Thoughts of You

finals? Party? dissappointment.

It’s been a few months since I left for college, and I am not going to lie, it was hard to leave my family. But I have two amazing room mates named Kaya and Ashley; Kaya is studying to be a nurse like I am, she has long black hair, lightly tanned skin, and the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen! Ashley is the party girl, she has short cropped blonde hair, sun kissed skin as dark as mine, speaks her mind even if it is to the wrong person, and is studying to become a surgeon.

My teachers said I appearently say I have a calling and should become a doctor because I have been acing all my classes and set forward a few, but I still can’t stop thinking about Paul. We try to keep and touch, but Paul always seems busy with his wolf stuff, but I talk to his mother when he’s never there and she’s such a lovely woman!

“Hey Lacy, Ash and I are going out to Danny’s party tonight, you in?” Kaya asked, as she got ready In the bathroom while I tried cleaning out messy dorm. “um, I think I’ll pass this time, I have a lot of studying with finals and our dorm is so messy” I said shaking my head as I picked up a pile of dirty towels “okay, suit yourself” she shrugged as she ran into her room to change. I really wanted to go and I loved to go to parties, but between studying, cleaning, and working, it was hard to get everything done and my roommates were not the cleanest people in the world…

I finished up cleaning the dorm and then laid out all my books and tried to study but I usually called Paul’s house around this time. “maybe a quick call wouldn’t hurt, I mean Paul probably won’t even be home” I said to myself as I reach for my cell.
“hello?” I heard Paul’s mother answer “hi!” I sang into the phone, with a smile, “Oh Lacy! Hello dear, Paul’s not home, how are you doing? How’s school?” she asked, “oh it’s all good, I’ll be happy when I’m done for Christmas break” I said with a smile, absently slipping through pages in one of my text books. “that’s great dear, I hope you’re planning on stopping by us for a while! I would love to meet you in person, and I’m sure Paul is getting tired of me giving him messages from you” she laughed. “I think I am, I was hoping to come down there first, and then spend Christmas day with my family” I explained, “oh honey that would be great! And I’m sure- oh wait here’s Paul! I can’t wait to see you Lacy, take care” she sang before handing the phone off to Paul. “Lacy!” he basically yelled into the phone “hi” I laughed, “how are you?” he asked, “ah, school, but everything is well, how about you?” I asked back, “things are boring” he yawned, “Paul, you sound seriously tired, go to bed. I’m sure we’ll talk again soon” I smiled, missing him so much but I didn’t want to talk to him if he was going to be fighting to stay awake. “No, I’m good” he shoot back, “I know you are, but go to bed” I laughed, at his stubbornness, “I love you” he yawned again, causing my heart to skip a beat when I heard him say that he loved ME, “love you too” I cooed, before slipping my cell off.

I had a hard time studying that night, my mind kept going to Paul and how in a few weeks I was going to see him again and how he told me that he loved me, sure he had said it before, but every time it made my heart flutter!


“hey Lacy, wake up! We’re going to be late for class!” Ashley yelled the next morning as she waved a bowl of cereal in my face. “thanks” I mumbled, as I lazily got out of the bed and grabbed the bowl of cereal and slowly ate it staring blankly out the window. “So how was studying last night?” she asked as she went through my closet and picked out some jeans and a cute sweater, placing them on my bed, trying to help me get ready. “thanks, studying went well, I finally got to talk to Paul last night too” I smiled, looking over at the picture of us on my night stand from the bonfire we had the night before he left. It was easy to see the sadness in my face as he kissed the side of my face. “how sweet! What did you guys talk about?” she asked, “nothing really, I could tell that he was super tired so I made him go to bed” I laughed dryly.
As usually classes were boring and when we got home from out morning classes, Kaya was cramming in some studying while freaking out about how she was going to fail while we sat there eating lunch, laughing, and reassuring her that she would pass with flying colors.
“Hey Lacy, Ashley!” a boy yelled after us, as we got out early from our last class of the day. “yeah” I said, spinning around on my heals as I hugged myself from the coldness of winter. “some of the guys and I are throwing a winter break party tonight” he said handing us a flyer, “you girls should come check it out” he said with a bright smile before walking off. “girl, he was so checking you out” Ashley laughed hooking arms with me as we walked off to get some dinner. “yeah well sucks for him” I laughed.


I knew I should have been studying that night, since my last three finals were the next morning, but I thought “a few drinks won’t hurt, and I’ll leave early” I told myself as the girls and I walked over to the party. Those words were the beginning of the end…

The only thing I remember from that night was drinking, dancing, and more drinking.


My head was pounding and all I could hear was an annoying beeping sound and I didn’t process what was going on until a few moments later when I looked up at my buzzing clock that read 7:20.
My exam started at 7:30
I practically screamed and held my head in pain as I jumped up from bed, threw some clothes on and literally ran all the way to my class wondering where Ashley was and if she was already there. I had made it to my class just in the nick of time, but sadly had a hard time taking the test because of my pounding headache from all the alcohol.

“this is what you get” I whispered to myself, as I handed my test to my teacher when he told me that I had no more time left and was the last one still taking the test. “maybe partying the night before a big exam wasn’t your best move” my teacher told me as I walked out the door.
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hope u like this!!!!!