Thoughts of You


“Bella,” Jake muttered, as he slowly came back, “no Jake, it’s me Lacy” I whispered, looking up to the clock which now read 8:00 a.m. “What are you doing here?” he asked, “well I came down to see Paul, but since I am a healer and all” I laughed lightly, “How do you feel?” I asked picking up the glass of water, but he didn’t want any. “That leech drugged me a little too much” he laughed dryly, “I know just what to do” I said with a smile, grabbing the ice pouch and walking back into the kitchen, where on my way I saw Billy still awake. “Jacob’s awake, Billy. Why don’t you go see him and then go get some sleep, I’m serious” I said, placing a friendly smile on my face, “thank you” he said with a serious face and quickly wheeled himself off to Jacob’s room. Back in the kitchen I went and found a pot throwing in a mix of spices and boiling them together before draining the liquid into a cup, putting new ice in the towel, and then started a pot of coffee for when Billy woke up. I grabbed the cup and towel and made it back to Jakes room when I heard the front door open, fallowed by whispers of the boys. “I’m back,” I sang placing the towel on Jake’s head and the cup on the chair. “Okay” I sighed to myself, as I removed the of the bandages that were covering the already healed wounds. “Hey,” Paul whispered, walking into the room with some of the other guys “damn, who cleaned this tornado?” Quil asked laughing, “I did, I couldn’t handle it, sorry Jake” I smiled, looking back up at him throwing away the bandages into a garbage can I found under a pile of clothes when I cleaned his room. “Paul can you help hold his head up?” I asked grabbing the cup of tea. “What is that, it smells gross” Jake said, looking like a loopy crack head, “It’s going to kick out that morphine a little quicker, your high temperature will also help in that” I laughed at the crazy werewolf symptoms, slowly pouring the tea down his throat until he started coughing most of it up. “Nasty” Seth laughed, as I wiped his mouth and then set the glass on the table. “Get some more rest” I cooed, and then ushered all the boys out and back outside where it was lightly drizzling. “How is he?” Sam asked “he’s going to be fine, his wounds are already healed, and his bones are already nicely fixed back into place, he just needs to rest a little” I sighed, as Paul wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his chest. “So this is the famous Lacy, Paul here has had some sick dreams about you” Collin laughed, “we all have” Jarred rolled his eyes, “shut the hell up!” Paul snapped angrily as I pulled my face into Paul, completely embarrassed. “Alright boys enough, lets go home and get some food and rest. Meet back at my house at 8” Sam yelled over the fighting and they all ran off to their own homes. “Come on” Paul said lightly, with a smile as we walked down to his house. “Oh my god Paul!” his mother sang, as we walked into the house, but she short stopped when she saw me. “Lacy? Lacy!” she sang in happiness, as she pulled me from Paul’s grip and hugged me close to her chest while yelling at Paul, telling him how scared he had her and how next time he better tell her. “Well then, I’ll go make pancakes!” she yelled, and raced out of the room, as Paul came back next to me shaking his head. “She needs to have more faith in me, just like you” he growled seductively, as he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and carried me off to his bedroom which was pretty clean and a little shocking for me. Paul laid me down on the bed and then began kissing from my neck, to my jaw line, until he made it up to my lips. I then suddenly thought of all the other girls that Kim said he got with, and slowly pulled him off. “What’s wrong?” Paul asked caringly, “Kim told me that you have been with a lot of girls before” I began slowly, as Paul scoffed and then threw his head back. “Babe, I love you, I could care less about any of those girls now. They mean nothing,” he said, holding my head with a smile. My stomach flipped when he called me babe, and I knew he really didn’t have any feelings for them now, I just wanted him to say that himself. I smiled and then quickly pecked his lips and skipped off the bed and into the kitchen to talk with Paul’s mother. “Honey please, call me Michelle” she smiled as I slid onto the counter right next to her. “Okay Michelle, do you want some help?” I asked, “Oh no dear, I’m fine” she sighed piling a bunch of pancakes onto a big plate “so how many years of college are you planning?” Michelle asked, “oh, I’m just doing one year, I wasn’t really planning on being on a nurse, I am to one day become a healer and chief of my fathers tribe, but I thought it would be nice to get a little taste of the medical world, just to get down the basics” I explained, “oh that sounds lovely! So what tribe are you from?” “Blackfoot tribe” I said proudly, “that’s amazing” she sighed.

