Brian moved over, giving me room to sit down. Once I was back on the bed, sitting up like Brian with my back against the headboard, I looked over at him. He was twiddling his fingers and had the comforter pulled up to his waist, showing off his fit bare chest, which I made sure to check out. I looked up at his face to see a little smile playing on his lips.

"What's so funny?" I asked, smiling because he was smiling.

"We're naked," he said. "Which means I'm pretty sure we had sex," Brian finished, his dorky grin growing wider. I chuckled at him. "OH SHIT!" he exclaimed after a second. He looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh my God, Michelle... I'm so fucking sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For getting you drunk and... for... and you.... were a virgin and... not... I'm so sorry," he started to ramble.

I rolled my eyes. "Brian..." I said, but he kept going.

"...and I feel like a total douche now for doing that and... and," he paused, looking around himself shortly. "...and we didn't use a condom so now I could've gotten you pregnant and..." he paused again and let out a loud sigh before resting his face in his hands.

I chuckled and scooted closer to Brian, straddling his lap so I was facing him, and sat down. "Brian..." I said. He groaned.

"I'm so sorry Michelle," he said again.

"Are you gonna be quiet so I can talk?" I asked, a cheeky smirk on my lips. He sighed and nodded. I pulled his hands away from his face and held them in my own. "Okay good, cuz for one thing, I'm on the pill and have been for about a year now... so you can stop freaking out about that... unless you're diseased which I'm pretty sure you're not, right?" I asked, and he nodded again. "Good. Now, for another thing, you have no idea how relieved I was that it was your bed I woke up in and that I wasn't with some other freak. I'd rather lose my virginity to my best friend who I trust with my life than with some guy who's only looking for a piece of ass. I'm glad it was with you. I mean, sure I don't really remember it all, but I remember that it wasn't too dreadfully painful, thanks to the alcohol," I chuckled. "Now are you gonna stop freaking out?"

A light blush came to Brian's face. "Yeah. I feel a lot better about it now. ... So, what
do you remember?" he asked with a smirk.

A sly smile came to my lips as I remembered the bits and pieces. "Let's see..." I started to say. I felt Brian's hands slip slowly onto my hips almost like he was trying to be stealthful. "I remember kissing you."

"Yeah? Don't tell me that's it," Brian joked, running his hands smoothly up and down.

"Aha, no I remember more. I remember you took the Grey Goose from me and I undid your pants and the next thing I know I'm on my back and you're on top of me and my legs are wrapped around your waist. Your waist is... very thick," I smiled.

"Are you calling me fat?" he feined shock.

"No... what I meant was... meaty.... masculine," I said, coyly moving my hands down to Brian's waist. I gave it a light squeeze. "See? You're meaty... I love it."

I could see the cogs working away in his head before the words were even said. "I got something else that's meaty, my dear. C'mon, what else do you remember?" he urged me on.

"Well, after I was on my back for awhile it started to get blurry and then the next thing I know I'm on top of you, fucking you til I was exhausted," I smiled. I felt Brian pulling my waist even closer to his.

"So you don't remember that awesome blow job you gave me?" Brian smirked.

"Nope. That's all I remember. Sorry," I said, stucking my tongue out at him. Brian smiled and I slid my arms around his neck as he leaned me closer. I smiled right before he planted his lips on mine. My eyes slowly fluttered closed and I sighed as he slipped his tongue past my lips, rubbing it with mine. I felt him shift me a bit on his lap. He whined a little and then squirmed under me. I started to laugh and pulled away.

"What the hell was that?" I chuckled.

Brian smirked. "It was this..." he said, and then shifted both of us a little until I felt something poking at me. I kinda jumped a little, not expecting him to do that, but then settled again. He laughed at me.

"Not expecting that?"


He sighed and then leaned into my neck, nipping at the delicate skin there. "So I'm... kinda bummed that... you don't remember much... of last night," Brian mumbled between biting and sucking. I slowly closed my eyes and let out a slight moan.

"Yeah, so am I."

Brian pulled away and looked at me wickedly. "Well, you know, since I'm
up for the occasion, I could just jog your memory," he said, winking. I smiled.

"You're such a dork."

"But you love it," he smirked right before kissing me again. I closed my eyes slowly once more, parting my lips for him. Without even realizing what I was doing, I started to grind my hips slowly, pressing harder against Brian's member, which caused me to moan. He pulled away from his kiss and looked at me.

"Is that a yes?"

I feverishly nodded my head in reply. "Yeah."

"Haha... good, come here," he said and then started to tug on the sheet I was tangled in. He pulled it from me and I watched his eyes as they scanned over me. He had me sit up a little so he could push the covers from himself. I couldn't help but stare. Brian chuckled and then grabbed my hips, pulling me closer so I was hovering over him. He grabbed himself, getting ready, but I just sat there like that.

Brian kind of gave me a look, like he was waiting for me to just
do it. I bit my lip and formed a devilish grin on my lips. "Well?... Go on then," he said, grinning with his perfect lips.

