Thoughts of You

you guys are immature..

I woke up the next morning with a major headache, but I wasn’t going to let it ruin my time with Paul as I slid out of the bed without waking him and took a nice warm shower. I jumped when I slid back the curtain and Paul was in there brushing his teeth, “jeeze why do you pop up out of nowhere!” I breathed as I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body while Paul’s eyes were glued to my body. He laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around my hips as he kissed the top of my head and rested it there for several seconds before pulling away. “Get ready, we are getting a Christmas tree today” he said with a smile and smacked my ass as I walked out of the room as he smirked deviously. I slid on some skinny jeans and a hoodie while Paul just wore his torn up jean shorts, “you know people are going to think something’s up when you walk around during winter, the coldest season of the year, in only some cut off shorts” I said laying on the bed sprawled out on my stomach. “Well let them, its so hard having to wear actual clothes” he moaned like a little child as he rolled his eyes pulling me off of the bed and into the kitchen where he proceeded to eat a whole box of cereal and I, just a piece of toast.
“Are you kids ready?” Michelle asked as she slid on her coat and boots, getting ready to go get a Christmas tree with us, “kids? Look at these guns! I’m practically illegal!” Paul laughed. “C’mon macho man” I said tugging on his arms and pulling him out of the house where I was mesmerized by the little flakes of snow that slowly feel to the ground. I let out a giggle as I twirled around and spin right into Paul who draped his arm comfortably around my shoulders. “Aren’t you cold in just that jacket?” he asked pulling me closer, “not really, plus I have you” I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder.

We drove down to some spot in the forest where Paul enjoyed himself by ripping out a small pine tree from the ground, roots and all, with just his two hands. “Look at that! Sometimes I amaze myself” he laughed, “sweet Jesus you’re so conceded,” I said shaking my head as I headed back for the car with Michelle who was laughing and shaking her head. “Wait, babe!” Paul yelled running with the tree over his head and catching up with us. Just as he finished tying the tree up to the hood of the car he paused and looked out into the woods. “What’s wrong?” I whispered placing my hands on his chest, “get home, and stay there” he demanded looking deep into my eyes as he practically carried me off to the car and slammed the door behind him. Michelle and I both left the tree on top of the car and went inside to make some hot cocoa and settled down to watch Underworld Evolution while making jokes about how not real this is compared to the stuff that really exist.

Paul came back a few hours later as Michelle and I were just lying on the couch watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels. “Hey” he said picking me up and pulling me onto his lap as he took a deep breath and slowly relaxed, “what happened?” I asked turning my head to the side and laying it back onto his warm chest while he gently traced little patterns onto my arm. “Nothing just a newborn that ran away from the fight a few days ago” he said shrugging it off. “Paul why don’t you go bring the tree in and we can decorate it” Michelle said tearing herself away from the TV and turning it off. He sighed heavily before getting up and ran back outside returning with the tree and placed it in the corner of the Living room.

