Milestones: Teenagers

Chapter Twenty-Four


I woke to the rich smell of coffee, tingling in my nose and making me alert. Stretching slowly, I felt that Brian had left the bed and I was alone, which explained the coffee.

Throwing the blankets off, I grabbed a pair of lounge pants and slid them on over my panties, slowly making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I smiled to myself at the sight of Brian, stood at the stove, his hair slightly tousled and clothed in nothing but a pair of pajama pants. He hadn't heard my entrance, so I crept up behind him, slowly snaking my arms around his waist.

"Hey," I whispered, pressing a kiss against his bare back, the flesh warm against mine.

"Good morning," he answered, looking back at me from over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Making breakfast, what's it look like?" Brian said cheekily, and I lightly bit his shoulder causing him to growl.

"You didn't make breakfast the other mornings."

"Well, I'm being nice," he mumbled, and I slowly slid one hand down to his lower stomach, just below his navel, and lightly ran my fingers across the skin. "What are you doing?" he asked slyly, halting all movement. I sighed and rested my cheek against his back.

"Just thinking..."

"Of...?" he pressed, one of his hands resting over top mine and twining with my fingers.

"How nice it would be to live somewhere like here... with you," I said daringly, letting him know what was really on my mind. I quietly prayed that he wouldn't freak out from what I said, and for the most part he stayed pretty quiet at first.

"It would be nice, wouldn't it?" he said quietly, his hand still locked in mine, and I smiled, kissing his shoulder over the place I had previously bitten. I could really picture it, as scary as it was to think that far into the future. Living in big house where it was nice and quiet and waking up with Brian next to me every morning as something that I wish I had to look forward to, but there was no saying how long Brian and I were going to last, or if we'd even be able to withstand the test of time.

Pulling away from Brian, I walked to one of the overhead cabinets and pulled out a mug, pouring myself some coffee. Taking a sip, I looked back over at Brian, watching intently as he flipped the pancakes he was making. He must have felt my stare on him, because only moments later he was looking back at me, and adorable smile gracing his lips.

"What?" I asked of his smile, and took another sip.

"Nothing, just... We've only been here what? Four days? And already you're growing attached. It's cute."

"It's cute," I mocked, sticking my tongue out at him childishly. Smiling evilly, Brian left his place at the stove and advanced on me, cornering me against the counter after taking the mug out of my hand and setting it down.

You're cute," he whispered, and I barely caught the twinkle in his eyes before he pressed his lips to mine, his hands gripping gently on my hips. After he hadn't pulled away for a couple seconds, I draped my arms around his shoulders, pulling his body into mine as his tongue pushed past my lips, lightly caressing my own.

We stayed like that for some time until the smell of something burning caused me to pull away.

"You better save those pancakes before you ruin our breakfast," I shot at him playfully and Brian quickly left my side, dashing to the stove.

"What do you mean, before
I ruin breakfast? It'd have been just as much your fault," Brian informed, a smile present on his lips. It seemed that smiling was the only thing we knew how to do when we were together. If we didn't stop all that smiling soon, surely our cheeks would cramp up. I guess that was just the way we made each other feel. After all the time I spent wanting Brian to be mine, I could finally stop trying and actually have him. And I didn't want to let go anytime soon.

The sound of the water quietly rolling over the small rocks on the side of the river, where Brian's spot was, was calming as I searched the ground for flat skipping stones. Brian was sat cross-legged on a large stone, a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he watched me. After finding a few that were big and flat enough, I stepped to the water's edge, my bare feet getting a little wet as the water lapped against them. A few f the stones ended up skipping almost all the way across the river, but most weren't so lucky.

Once I was out of rocks, I took a few steps out into the river, the water coming up to mid-calf, and had a look around. The space on this river that Brian had dubbed 'his' was very much like a little cove. The current didn't pull outward much at al, causing there to be a sort of wading pool along the shore. I couldn't tell how deep the river got in this little pool, but it looked inviting, one side of it being sheltered by a wall of rocks, where the land of the shore sloped steeply upward and dropped off like a cliff.

"Is this water clean?" I asked Brian, walking back to the dry rocks. Flicking his cigarette butt down to burn out on the rocks, Brian looked up at me slightly confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Like... clean enough to go swimming?"

"Yeah, I guess, but-" Brian began to say, but his answer was all I needed to hear before I slowly stripped off my shirt and shorts. "...What are you doing?" I heard him ask as he jumped down from his seat, his shoe-clad feet crunching the rocks.

Grabbing the clasp of my bra and unhooking it, I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Going swimming, duh," I answered, sliding my panties down my legs and tossing them with the rest of my clothes along the dry rocks. "Come on," I beckoned to him, and then quickly made my way into the water, shivering as it came all the way up to my shoulders at the deepest point. Turning back to the shore, I watched as Brian quickly rid himself of all clothing, leaving them scattered along the rocks with mine.

"God this is cold," he whined as the water went up over his hips.

"Shrinkage problem, Bri?" I teased, earning a cheeky glare from him as he joined me.

"You chicks have it so easy, man," he began to say, and I could see the goose bumps rippling across his skin.

"How so?" I asked, my voice low as I traced my hands along his chest, moving slowly down to his stomach. I could feel the muscles of his abdomen clenching from the cold and smirked.

"Cuz when you get cold, your nipples get hard, and that's it. When us guys get cold, our fucking dicks shrink up," he growled, and then moaned as I took his member into my hand.

"Want me to help you get it... Bigger?" I whispered, the lust coating my voice. Brian couldn't answer so he just shut his eyes and nodded his head. Leaning in as I began to move my hand along his slowly growing erection, I pressed my lips against his chest, moving my kisses slowly up to his neck where I started to lightly bite and suck at the skin.

Brian's hands gripped my waist as his breathing picked up, pulling my body closer to his before I felt his fingers slowly rubbing me, one slipping down to my entrance and pressing in, filling me up, sliding sensually in and out.

As soon as Brian was sufficiently hard, I let go and pushed off his chest with my hands, causing him to let go as I quickly swam away.

"What the hell?" he called out, opening his eyes to see me moving away. Without a moment's hesitation, Brian started off after me, chasing me toward the rock wall before finally catching up, grabbing my ankle and tugging me gently back to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" he growled playfully into my ear, and I laughed and he held me close and pressed kisses along my neck, laughing as well.

"I've been bad, Brian, what are you gonna do to me?" I whispered huskily into his ear, and he growled again, backing me up against the rock wall and wrapping my legs around his waist in one solid movement.

"I'm gonna do
this," he said, resting his forehead against mine as he lifted my hips and slowly slid into me, pushing in to the hilt. I let out the smallest of whimpers, my hands clutching at Brian's shoulders as he slowly began to thrust into me, his movements languid and fluid.

"Oh God, baby," I moaned, gasping into Brian's neck, only for him to nudge my face back so he could press his lips to mine, our tongues soon moving at the same slow, languid pace as our hips. "I lo-," I began to say, but quickly stopped not wanting to make things awkward.

"Hmm?" Brian grunted into my neck, quickening his pace as he brought us both closer to the edge.

"Fuck, I love what you do to me," I covered, hoping Brian wouldn't be able to see right through me.

With a few more quick thrusts, I could feel my muscles tightening around him, my legs quivering, and soon we were both moaning out one last time before falling off the edge and crashing down.
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Thanks for reading, guys! Hope you all enjoyed this one.
