Milestones: Teenagers

Chapter Twenty


While the competitiveness between Brian and I died down, there was still one thing standing between us, keeping us from getting together for good. Well,
two things actually. His girlfriend Kyla, and my boyfriend Steve.

Once we were both civil to each other we actually settled down exclusively with other people. The relationships were both picked up around the same time and were only a few weeks old, completely unlikely to last long as graduation neared. But it was nice that Brian was with one girl and one girl only, even if it wasn't me, and I was thrilled that I didn't have to keep pretending to hook up with other guys to make him jealous. I mean, sure I was a bit jealous of Kyla, but I had Steve and needed to focus on him.

Steve was a nice guy. He was on Zack's baseball team, first baseman, and Zack actually introduced us when Val, Matt, and I went to one of his home games. I personally thought Val had something to do with it, but just shrugged it off.

He was really pretty too. Man pretty. He had dark brown eyes that unfortunately looked a lot like Brian's, and short blond hair that was
really soft when I ran my fingers through it. He was soft spoken sometimes, usually when it was just him and me together, but Val liked him, the guys liked him, and Brian...tolerated him, so it was good enough for me. I think Val was actually really excited when Steve and I started dating; yet another reason to believe she had something to do with setting us up.

And as for Kyla, she wasn't half bad either. She just seemed like too much of a nice, innocent girl for Brian's tastes and I wondered what his motives for dating her were, but she was nice and she was pretty, and she didn't care that Brian's best friend was a girl, namely...
me. Maybe she just knew that since Brian and I had been friends longer than they'd been dating, that if she fussed or started shit about it he would dump her. But whatever it was, she almost seemed like a future Rita. And that I had no problem with.

I waited on the other side of the chain-link fence of the baseball field after the boys' baseball game finished for Steve and Zack to gather their things. I smiled when I saw them leaving the dugout and heading my way, and Steve greeted me with a peck on the lips.

"You guys played good. I wouldn't be surprised if you've got a nice burn mark on your leg tomorrow, Zacky. That was a pretty sick slide into home plate," I laughed, and he just made a face at me before attempting to give me a hug.

"Nuh uh Baker, you're sweaty and gross, I don't want you touching me," I giggled as I stepped away.

"Oh but he can kiss you? He's all sweaty too, like I am," Zacky pointed out, and I shrugged.

"Lips don't sweat..." I said and I watched as Zacky glanced at Steve, who looked back at him before they both nodded. I knew they were planning something so I took off running away from the field, only to have Zack hot on my heels.

"Come here!" he laughed as he lunged toward me, but I looked over my shoulder and jumped in the other direction, causing him to trip and fall face-first into the grass. I stopped running as I saw it happen and laughed so hard I had to wipe the tears away from my eyes and rub the cramp in my stomach.

"Oh God, Zack. That was perfect. I wish I had a camera," I laughed as I tried to calm myself down.

"Yeah, well, I wish I had a camera too so I could catch the look on your face when..." he paused as he got back up on his feet, dusting himself off as I unexpectedly felt a pair of arms wrap around me, "...
that happens," Zacky finished with a smirk. My eyes widened as he slowly got closer and closer

"Zacky... No! Steve, let me go!" I screamed as I struggled to get out of his grip. All Steve did was laugh as Zack got closer, and then kiss me on the cheek.

"Sorry..." he laughed as Zack stood in front of me. I watched in horror as he wiped his sweaty brow with his hand and brought it close to my face.

"Do it and I'll bite you," I warned, but he just laughed as Steve locked my arms behind my back. "Guys this isn't fair!" I complained, huffing at them. I cringed as Zack's sweaty hand came closer to my face. "Alright, alright! I'll give you a damn hug, just please don't wipe that on me," I begged, and both Zack and Steve began laughing again before letting me go.

Zack wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug and then sneakily rubbed his face into my cheek. I shrieked and pushed him away while he continued to laugh.

"You are so mean to me," I pouted, and Zack just smiled.

"Well you whine more than your sister does when Matt does the same thing to her."

"Yeah well... Val's used to Matt's sweat being...
all over in places it doesn't belong," I defended, and then all three of us laughed harder as the guys grabbed their bags and we headed to the parking lot. We parted ways as Zack got in his car and Steve and I got into Steve's.

"You doing anything tomorrow night?" Steve asked out of the blue as he drove away from the school.

"Why? You wanna do something?" I asked as he took my hand in his and squeezed it lightly. He smiled as he looked at me briefly before looking back at the road.


