Thoughts of You

somethings happened

“Kaya something’s happened,” I breathed, as I ran into the dorm rushing into my room as I flung my closet open and threw some random clothes into the bag. “Whoa, slow down, what happened?” she asked, as she grabbed my arms making me focus on her, “I don’t fully know, but Paul’s in trouble and I have to go down and see him” I said, pulling my body free from her and grabbing my bag, running into the bathroom throwing my other stuff into the bag and zipping it up. “I’m driving down early, all I need you to do is pack my stuff up and ship it down to me, I’ll give you the address and I’ll pay you back. I have to go” I said, before rushing out of the dorm and to the student parking lot where everyone kept their cars, since we never drove anywhere, and reved the car to life before speeding out off to La push, Washington.

The whole car ride I was pumped with adrenalin and my thoughts kept bouncing around from why he didn’t tell me and how I hoped he was okay; changing from madness to fear as I speed through the highway doing way over the speed limit.
Over all, the car ride seemed to take a whole lifetime!


I had called Kim back when I got to La Push and she gave me directions to a little two-story house far away from other houses almost hidden in the forest. “I’m so sorry but they left a few minutes ago” a woman with a scared up face explained running out of he house “no!” I yelled in anger, as a few tears fell down my cheek as I kicked the car. “You must be Lacy” the woman assumed, walking over and grabbing my arm, “I’m Emily” she introduced with a light smile. Emily was a beautiful woman, she had dark hair, dark skin, skinny, nice body; not even the horrible scars on her face could ruin her beauty, they almost made her more beautiful in a weird way. But then I froze when I thought about the scars as she guided me into the house; a really big wolf did that to her face, a really big wolf like a shape shifter…
“So you already met Kim on the phone” Emily sang, as we walked into the living room. “Hi, I’m so sorry he left before you got here” Kim cooed, as she gave me a hug, “So your brothers a shifter too?” Emily asked as we all sat down on the couch, “Yes, he is the alpha and recently after I left for college two of my other friends turned” I explained, feeling a little uncomfortable as I tried to force Paul out of my head.

“Let’s have some tea” Emily said, pulling me into the kitchen where we continued our little women to women conversation. “So medical school, that’s big! What inspired you to become a nurse?” Emily asked, “well, I’m not studying to become a nurse per say, but I am the daughter of the chief which means I am to become the next woman chief, since my older brother is a shifter, and I just thought before my Tinana teaches me everything she knows about being the tribes healer, I thought I would go to college first. Not to mention it made a good alternative when Paul wanted me to move in with him when he came back” I sighed, sipping on my tea. “He asked you to move in with him?” Kim yelled in disbelief, “yeah?” I said confused, “wow, you have him whipped girl!” she giggled, “what?” I asked still confused. “Before he met you, Paul was widely known as the hot head, hue hefner” Emily said with a sigh, “but we like him much better this way” she nodded placing a hand on me delicately.

I talked with Emily and Kim for a while longer, until it was almost midnight and I was extremely tired from the drive up here and all my exams, so Emily took me up to the spare bedroom and I fell asleep quickly hopping Paul would be back when I woke up.


“ow ow wolf wolf!” I woke up to some boys making some wolf sounds loudly fallowed by Emily hushing them down. I could hear everything from downstairs, mainly because the door was cracked open and I was right under the kitchen. “What?” I heard a voice asked, “Lacy, is sleeping upstairs, she had a long drive” Kim sang, as I could just picture her with a smile staring at Paul waiting for his reaction. “Lacy is here?” Paul almost yelled in disbelief, “I kind of called her…Paul she had a right to know what was going on” Kim snapped now getting mad at him, “I didn’t want her to worry” he sighed, fallowed the by sound of a chair moving and foot steps leading up to my door. I quickly closed my eyes as Paul walked into the room, I could feel his eyes intently fixed on me.
I sat up in the bed and looked at him with tears in my eyes, “oh Lace” he sighed sitting down on the bed and pulling me into his lap. “Why didn’t you tell me” I sniffled clinging to his shirt breathing in his intoxicating scent. “ I’m so sorry baby, I just didn’t want you to worry” he sighed holding me close. We both sat there in silence for a while until I sat up and straddled him, “well I’m glad Kim called” I said, smiling sweetly as he grabbed my hips and rubbed his hands up and down my sides. “I’m glad too, I missed you,” he said, pulling me into a kiss. I grabbed at his hair as he placed me on the bed hovering over me, as he moved down to my neck nibbling on my sweet spot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and lingered in the kiss before using everything I had to flip him on his back, before jumping off of him and dancing slowly down the stairs. “Oh no you don’t” Paul laughed chasing after me. I darted off and raced down the stairs, latching onto Quil for help, which started the boys to wrestle. “Alright knock it off!” a man I was guessing to be Sam said with a demanding tone. Paul let go of Quil and wrapped an arm tightly around me, “Sam, Seth, Collin, Brady, this is Lacy; Lace, this is the rest of the pack” Paul introduced. Where’s Jake?” I asked causing all their faces to immediately drop, “Jake got badly beat up, almost all the bones on his left side got broken, that leech fixed him, but he’s in bad pain” Sam cursed, “I’m stopping back there in a few hours” Sam said, looking at the clock realizing it was 4 in the morning.

Sam offered the boys to sleep in the living room since it was so late, but Paul came up to my room and lay down in the bed with me. “I’m glad you’re here” Paul yawned, snaking his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest “me too” I sighed, looking up at Paul who was already fast asleep.
I couldn’t sleep much after Paul fell asleep, so when I heard Sam next door getting ready to go to Jake’s, I barely managed to snake out of Paul’s grip and crept out of the room.

“Hey, I was wondering if I could come with you to see Jake?” I asked, just as he was about to leave, “sure” he said with a smile? Sam carried me on his back as he ran over to Jake’s house. “Lacy this is Jacob’s father Billy” Sam introduced, as we entered the house, Billy looked like he hadn’t slept all night “hi” I said, with a weak smile and wave which seemed to brighten him up a little more, “hello there,” he smiled, “Billy go get some rest” Sam said, placing a hand on him but Billy didn’t look like he was in the mood to sleep. “Yeah, go get some sleep, I will watch Jake” I said with a smile “thank you, but I’m not very tired” Billy said, shaking his head as wiping his eye’s which were tear stained. While Sam was talking with Billy, I snuck away and found Jake’s room at the end of the hall and was taken back a bit when I saw his sweaty, bandaged up body covered in sweat and pain. I couldn’t concentrate with all the mess in Jake’s room so before I attended to him, I did and quick but thorough clean which soon made me feel much better.
When I was all done with that, I went into the kitchen, grabbed a towel, placed a bunch of ice cubes in the center, and tied it up. Then I grabbed a big glass of water and went back into Jake’s room laying the ice on his head, before pulling up a chair and sitting next to his bed checking some of the bandages with cuts making sure they didn’t have to be changed, but they were already healed.
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comment???? i think yes!