Decorating the Christmas tree with Paul and his mother was fun, but made me miss my own family a little bit. While Michelle was arguing with Paul and where to place some of the ornaments, I slipped away and back into the bedroom where I pulled out my phone and quickly called my house. “Hey mom” I sighed smiling, “oh Lacy honey how are you?” she sang as I could hear my father run for the other phone. “Lace! Hey baby girl!” He cooed loudly over my mothers voices, “how is everything down there?” I asked absently toying with the bed spread. “Well, honey…things are different” my mother said slowly, “what do you mean?” I asked worriedly, “nothing, everything will be okay, we will explain everything when you get here” my father said calmly into the phone. I felt my heartbeat quicken as I thought of a million scary thoughts of what could have gone wrong, but I didn’t want to freak out on my parents, so I took a deep breath before resuming our conversation. “Honey? You still there?” my mothers voice brought me back into reality, “uh yeah”, “and well since I have you on the phone, I got a copy of your scores from college, your doing great! But I saw your finals score in XXX” my father said sounding a bit confused, “yeah, that’s kind of a long story but I will explain it when I get back” I said biting on my bottom lip. The phone call was getting a little awkward and I knew my parents felt the same way, but my mother brought up a new conversation. “So how are Kaya and Ashley doing?” she asked, “their amazing, they are great friends” I sighed rolling over onto my back looking up at the ceiling. “And how is Paul” she sang with a giggle in her voice, “he’s gooood” I laughed “you two aren’t having sex are you?” she asked quietly, “mom! No, just no!” I said shaking my head at how lame she was acting. “Well I just wanted to know! Oh my dinners ready, I’ll see you soon honey! Love you!” she sang loudly as she hung up quickly.
I sighed as I let the phone roll out of my hand and onto the floor with a small little thud and thought about how strange they were acting.
I jumped about five feet when I heard Paul coughing standing at the door, “shit Paul!” I breathed as he sat down on the bed next to me laying my head on his lap. “What’s wrong?” he asked brushing some hair to the side of my face, “my parent’s were acting weird and my mother talking about how things changed…something’s wrong and they don’t know what to do or how to tell me” I said closing my eyes and letting Paul’s sweet scent calm me. “I have to run patrol, do you want to stay here or hang out with Emily?” Paul asked whispering in my hair giving me goose bumps. “Uh, I’ll go hang with Em” I said mainly just wanting to go on a ride with Paul, I always found it calming.

“Hey Emily” I sang walking through the door with some of the boys chilling on the couch while Embry and Quill were arm wrestling. “Hello dear” she breathed looking awful, “Em. Are you alright?” I asked feeling her head which was a bit warm, “yeah, I was cleaning up dinner and the smell of the food just made me nauseous” she said hanging her head over a bowl. “Go lay down, I can finish cleaning up and watching the little boys” I said rubbing her back soothingly. “Thanks Lacy” she breathed as she heaved her body up and slowly made her way up the stairs. Not even two minutes after Emily went up to her room, there was a loud noise from the other room. I rushed into the living room and the dorks had broken the table during their arm wrestling match, “now you guys have done it! Fix this table now before Emily sees that!” I snapped smacking both of their heads even though I am sure they didn’t even feel it. The two of them began to pick up the table and carry it out of the room as I threw my body onto Seth and leaned back into his bare chest, and sighing deeply I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to a cold breeze blowing on my body making shivers attack my body, as I felt extremely cold. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was outside; I sat up quickly and flipped when I noticed I was on the roof of the house. I let out a scream and then noticed Quill, Embry, Seth, and Collin on the ground laughing at my who was freaking out!
“Lacy!” I heard Paul yelling as he came running out of the woods in human form, “Paul!!!” I yelled clinging on to the roof for my life. “You guys are ass holes!!! I swear!!” Paul yelled as he raced over to me, “Lacy, jump” he said holding out his arms “are you crazy!” I snapped, “come on babe, I got you!” he yelled. I let out a whimper as I slowly edged my body over to the end where Paul was holding out his arms looking pissed as all hell. I took a deep breath before I closed my eyes and jumped over the edge, screaming on the way down until I felt the comfort of Paul’s arms snake around me as he kissed me on the head before setting me down as his body began to shake. I ducked out of the way as his body erupted into wolf form and he began to go after the boys. “Paul! Stop!” Sam yelled running out of the woods, “What is going on!” Emily yelled running out of the house over to me, “Lacy are you alright dear! I saw you from the roof!” Emily said holding my face “we were just messing around” Seth said a little scared as he shrank away from Paul who was still growling at them as he took a step forward. “Paul, no its okay they were just fooling around” I said running in front of him and grabbed his puppy face in my hands. He whimpered a bit and licked the side of my face, “Em, can you please get Paul some shorts?” Sam said looking lovingly over to her as she scampered back into the house. “You guys are so immature” I mumbled nudging Paul in the shoulder as I ran back into the house and threw myself onto the couch and wrapped my body up into a blanket. Paul came into the house shortly, wrapping his body around me, which warmed me up in no time.
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thnks to all my readers and ppl who actually comment!! u guys r awsome!!