Milestones: Teenagers

Chapter Eight


"Guys, over here!" I beckoned Brian and Rita as they came in the door of the bowling alley. Grey and I had already reserved two lanes and had gotten our shoe rentals and we waited as Brian and Rita paid for their rentals and found bowling balls from the many that lined the walls.

"Heya," Rita smiled happily as she came and dropped her ball in the return, Brian following.

"Hey, you guys ready? We're pretty much going to kick your asses," I laughed.

"Oh you wish. I am the master of bowling," Brian said, sticking his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully.

"Outta my way, I'ma teach you whose boss," I said and stuck my tongue out at him in return, grabbing my ball from the return. I got up and got myself ready to throw my ball down at the pins when I saw Brian come and stand in the next lane with his ball, getting ready as well.

I turned and looked at him, his eyes looking back at me innocently. "Ladies first," he smiled cheekily.

"Then I suppose I'll have to wait for you to go?" I smirked.

"Well, if you insist," he laughed, and walked up to the lane, rolling his ball down and hitting eight pins.

"Not bad Haner, not bad," I said, and then got ready again, walking down the lane and tossing my ball. Strike.

"Lucky shot," Brian said, fake yawning.

"Believe what you want," I said, and then went to stand next to the ball return. Grey came up and stood behind me, and I felt his fingers hook into my beltloops and he pulled me back against him. I turned my head and smiled at him.

"Hi," I said happily and I wrapped my arms behind me, holding him to me.

"What's up with you and Brian?" he asked quietly into my ear.

"What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows; I didn't get what he meant. Brian and I were getting along just fine.

"Well, you guys are awefully flirty," Grey pointed out as I watched Brian throw his second ball, knocking down his remaining pins and getting a spare.

"No we're not. We're always like this. We're just really close is all," I denied. What was it with people thinking I had a thing for Brian? Why couldn't they just see we were really good friends, and nothing more?"

"Okay, whatever you say," Grey sighed, resting his chin on my head considering he's about as tall as Jimmy... and well, Jimmy's a giant. He squeezed my hips before he went up with Rita so they could throw their first frame. Brian came and stood next to me, crossing his arms as he watched the other two bowl.

"You guys are awefully... touchy-feely tonight," Brian said, so only the two of us could hear, without even looking at me.

"You're just jealous, Brian," I smirked.

"Hah. Nah, I have a girlfriend, I'm set," he said and smiled.

"I didn't say you were jealous of Grey. I meant you're totally jealous of me," I said, pushing his arm slightly.

"Oh, you're totally right. I so wanna shack up with him. He is such a babe," Brian replied, putting on a fake gay accent. he looked over at me and we both started laughing.

I shook my head at him. "Oh Brian, you're such a riot."

"Totally," he smiled, and Rita walked up to him, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

We continued to all joke around and have a good time and ended up playing three games. My best score was a 168, Brian's was a 194 (he really was pretty good at bowling), Rita got a 153, and Greyson bowled a 140. He was deemed the Pathetic Loser of bowling by myself, but I'd make it up to him.

The four of us returned the bowling balls and then took the shoes back to the rental place before leaving the alley.

"Oh, no fucking way," Grey said as he scanned the parking lot. I looked up at him only to see an angry scowl.

"What is it?" I asked.

"My fucking car is gone," he growled. "Did you tell Jimmy I was gonna be here?" he asked, turning to Brian, who appeared to be trying to conceal his laughter.

"It might've slipped when he asked where I was going tonight," Brian shrugged.

"God..." fumed Greyson. "That dipshit always comes and takes my car, just to piss me off."

"Erm... how'd Jimmy get in your car and drive away with it if you had the keys the whole time we were inside?" I asked.

"Jimmy knows how to pick car door locks and hotwire an engine... he's not stupid," Grey said.

"Well, stop throwing a fit and I'll take you guys home," Brian said, pulling out his keys as he held Rita's hand. We all piled into Brian's car - Greyson and I in the back seat.

After a couple minutes, Brian pulled up outside my house and Grey and I got out.

"Where you going?" Brian asked him.

"I'll be right back," he said, and he walked me up to the porch.

"So I uh... I had a good time... again," Grey said, his shyness seeming to come back like it had the time before.

"Me too," I smiled. "We should definitely do that again sometime."

"I'm in, as long as it's just you and me. Brian hates me, so having him there is kinda awkward. I think he's got it bad for you."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Well, I was watching him, and he basically couldn't keep his eyes off you the entire time," Grey informed me.

"We're just friends, nothing more. If you're worried about him being a threat--"

"Woah, darling. Who said anything about feeling threatened?" he smiled, cutting me off. He stepped closer to me. I closed my mouth and smiled as he put his arms around me. He leaned down to kiss my cheek again, and just as his lips were about to touch my skin, I turned my head, catching him in a kiss. He was surprised for a second or two, but then pulled me closer to him, pressing his lips harder against mine. He didn't even try to put his tongue anywhere, which was why I was smiling when we pulled apart. Now I was convinced he wasn't the guy Val and Brian tried to warn me about. That and the fact that he tried to initially kiss my cheek were enough to convince me he wasn't a skeeze.

"So I'll see you at school," I said and pulled away, putting my hand on the doorknob behind me. He smiled and nodded, releasing me from his arms, and headed back down to Brian's car. I walked inside the house and Val was looking at me, a scowl on her face. I stopped in my tracks and blinked at her.


"I'm totally grossed out cuz I just saw you kiss him," she said, and looked disgusted.

"What, were you spying on me?" I laughed, because she looked so grossed out.

"No. I went up to the door to look out and see why Brian's car was just sitting there for five freaking mintes, and I see you and Grey sucking face."

"We weren't sucking face. It was just one kiss and I kissed him, thank you very much," I said as I took off my shoes.

"Ew, I don't know why you would even want to. You'd look better with Jimmy... and Jimmy's weird," Val grumbled.

"Yeah, but I don't know Jimmy," I pointed out.

"Well then I shall make you meet him and you can totally suck faces with him instead. Or... better yet, you'd look great sucking face with Brian," she smirked. I glared at her.

"Would you drop the whole thing with me and Brian? He's got a girlfriend, and I'm interesting in someone else entirely, and he looks good with Rita," I huffed, flopping down on the couch.

"You and Grey aren't dating, are you?" Val grimaced.

"No, but if we were, would it really matter?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"A little. It's just... you're my baby sister--"

"Yeah, by five minutes," I rolled my eyes.

"--and I just don't want to see you get hurt by some douchebag who's not even worthy of your time, okay?" my sister asked, her voice growing soft and concern gleaming from her eyes.

"I know... But, trust me, I can handle this," I protested.

"How do you know? You've never had a boyfriend and you barely even know Greyson."

"And you do?" I shot back.

"Not from any personal experiences, but I've had friends of mine talk about him. It's not pretty stuff," Val shrugged.

"Alright, alright. If Greyson and I end up dating, I'll be extra careful and not do something stupid. Does that make you feel any better?" I sighed.


"Well, we'll just have to deal with your issues on this when, and if the time comes. Nothing bad's gonna happen to me, okay?" I asked softly. She nodded and I stood up to go to my room.

Little did I know, I had no idea what exactly I was getting myself into with this kid.