Milestones: Teenagers

Chapter Twenty-Two


"What do you think of this one?" I asked Val as I stepped out of the dressing room. Prom was in a week, and I had yet to find a dress. Currently, I was wearing a creamy yellow knee length dress with thin shoulder straps, a tight bodice, and a skirt that puffed out a bit. It was nice, but I wasn't sold on it.

Val made a face that almost resembled a grimace as she sat in one of the chairs, nodding her head back and forth as she looked me up and down. "Turn for me," she instructed, and I slowly did so, coming back to face her.

"Well, the color goes really well with your hair..." she started to say but then paused.

"...But," I pressed, wondering what she was about to say next.

"What colors did you say were in Brian's tux?"

"He told me it was just standard black and white," I shrugged, turning my head to look in the mirror as I smooth the material of the dress over my stomach.

"So you cold wear any color?" she persisted.

"Pretty much," I answered, turning back to her.

"Well in that case, I'd say it's a no for this one. You could do better," she said, a little smile on her lips as she shooed me back into the dressing room. I just nodded my head as I turned and went back in, pulling the dress off and searching for another of the ones I had in there.

"Hey Mich?" I heard Val ask from outside.

"Yeah?" I asked back as I picked up a teal blue, floor length halter dress, looking it over.

"Are you and Brian even dating?"

"Uh... No, not yet."

"What the hell? I thought I told you the night of Zack's party that you were supposed to get him to break up with Kyla so he could be with you?" she asked incredulously. I sighed, setting the teal dress down and moving to another.

"I know... It just hasn't gotten that far yet."

"For Christ's sake, Mich, you've already slept with him, numerous times might I add," she said, and I silently thanked God that we were alone in the dressing room. "Is it really that hard to just friggen... ask him out already?"

"I'm kinda waiting on him to make that move," I answered. I heard her sigh and could just picture her shaking her head.

"You're hopeless, Michelle. Completely hopeless," she said, and I rolled my eyes, looking through the other few dresses.

"You know what?" Val piped up after a few moments of silence.


"Brian really likes purple, so I think you should try that... Either purple or white," she trailed off. I stuck my head past the curtain hiding my cubicle from the rest of the room.

"Isn't white a bit too... wedding?"

"...Depends on if you're getting married," she chuckled, sticking her tongue out at me. "You got a purple one in there?" she asked. I turned back into my changing room and looked, nodding though she couldn't see me.

"Yeah, I do."

"Put it on and we'll see what it looks like."

I pulled the dress off the hanger and slid into it, liking the way the tight corset strapless bodice hugged my curves on the top. The gown was floor length and faded from a magenta color at the very top to royal purple throughout most of the bodice and skirt, to a midnight black at the bottom. After tying up the back as best as I could, I pulled back the curtain and stepped out, watching as my sister looked up from her lap. Her eyes widened as she looked at me.

"Turn again..." she said very curiously, so I did. When I was facing her, she had a mile wide smile. "I think we have a winner."

"Michelle!" I heard my name screamed down the hall. I was sat in front of my mirror in my room, finishing up the curls I had put in my hair and pinning back the sides, letting the rest cascade down my back. I had done my makeup simple with royal purple eye shadow like the majority of my dress, black eyeliner, mascara, and a light pink glaze on my lips.
"What?!" I called back, knowing it was my sister being too lazy to walk down the hall from her room.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Not yet!" I called back. I still had to put my dress and shoes on, but other than that, I was set to go. Suddenly I heard footsteps tromping down to my room.

"What do you mean you're not ready? Where's your dress?" she practically yelled at me. I smiled, despite her attitude, at her dress. It was a shimmery silver color, and hung about her legs - unlike mine, which slightly puffed out.

"You look nice," I commented, but she completely ignored me.

"Do you realize the limo's gonna be here in like... Five minutes?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's not gonna take me that long to get in my dress and put on my heels, Val. Chill out," I chuckled, standing up and going to my closet, where the dress was hanging. She just huffed loudly and left, closing my door behind her, and I continued to get ready.

Slowly I descended the stairs, holding the skirt of my dress up slightly so I didn't step on it or trip myself up. I could hear laughter coming from the living room, signaling that the guys were indeed there with the limo. When I turned into the living room I saw Matt and my sister together, posing as my mother bombarded them with the camera. My eyes landed on Brian, who was standing across the room next to the couch where Jimmy, Zacky, and Zacky's date were sitting. None of them had seen me yet.