"I don't think I'm doing anything, so keep your plans open. I'll let you know for sure tomorrow morning when you come get me," I answered as he turned onto my street, pulling up to my house shortly after.

"I'll call you tonight if I'm not too busy," Steve said as he parked the car, and I nodded with a smile, understanding what he meant. His grades were starting to slip a little low, so his baseball coach demanded him to get his ass in gear before he was cut from the team. His free nights now consisted of doing a lot of studying and homework.

"See you," I said quietly and then leaned over to kiss him, leaving my lips there for a moment before pulling away. Steve's hand found its way to my cheek and he pulled me back in, both of us chuckling, and kissed me again, pressing a little harder before he let me go with a smile.

"Bye," he whispered, and I kissed his cheek for good measure before I stepped out of his car and walked up to the house.

The next day I had confirmed I was free for the night to Steve, and he suggested we go see a movie together. Since we didn't have any classes together and he wasn't constantly hovering over me like Greyson used to, I didn't really get to see him at all until after school got out.

The day seemed to be going perfectly well, no hitches or anything, until the class rolled around. But it wasn't the class itself that was the problem; I didn't even make it to class. Just as I was at my locker to grab my books, Brian showed up.

"Hey," I said with a smile.


"What are you doing?" I asked as I grabbed my physics book.

"You won't be needing that," Brian said, ignoring my question as he tok the book from my hands, tossed it back into the locker, and then shut the door.


"Just follow me," he said quietly, looking around the hall quickly before grabbing my hand in his and tugging me after him. It was like an instant replay of the day we had that little fight; he pulled me down the stairs, out the door, and around the corner of the school. Only this time, no one was outside, and we were completely alone.

"What's all this about?" I asked, but Brian backed me into the brick wall of the school and the next thing I knew, his lips were pressed against mine, his hands on my hips. I wanted to pull away at first, my eyes open wide in shock as his is moved sensually against my own. I knew it was wrong; I knew I had Steve and Brian had Kyla, and that he should not be kissing me at all, but I just couldn't pull away.

My eyes slowly fluttered shut as I let out a sigh, my hand slowly sliding up his chest to his neck. His tongue poked its way through my lips to move slowly against mine, and it felt as exhilarating as the first time we kissed. Granted, Val wasn't around to interrupt us, but I was thankful for that because I wanted that moment to last as long as it could, because there was no saying the next time I would be able to kiss Brian like that again, if I ever would at all.

As our tongues pressed passionately back and forth, our breathing coming a little faster the more heated it got, I felt Brian's hands move to the front of my jeans, undoing the button and pulling down the zipper. I didn't stop him, just kept my lips pressed into his as I felt him tug the denim material down a bit. His one hand returned to my hip, but the other slowly touched my stomach lightly, sending shivers down my spine. He slipped his hand inside the top of my panties, moving down slowly until his fingers pressed into my clit.

I breathed out shakily through my nose as I kissed him harder, gripping his hair in one hand. His fingers slid down even lower, pressing against my entrance lightly. I moved my legs a little farther apart for him, and he stepped closer to me, between my legs.

I broke apart from the kiss with a moan as I felt him slide a finger into me. My eyes opened lazily and I caught the smirk on Brian's lips as he slowly moved his finer inside me, adding a second one shortly after. He started pumping faster, causing me to moan again, louder.

"Ssh... I don't need someone coming out here and finding us like this. I'd like to keep my school suspensions to a minimal this year," he chuckled, but I just closed my eyes tightly as I felt him twist his fingers. It felt so good to have him touching me like that, after not being able to for a few months.

I started to rock my hips, pushing them down onto his hand to drive him deeper.

"Ooooh, you like that?" Brian snickered, moving his fingers even faster. I could feel my juices coating him, making his fingers that much more slippery.

"Mmmmh," I sighed out, gripping the back of his neck and bringing him back down to kiss me. I moaned into his mouth as my legs began to shake under me, making me have to hold onto him tighter to keep myself from falling to the ground in pleasure.

"Fuck," I hissed as I pulled away again, Brian moving to my neck to bite and suck as I tightened around his fingers.

"Shit, Brian don't!" I whispered urgently. I felt him smile against my skin.

"Why not?"

"Because you're gonna leave a fucking hickey and Steve's gonna see it," I hissed, and he abruptly stopped, pulling away to examine what damage had already been done.

"Don't worry... It's just a little red but it'll go away in a couple minutes," he said.

"It better or I'm fucking screwed," I growled, kissing Brian again.

"I'll screw you alright..." he chuckled, slamming his fingers up into me once more and pressing them around, rubbing them in one place in particular.