Instead, I put my arms on his shoulders and leaned forward, lightly kissing his lips. He sighed against my lips; I knew he was mad I was teasing. I kissed him harder and then I felt Brian's spare hand grab onto my hip, trying to pull me down onto him. I pulled away and looked at him. I glanced down, noticing he was getting frustrated enough to stroke himself slowly. He tried to pull me down onto him again.

"Nuh-uh..." I mumbled, and then leaned in to kiss his neck. I did that for a minute or so before Brian groaned. He grabbed both my hips in his hands.

"Alright... you're done," he laughed, and then pushed me to the side, getting on top of me. "You filthy tease," he said huskily before entering me.

"Owww.. you prick, that hurt," I hissed, hitting his arm.

"Awh, I'm sorry. Forgot that you're new to this," Brian smirked and then leaned down to kiss me before he slowly started to pull out. Once he wasn't so harsh it started to get a lot better. I quietly moaned out when he jabbed at something, and I heard Brian snicker in my ear. "Bingo..." he breathed out, and then moved his body into a position where he could strike the same spot for a little while.

I moaned out again. "So this is what it was like last night?"

"Nope. Last night was wild. But this is nice," he replied and then planted a kiss on my lips before moving to my neck again. I closed my eyes and just revelled in the feeling Brian was sending through my body as he thrusted, beginning to speed up.

I groaned and wrapped my legs around Brian's thick waist, allowing him to go even deeper. He struck my spot dead center again, and I threw my head back, clutching to his back as if I would die if I let go.

"You like that?" Brian asked, and then bit my neck. I nodded, my eyes shut tight, and I was so blown away I couldn't speak. "Good..." he panted. "Get ready for this then." He started hitting the same sensitive spot repeatedly, not teasing at all by moving away. And after a minute or so, I felt a tingly sensation starting inside me, spreading out to my entire body. I started shaking and I breathed out quickly, getting erratic.

"Mmmmm..." I said and then gasped. "Fuck's sake..."

Just as my body was overtaken by my orgasm, I cried out, and then Brian silenced me with his lips on mine. He kept thrusting at a quick pace until he started to involuntarily twitch, and then he groaned and I felt him spilling inside me.

He groaned one last time before he came to a stop, resting his head against my chest. Brian kissed my skin a couple times as he caught his breath and then moved to the side. We both laid there, breathless, trying to collect ourselves. I sighed and looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was almost 1:30 in the afternoon.

I laid back down and turned to look at Brian. "So... Happy New Years," I chuckled.

He smiled. "Yes, it
was quite happy."

I started to sit up. "I think I'm gonna take a shower and head home."

"Okay... I'll be here when you get out," Brian smiled, lying under the comforter and resting his hands behind his head.

Like he'd said, Brian was laying down in that same position, but his eyes were closed. I had already dressed in the bathroom so I walked over to his side of the bed and sat down gently in case he was asleep.

"Hey... you awake?" I whispered, barely audible.

"Mmmhmmm..." he mumbld and slowly opened his eyes. I reached up and started running my fingers through his messy hair. A slow smile crept to my face.

"Thank you... for last night, and today."

Brian grinned. "It was my pleasure, I'm sure," he laughed. He pushed himself up so he was resting on his elbows. I smiled and leaned in the few inches, planting my lips on his. We kissed for a little while until Brian pulled away. "You best get outta here before I pull you down again for round three," he said.

"Okay," I replied and then kissed him once more. "I'll see you later."

When I walked in the front door, my mother was in the kitchen, starting to make an early dinner. She turned and looked through the cut-out between the living room and kitchen. "Hi sweety, how was your night?" she asked with her motherly smile.

"It was good... sorry I didn't come home," I apologized.
,br> "It's alright. Val's up in her room. She told me to send you up when you got home."

"Okay, thanks," I said, going over to kiss her cheek quickly before heading upstairs. I walked down the hall to Val's room where I knocked on the door. It opened and I felt her grab my arm and pull me inside, closing the door behind her.


"You dirty little whore," she glared at me. I was speechless.... she must have found out about Brian and me. I just stared at her, not saying a world. Suddenly she burst out laughing. "I'm kidding Michelle. You know I love you... I just don't love when I come looking for you and find my friend's dick down your throat. Not pleasant," she scolded.

"You... -- you," I stuttered.

"Yeah, totally walked in on that when I came upstairs to try and find you. What else did you do, tramp?" she laughed.

"We -- we uh..." I started to say.

"You fucked!" she gasped. "I can't believe it!"

"...Yeah. Oh my fucking God, he's brilliant. If you weren't with Matt I'd suggest for you to get with him a few times," I smirked.

"Wait... so you guys aren't dating?" Val asked as she sat on her bed.

"Nope. Just friends," I shrugged.

"You're so weird Michelle."

"You think
I'm weird?You're the one that manages to always walk in on me at the worst of times, so beat that."