"Look, there she is," Val nearly squealed, causing my mother to turn and look at me, along with everyone else.

"Oh sweetie, you look beautiful," my mother cooed, and I couldn't help but smile. I looked over at Brian and smirked as I caught his eyes looking me up and down a few times. Slowly a smile came to his lips and he walked over to me, sliding his arms around my waist and pulling me closer, resting his forehead against mine.

"You look gorgeous," he whispered.

"So do you," I replied, taking in how well he looked in his tuxedo. I'd never seen him so dressed up before, and it was a nice change. He smiled before pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss, keeping it PG rated considering my mom was nearby, and then the guy sin the room started cat-calling and hooting, causing us to pull away. I shook my head, smiling up at Brian at their antics and then laughed at him.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"You have lip gloss on you..." I chuckled, reaching up to wipe it away from his bottom lip.

"Okay you guys, picture time!" my mother called, and Brian took my hand and led me over to the wall we were doing the photos against. He wrapped one arm around my waist and I put my hand on his chest leaning into him, and smiled, waiting for my mother to take the shot so we could leave.

"Brian, get your hand out of your pocket!" my mother ordered playfully, and he laughed.

"Sorry," he apologized, doing as told, and I looked up at him to shake my head. He looked down at that exact moment and smiled, and the next thing I knew a flash was going off.

"That was so cute," Val giggled, and I rolled my eyes. After a few more pictures, my mother allowed us to leave. I glanced over at Zacky and realized there was something profoundly different about him.

"Zack, did you dye your hair?" I asked, and he smiled, nodding as he ran his fingers through his new black hair, his other hand held tightly to his date's.

"Yeah, you like?"

"Yeah. It's definitely an improvement from that thing you had before," I laughed before looking at his date. "Who's this?"

"This..." Zacky said, looking over at his date with an adoring smile, "is my date, and girlfriend, Sarah."

"Hi," she said, a small smile gracing her lips, and I smiled back, returning the greeting.

"So are you two coming home tonight or are you staying at Matt's and Brian's?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, we're going home with them," I answered for the both of us, feeling Brian tug on my arm, trying to get me out the door.

"Alright. Have a good time tonight, guys, I love you," she called after us, and we all headed out to the awaiting limo.

"Come on, let's go dance," I said to Brian, grabbing his hand to try and pull him up from his seat.

"Do I have to?" he whined.


"But my feet are tired," he whined again, jutting out his bottom lip.

"Brian..." I dragged out, whining back to him as I held my hand in his. "It's the last slow song... Please," I begged, and he sighed, giving in and standing up.

"Alright... Let's go," he said, pulling me out to the dance floor. He slid his arms around my waist and I slid mine up around his neck, feeling him pull me in close. I looked up at him and saw the lazy grin on his face as the light show flashed colors over his face.

"I had a really good time tonight, Brian," I said softly, threading my fingers through some of his hair and lightly caressing the back of his neck.

"I did too... Thank you for coming with me," he said lowly as he leaned down, pressing his lips against mine for what had to have been the millionth time that night. I parted mine beneath his, feeling his tongue graze against them before sliding into my mouth. When he pulled away he let out a sigh, looking down for a moment.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him, trying to gain his attention again.

"Listen... I really
really like you Michelle... But, I don't know if I can keep doing this," he sighed, and I felt my stomach drop.

"Doing what?" I asked, almost not wanting to hear what he was about to say next.

"This whole... hooking up thing. I ... I think I want more from this relationship," he said, pausing and quickly licking his lips. It took me a moment to register what exactly he had said, but then a smile started to shine through. "I don't know exactly what you want out of what we have right now... But if you don't want to be with me, in the way that I'd like you to be, then that's fine."

"Are you..." I started to say, but then stopped short.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he almost whispered, and I swear I about died and went to heaven.

"Yes," I answered, not being able to wipe the smile from my face. "Yes... God yes," I sighed and he brought me closer again to kiss my lips passionately. When he pulled away I let out a deep breath.

"I've been waiting to hear you as that for a really long time," I said, smiling up at him.

"I'm thinking I
should have a long time ago," Brian laughed, kissing me once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two in one day! Wewt, go me! This is for my KatiePotatie cuz I luffs her xoxox

Hope you guys liked it :)