"Fuck!" I almost yelled as I felt my orgasm building. Brian's free hand moved up to my mouth, clamping over it to keep me from giving us away again as I went over the edge and finally calmed down. I took a deep breath and I sighed, leaning back against the wall as Brian pulled his fingers from me, wiping them on the back of his jeans. He moved his hands back to my waist and mine curled up around his shoulders as I pulled him in, kissing his lips softly a few times.

"I'll see you later?" he asked more than stated as he rested his forehead against mine.

"Okay..." I breathed out before he pecked my lips and let go, walking back inside. I waited outside for a few minutes, catching my breath before I went inside as well.

"So what movie do you want to see?" Steve asked as my hand was held gently in his own. We stared up at the board of movies, trying to decide.

"Um.. How about The Virgin Suicides?" I asked, turning to look up at Steve with a smile.

"Sounds good to me," he answered, and we got in line to purchase our tickets.

"Do you want me to get anything from the snack bar?" he asked after we had out tickets and were ready to go. I opened my mouth to answer when I was cut off.


I turned around only to see Brian and Kyla hand in hand walking in our direction, a pair of tickets in hand and a smile on Brian's face.

"Funny seeing you here," I said with a confused smile.

"Same could be said of you. What movie you guys seeing?" he asked in return.

"The Virgin Suicides, you?"

"The same, actually."

"Huh what a coincidence," I said dryly while giving Brian a knowing look.

"Baby, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Kyla said quietly before kissing Brian on the cheek and walking away.

"How's it going Steve?" Brian asked nonchalantly.

"Pretty good, and yourself?"

"Not bad, not bad at all," Brian answered, his eyes flickering to me momentarily.

"I'm gonna go get popcorn. You want anything?" Steve asked, his voice lowered to me.

"No, I'm good, thanks," I answered with a shake of my head, and he left Brian and I alone in the lobby of the theatre.

"So... How did you know I was going to be here tonight?" I whispered, and amused smirk playing on my lips.

"I... may have casually asked your sister where you were tonight," Brian answered with his cute smirk.

"Yes... But how did you pick the exact same movie?"

"Oh, well that was a complete chance, considering Kyla was the one who chose."

"You ready to go?" Steve asked as he came back with a popcorn bag and a soda. Kyla was also quick to return.

"We should sit together," Brian suggested. I could see the glimmer in his eyes and knew he was up to something. He was probably going to try and make me feel even more guilty about fooling around with him when I was with Steve.

It was only halfway through the movie when I felt someone tapping repeatedly on my knee. I looked over discreetly to see Brian, who was looking back. All he did was nod his head quickly; I knew what he wanted. But I needed to tell him that as long as we weren't together, this whole sneaking around thing needed to stop. I wanted to end it then and there before it got too carried away.

I heard Brian whisper to Kyla that he needed to step outside for a smoke before he stood up an made his way out of the theatre. I waited a few minutes before declaring to Steve that I needed to use the restroom and that I would be back momentarily.

As I exited the theatre I found Brian waiting outside in the hall for me. He smiled and then headed out of the building and to his car; all I could do was follow him as he went along. He unlocked he car and get in the driver's seat; I sighed and sat in the front next to him.

"Brian, we
can't continue this," I said quietly as I looked at him pointedly from across the console.

"That's not what you were
moaning earlier," he teased. "Come on, we gotta make this fast, we've only got about five minutes for this." With that, he unbuttoned his jeans, lifting his hips slightly to pull them down to his knees. My eyes wandered down to his lap where his boxers were trying to hide his erection.

"Did you walk out here with that?" I chuckled, looking back into his eyes.

"Well, yeah. That's why I was walking so damn fast."

"And what caused you to get one in the first place?" I giggled.

"Kyla wouldn't keep her hands off me and I got a little excited," he explained. I scoffed at him.

"And you dragged
me out here to take care of it for you and left yourgirlfriend inside?" He was completely unbelievable sometimes.

"It made me think about you. Now shut your mouth, the clock's tickin'," Brian growled as he leaned over and caught me in a kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth quickly, and I wanted to pull away in protest... But I couldn't. It was like he had this power over me that I couldn't beat.

Five minutes later, after a quick makeout session and hand job, Brian and I went back to the theatre, going to separate bathrooms to wash up. We decided to be less conspicuous by entering the theatre
together, due to Brian's sense that it was actually more suspicious to walk in at different times. That way, no one would assume anything suspicious was going on at all, and it would be unexpected. I didn't get it, but the fool's idea actually worked.