Milestones: Teenagers

Chapter Sixteen


I took a deep breath as I walked up to a door I had only been through a few times, pausing with my fist raised. I readied myself for what I was about to do, and brought my hand down, rapping my knuckles against the painted wood.

I stood silent for a minute, waiting for the door to open, if it would at all. I was about to knock again, my fist hovering in the air, when the door opened, and familiar black hair and blue eyes looking back at me from inside the house.

"Um... Hey..." Greyson said, his voice quiet. He was obviously shocked to see me there. I'd have been shocked too if I were him.

"Hey," I replied, my voice just as soft. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other as we both just stood there looking at each other.

"Did you need something?"

I licked my lips quickly before I spoke. "Actually, I was wondering if we could talk." Greyson just looked at me a moment before he took a step closer, standing in the threshold to look around outside. I cocked an eyebrow at him as his eyes came back to mine.

"Just...making sure you didn't have Brian or someone waiting to kick my ass again," he mumbled, his cheeks turning red. "You can come in... I actually wanted to talk to you too after I saw you in the hall today." Grey stepped back into the house and off to the side, holding the door and allowing me to come in.

I was led into the living room and noticed that the house was quiet compared to the other time I had been there. I took a seat quietly on the sofa.

"Where is everyone?"

Grey took the space next to me, leaning back into the cushion. "Parents are at work, Molly's at this after-school day care thing she goes to," he stated, looking across the room before looking over at me once more. It then clicked in my head that the only time I'd been inside the house was on a Saturday, when everyone was home.

"Oh," I replied. "Well, what I wanted to talk to you about was-"

"No wait, I think I should say something first, before you go on," Grey cut in, and I saw the look in his eyes; desperation and remorse.

"O -- okay," I stuttered shortly, and I sat back so he could continue.

He stayed quiet for a moment before taking a breath. Grey looked over at me shortly before looking down at his hands as he wrung them together. "I didn't think it would be this hard to say," he mumbled to himself.

"Just take your time," I said, letting him know that I didn't need him to rush. He cleared his throat, still looking down at his hands though they had stopped moving.

"I'm sorry," he finally blurted out. I knew that it was an apology he wanted to give just by the way he was acting, so it didn't come as too much of a surprise to me. "I don't know what got into me that day, but I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. I shouldn't have done what I did to you, and it took getting my ass beat to realize that. I just wanted to apologize for wronging you like that, and for making you hate me," he stated all in one breath, like if he didn't get it out all at once, it wouldn't come out at all.

"You didn't make me hate you," I lied to him, "but you did hurt me, and you did do something wrong. Apology accepted." Grey just nodded, finally looking up at me for the first time since we'd sat down, pretty much.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?" he pressed.

"Well... Over the past months that we've not really spoken or seen each other, I realized that... I still had feelings for you. I couldn't seem to really get over them, and I don't think I can eve now, so I just... Wanted to come see you," I lied once more, hoping he'd take the bait and become a pawn in my plan to get Brian back for the emotions he made me feel. Getting back with Greyson seemed to be a surefire way to get him to at least realize what he had done to me when he left me high and dry.

"I really haven't stopped thinking about you either. I mean, partially because I couldn't stop thinking about how stupid I had been, and then because... I really did feel for you when we were together. I guess one of the reasons why I tried to take things further was because the last two girls I had dated were like that. They wanted things to move fast, so I kinda got to the point in my head where I thought every girl was like that," Greyson explained, and I nodded even though it seemed like complete bullshit.

I took a deep breath, forcing the next few words out of my mouth, knowing it was for the greater good of my plan. "I really think we should try 'us' again." It was all I could do not to physically cringe at my words, but as soon as Greyson smiled, I knew that I had gotten the ball rolling. Just how far that ball would roll was something I'd have to wait and see about.

"I think I could do that," he responded softly, taking my hand gently with his. "And I promise, we only move farther when you want to. I can wait for you," he finished, and I was just aching to know in advance if that would really be true in the end. A part of me knew that people aren't likely to change out of their ways over the course of a few months, and that once they've done something they'll be sure to do it again, but I was already in too deep to get out of it.

I just smiled, hoping to play off the role. I just needed to stay with him long enough for the plan to really effect Brian and get him to realize that he needed me. I just needed to make him jealous was all. To further cement the deal, I had the sudden idea to kiss Grey - make it authentic. I was almost repulsed at the idea, but as I pulled his face down to mine, I envisioned Brian, which was much easier to do once I had closed my eyes. It wasn't that Grey wasn't good looking, I just thought he was a despicable person after what he did to me. But I needed this to work.

My hands were on his cheeks as our lips touched, and all I could think of were Brian's lips on mine and the way his hands felt against my bare skin as we fucked.

As the kiss progressed, it even started to
feel like I was kissing Brian and I lost all control and moaned quietly, my lips parting. I kept my eyes closed as his tongue slipped into my mouth, pressing against mine in languid strokes. I slid my hands back into his hair, feeling the silky black locks - and the remembered I wasn't kissing Brian at all but rather Greyson, someone I found slightly repulsive.

Quickly I ended the kiss, not being too hasty so as to make Grey believe I just needed to come up for air. I pulled away and opened my eyes, the mirage of Brian and what I envisioned us doing vanishing as I stayed back into icy blue eyes. I didn't realize til then how much I really preferred chocolate brown ones.

I walked into the house that late afternoon to be met by my sister and Matt - no surprise there - in the living room, cuddled together on the couch as they watched some show on the television. Val picked her head up off Matt's shoulder as I headed for the stairs.

"Where were you all afternoon?" she queried.

"What do you mean all afternoon? It's only four-thirty," I questioned back, trying to hold off on answering for as long as I could. Val huffed and rolled her eyes, and I caught Matt smirking at her as she did so.

"You know what I
meant... Where were you after school then?" she re-asked.

"Nowhere important," I muttered, trying to make it to the stairs again.

"Well I know that you weren't with Brian, considering he was practically attached to Sydney in his car after school got out," she said, and I turned to her with a glare. Sometimes she really just doesn't think before she says something.

"Was that really necessary? Of course I wouldn't be with him..." I nearly spat back at her.

Val's face softened as she realized how much she had just hurt my feelings. "Sorry..." she whispered, and her demeanor was enough for me to get away and up to my room, closing myself in.

What Val had said about Brian was enough to fuel my fire. Being with Greyson wouldn't be as hard to deal with not that I was even more upset. I didn't even feel any guilt about using him. I was at the point where I'd literally do anything to get Brian jealous, and if this plan worked, I'd get exactly what I wanted.

Too bad I didn't know that al my plan would do was cause pain as it completely backfired all over me.