Paul came out not long after, and I could tell he was in the shower because his hair was soaking wet and he had a pair of torn up shorts on. We all sat down and had some breakfast while we talked about life and Paul would get embarrassed a lot by his mother.

Then, when we were all done Paul had to go back to meet at Sam’s, so Paul phased and then I rode on his back.
While Paul messed around with the boys upstairs, I talked with Emily who was cleaning up the kitchen. “Sam told me he was thinking about having another bonfire so you could hear the La push legends” Emily informed, “really! That would be amazing” I smiled, “you really like that sort of stuff don’t you” she smiled, “yeah, I don’t really know why, but I always made my father tell me one of our legends before I went to sleep as a child” I said, “oh? I would love to hear them sometime” she smiled, “but first, why don’t you take a shower and get ready” she laughed, noticing I was still in the same clothes that I was in when I first got there yesterday.

When I got out of the shower I quickly changed into some leggings and an over sized, off the shoulder sweater, before dancing my way down stairs where Kim was already back and chatting it up with Emily. “You look cute!” Kim sang, looking at my outfit with a smile. “Thanks” I smiled back; as I sat down on a chair next to Kim while Emily gave me a cup of coffee. “Ewe you drink your coffee black!” Kim said scrunching up her face; “yeah” I smiled taking another big sip dramatically. Suddenly my phone began to ring, so I hurriedly answered it, “Hello” I said, “doesn’t hello me! You took off in a hysterical fit, and I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for the past few hours, Ashley and I were worried sick!” Kaya spit, “I’m sorry, but it was urgent” I moaned like a little child, “yeah well I hope it was urgent enough to screw with your finals” Kaya breathed, “what do you mean?” I asked feeling sick. Paul and the other boys then came into the room and Paul was distracting me, pulling me onto his lap and trying to say something “wait, what was that Kaya?” I asked squeezing Paul lightly, “professor stick up his ass stopped by today with a letter for you, it said that you just barely passed your midterm and he is offering you a second chance because you’re his top student and he knew something was wrong, but you have to go see him by today” Kaya explained feeling a little bad. I sighed heavily and sunk down in Paul’s lap. “Okay, well oh well, that’s what I get for going to that stupid party you guys dragged me too” I sighed, “hey that was fun!” she yelled, “yeah it was fun” I laughed shaking my head. Kaya took a long sigh into the phone, “I got your text message and I just sent your things out this morning, I only sent you the things I knew you would need, along with a gift from Ash and I” she laughed, “what did you guys put in there?” I asked rolling my eyes at their immaturity. “You’ll see,” she laughed before hanging up on me. “Lace the partier!” Jarred laughed nudging my arm “oh my god that was a nightmare and amazing at the same time,” I laughed toying with Paul’s hand. “Alright, guys let’s get moving” Sam laughed pushing everyone out the door once again leaving Kim, Emily, and I in the empty house. “Let’s go take a walk on the beach, Emily do you want to come?” Kim asked as she linked my arm with hers, “No, you girls go and have some fun” Emily smiled and walked upstairs.
The beach was a great place; I loved the smell of the water and walking right on the shoreline as the water rolled over our feet. Kim and I had a long talk, just getting to know each other, as we walked along linking arms and splashing our feet around in the water.

I jumped a bit when I heard a howl right at the edge of the woods next to us as we were about to head back to the house. Jarred and Paul came jogging out of the woods with cute little smiles on their faces as they picked us up and threw us into the water. “Paul” I moaned as I trudged out of the water squeezing my sweater as him and Jarred stood there laughing and high fiving each other. “I’m sorry babe,” he laughed, pulling me into his warm chest and wrapping an arm around my waist as he pulled me back to the house.
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