Milestones: Teenagers



Come Monday it was time for school to begin again. Brian continued to make a point of saying hello to Michelle in the halls on a daily basis, and she made a point to smile and return the greetings each time. It was almost strange for her to think that even though they'd only known each other a grand total of three days, there was a sort of bond between them.

Michelle went through the entire day until she came upon Physics, which to her annoyance was a lab day, meaning she had to sit through the class for eighty minutes instead of the usual forty, full of nothing by physics. Normally she would just pull out a book and start reading, and due to the fact that she would always sit in the back of the room she was able to get away with it on most all occasions.

As she was heading from lunch hour to seventh period physics lab, Michelle caught sight of Brian at his locker, but he wasn't alone. There was a petite little brunette with him and they were talking and smiling at each other. Not being one to interrupt, Michelle by-passed them and headed into the physics classroom, where she took up her usual spot in the right back corner of the room. Being that there were a few more minutes until the rest of the class showed up and the teacher would begin the class, Michelle pulled out a book and read a few pages as she waited. Soon the other students began filing in, someone taking the seat to the left of Michelle which, until that day, had always stayed empty.

"Hey," the person greeted, causing Michelle to pick up her head and turn to the person with a smile. She was pleasantly surprised when she saw who it was.

"Brian, what're you doing here?" she asked as she closed the book and set it down.

"Well, I do have this class, so that might have something to do with it," he answered with a cheeky grin.

"Sorry, it's just odd seeing you here because you've never shown up. Is this some special occasion or something?" Michelle joked as she turned in her seat to face him better.

"Once I learned you were in this class, I figured I'd at least have something to do, and decided it was worth a shot. Which means you better make my pain and suffering worthwhile in some way or another."

"Oh God...I'll try, but I'm not promising anything," Michelle answered with a small chuckle before the bell rang, signaling to the class that it was time to start. For the first few minutes Michelle just stared off into space until the image of Brian and that girl in the hallway came to mind and she grabbed a piece of paper from her notebook to scribble out a note.
'Who was that girl that was at your locker just before class?' Brian read across the paper once it had found its place on his desk. Glancing at Michelle quickly with a little grin, he then looked down at the paper and began to write back.'Her name is Rita Soren. We're kinda dating.'

'How can you "kinda" date someone?' Michelle wrote back. 'She's cute though.' Handing the folded paper cautiously back to Brian, she waited as he wrote his reply and gave it back to her.
'Yeah, she's real sweet too. And we're "kinda" dating because I just asked her out today. I think I should introduce you to her. I think you'd like her.'

'Well, I'm game for that I guess. The more people I know here, the better. Anyway, so I think I'm doing a really shitty job of making your decision to be here worthwhile. I'd laugh and completely understand if you got up and left the room.'

Reading the note over, Brian stifled a laugh toward the end before taking his pen to the paper again.
'That would be pretty funny. But I gotta say it's not really your fault that this class blows more cock than all the sluts here...and trust me, that's a lot.'

''s really that bad here? I mean...some of the girls are totally obvious when you look at them, but I didn't think there were that many.' Michelle wrote down, completely unaware of what was going on around them in class. She really hadn't heard too much about the reputation of her fellow female classmates, but she trusted Brian's opinion that they weren't the cleanest of the bunch.
'Yeah, it's really that bad. Don't bring it up or anything, but Zack got involved with this one chick last year, and well...she was a lying little slut. Poor guy found out and had to go get checked. Thankfully he was fine, but it was kinda scary. Anyway, the teacher is starting to look over here a lot, so we'll have to talk later.' Brian sent back, and when Michelle read the note she glanced over at Brian and gave a small nod.

After what seemed like forever for Michelle, she and Brian finally stepped out of the physics class and into the hallway, where everyone else was busy heading to their lockers or out the hall.

"So this Rita'd you meet her?" Michelle asked as she decided to stroll down the hall with Brian to his locker, since he didn't object to it.

"She's in my gym class...she's got really nice legs," Brian answered with a grin before reaching his locker and spinning in the combination. Michelle just rolled her eyes in a playful manner toward Brian's comment. "Anyway, we got to talking, and I mean I've seen her around other years here and she's been in other classes, but we never really talked before. Apparently she's had this crush on me for years, and she's cute so I figured...why not?"

"Awwh, well aren't you just so cute, being nice to girls," Michelle cooed, earning a playful glare from Brian as he aimlessly shoved books into his back. "So when do I get to meet her?"

"Right now, if you want. I told her to meet me here and I'd give her a ride home after school was out. Go get your stuff," Brian said, and Michelle nodded before turning and jogging down the near-empty hall and up the stairs. It suddenly dawned on her that her locker was with the S's in the alphabet, so Rita's must have been near hers, somewhere. She smiled to herself when she realized she was right, seeing Rita putting things into her bag in a much neater and calmer way than Brian had.

Slowly walking up to the girl, who was an inch or two shorter than her, Michelle smiled. "Hey."

Looking up, Rita smiled uneasily, unsure as to who she was speaking with. "...Hi?"

"I'm Michelle...I'm a friend of Brians?" Michelle asked more than stated, and was relieved when a smile came across Rita's lips as she sighed. "He was going to introduce us downstairs, but I beat him to it."

"Oh, sorry," Rita said, apologizing for her confusion as she let out a small giggle. "You're Val's sister, aren't you?"

"Yup, but I was home schooled until now, so this is my first year," Michelle said as she walked backwards a few feet toward her locker, which was surprisingly only about six down the line from Rita's. "So, Brian huh?" Michelle asked with a smile as she looked over at Rita. She chuckled when she saw a small blush form over Rita's cheeks.

"Yeah. He's just so cute, you know?"

"He's really nice, too. Like, I've only known him for a week, and already we're pretty tight..."

"Oh, that's right. He's friends with Matt, so you probably see him a lot, don't you?" Rita asked as she shut her locker and came down to Michelle's.

"Yeah, he's around a lot. Anyway, he's still waiting downstairs, so I say we head down there," Michelle said before grabbing her things and shutting her locker as well, and the two girls headed down the stairs and back to Brian.

"Sorry, Brian. I beat you to it," Michelle said with a smirk as they approached him.

"I can see that," he answered back, putting an arm around Rita's shoulders as she came to stand next to him. "You just made my job easier."

"Anyway, I gotta go find my sister so I can get a ride home. I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Michelle asked, and the others nodded before she turned and headed back down the hall.

"Hey, Michelle!" Brian called after her, and she turned. "You want me to give you a ride?"

"Nah, it's fine. She's probably outside with Matt, waiting for me," Michelle answered. "You and Rita go be alone," she added with a wink, and then turned again, heading out of the school.