Thoughts of You


As the wind picked up we made it back to Paul’s house where I found the boxes of my stuff sitting outside Paul’s house. “Finally!” I cheered as I danced over to the boxes and began dragging them into the house.
While Paul brought in the rest, I quickly opened them all trying to find whatever Kaya and Ash had slipped in they’re trying to be funny. Lying right on top of the second box, I found a box of condoms with some silly note they wrote about ‘no glove, no love’ and some other nonsense. “Well these could come in handy” Paul laughed as he pulled me into his lap, “Paulllllllllll, I want to wait,” I said spinning around in his lap and toying with his short hair. “Okay” he sighed in defeat knowing he couldn’t object to me, “now, I have to get out of these wet clothes before I get sick” I said, popping off of his lap and dragging one of the boxes while Paul laughed carrying the other two with ease.

Paul made space for me in his closet and then helped me throw some of it in there after I changed into some sweatpants and a small long sleeve shirt.
“Finally! Alone” Paul growled as he hovered over me on his bed and began kissing down my neck, I pulled him up to my lips as he fought for entrance into my mouth, which I finally gave in to after a little battle. His hands grabbed at my waist and moved up and down on my bare skin, as I used all my strength to flip him on his back and straddle his waist and slowly pull up, smiling at him lovingly. “Paul! Are you two home?” I heard Michelle yell as the front door swung open, “coming!” he yelled in reply as he rolled his eyes. “Come on” I giggled pulling him up and skipping out into the kitchen where his mother was bringing in grocery bags. We helped bring in the rest, and then while Paul went to phase outside to talk with Sam and the others, I helped her unpack and chat a little about silly things. “Okay mom, we’re going out, be back later!” Paul yelled as he dragged me out of the house with him. “Paullll where are we going?” I moaned as he ran out to the woods with me dragging behind, he didn’t answer me as he phased and then came back out laying down so I could climb onto his back. “Onward!” I commanded laughing as I squeezed his sides with my legs causing him to sigh and shake his head as he darted off back to Sam’s house.

“Why don’t you try to talk with him?” Sam said as we got into the house where everyone was chilling in the living room watching TV and talking in hushed tones. Paul kissed the top of my head before running outside once again without saying a word. “What happened?” I asked Kim and Emily who were in the kitchen while Kim looked through some magazines, “Jacob ran off, he’s upset because that girl he had a crush on is getting married to a vampire and then she’s planning on becoming one of them and blah blah” Kim said seeming bored with the whole thing. “Bella? I heard Jake mumbling her name when he was out of it” I said sitting down next to her, “he just needs to move on and find someone else” Leah scoffed as she left the house in a huff. “I never really liked her either, I mean she’s a nice girl, but she’s quite and she seems a little socially awkward” Kim shrugged, “I liked her,” Emily said looking down at her cup.
I got up and walked over to the boys in the living room and threw myself on top of Embry who positioned me comfortably on his lap and then resumed watching the game. I reached over for the remote and turned off the T.V, “hey!” they all yelled in unison, “hey yourselves! Shouldn’t you all try to get Jake back?” I asked shoving the remote down my shirt knowing they wouldn’t dare to retrieve it. “Well we all tried, and honestly I don’t know why he’s so stubborn about her? I mean he practically tries to force himself to imprint on her every night. And I think I can speak for everyone about getting annoyed with his sick dreams about her” Embry said trying to grab the remote but I quickly pulled out the batteries and tossed it on the table while holding on tightly to the remote. “You guys need to stop being couch potatoes! Get your butts up and go do something active,” I said acting like a mother would. They all scoffed and then Embry, Seth, and Quill pounced on me and tackled me to the ground, ticking and licking me in strange places trying to get the batteries back. “ew!!!” I yelled in disgust as I tossed the batteries over to Sam and stood up kicking them until they got off of me, “HE LICKED ME!” I yelled in disgust as I wiped the spit off of the sides of my face and foot. They all laughed as Sam tossed the boys the batteries to the remote and picked me up off of the ground and carried me off into the kitchen. “Nice try, but it takes a lot to get them up,” he laughed as I folded my arms upset with my failure to help Jake. “Don’t worry about Jake, he’ll be back soon enough I’m sure and maybe get over this Bella thing” Sam said as he walked over to Emily and placed his hands warmingly on her shoulders and gently squeezed. Paul came back into the house and looked questionably at my face as he pulled me up and set me down on his lap in the kitchen. “Your friends are gross,” I muttered answering his question causing him to laugh lightly as he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I saw him look over to Sam and shake his head no, causing Sam to look a little saddened and walked off into the other room and kick the boys out of the living room to run patrol.
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alright swry its short, got a little writing block right now and it kinda sucks!!!
