Thoughts of You


Paul and i have been hanging out for a while now and every day we grow closer and closer!
but every day we're togeather it reminds me that he will be leaving soon, and that day just got closer and closer.

"wheres your boyfriend?" my mother asked as she came home from lunch.
"i dont know, out with the boys i guess" i shrugged walking over to the table and sitting down "you guys look so cute togeather!" she sighed with a big smile sitting down with me taking my hand "thanks, but everytime im with him i cant help but to think how hes leaving in a week! i mean we just got in a realtionship and then hes leaving! and its not like hes only a few cities away" i said slamming my head onto the table. "itll work out somehow baby, if its ment to be then everything will work out" she said kissing my head and then walked off.

i jumped on Alti's and rode around the reservation until i saw Mike with Kaya dragging a baby dear out of the woods on a big blanket "whats wrong?" i asked running over "the mother was killed and we found this baby by the mothers body, i think he has a broken leg" Kaya said trying to keep him down. "okay, mike go get my brothers truck, please" i said jumping off Alti "ride Alti back" i said laughing a bit watching him trying to mount.
"kepp part of the blanket on his face" i said covering "it'll keep him more calm" i said stroking him softly. i was wiping away some dry blood making sure it wasnt his and thnkfull it wasnt.

Mike came back shortly driving the truck and we lifted him up into the back of the truck where i rode making sure he wouldnt try and hurt himslef. "Lace!" i heard paul yell as we drove up to the house where he was chilling with the others "hey" i smiled kissing him as he ran up to me "mike help me" i said holding up his head as mike grabbing his body "babe, can you get the door" i asked Paul causing him to smile ear to ear. "alright hold him here" i told Kaya as i ran into the kitchen and grabbed some medical stuff.
thankfully his i didnt have to fix the bone, it was a perfect clean break so i used two pieces of wood and gauze to make a splint and then took him into the bathroom where i washed all the blood and mud off of him. "okay, lets leave him in my room" i said as Adam carried him into my room and then i shut the door behind me and went out front with paul.
"Nilla" i called as she laid down on my brothers lap, she looked up at me and then curled back into a ball and fell back asleep "tratior" i mumbled as paul pulled me into his lap "so whats with bambi?" leah asked sitting on the ground "Mike and Kaya found him out in the woods with his dead mother, he had no fighting chance so i took him in" i said with a smile as paul placed kisses on my shoulder.

"hey lets play football!" my brother suggested smirking at me "oh hell yeah" i said jumping up and running into the bedroom and grabbed the ball.
i rode down on Pauls back to a muddy part near the lake.
we all broke up into teams and i was with paul quill and jarred against the other 4.

of course we won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A big shout out to Jenny Q96!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for commenting on the story! i hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!!!!!

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