Thoughts of You

guys are ***s!

I woke up the next morning in Paul’s bed with his arms a little too tightly around me making it a little too hard to breathe. “Paul” I whispered wiggling around but he just tightened his grip on me, “Paul!” I whimpered loudly while flinging my legs causing Paul to flash his eyes open and immediately let go of me as I gasped for air.
“Babe, I’m so sorry” he breathed rubbing my back gently before I crawled back into his lap.
“It’s okay” I laughed lightly and then tilting my head up and kiss him quickly before jumping up and walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. We both got ready quickly and Michelle was at work already leaving the house totally to ourselves.
“So Jarred told me that Kim wanted to take you shopping today, so she should be here any second” Paul said with a smirk.
“Wait, when did he tell you this? And why am I just finding out?” I asked with a confused face.
“Well he told me last night after you passed out,” Paul said with a smirk while kissing the top of my head.


“Come on Lacy try them on!” Kim urged as we were in Wet seal while Kim would go crazy picking out some clothes for me to try on and model for her.
“Ugh, fine but this is it! We have been shopping for five hours now and my arms are getting tired” I whined tossing my other bags on the ground and grabbing the pile of clothes while praising myself for getting a job while I was in college that paid for all of these clothes.
“ohhh I love that!” “aww that’s so cute!” “ew gross. No.” “Oh try on this!” Kim kept commenting as I would come out with different outfits constantly. I loved Kim, but she had a problem… “So you and Paul are looking cute!” Kim said with a smile as we were walking to the parking lot to out car.
“Yeah, he’s really amazing” I said blushing a bit.
“Hey there cuties” a man yelled walking over to Kim and I,
“Ugh, back off” I said rolling my eyes at the guys huge ego.
“Hey! You do not talk to me like that” he said grabbing kim’s arm tightly. I suddenly spun around and smack his arm off of Kim’s while telling her to hurry and get in the car. “you think your tuff shit don’t you” he said getting in my face, “I like that” he smirked before grabbing me a little too tightly and kissing me. I quickly kneed him in the balls and jumped into the car where Kim speed off like it was on her life.
“God guys are dicks!” I yelled in anger while Kim was basically pissing her pants and what had just happened.
“Oh my god Lacy! He sexually harassed you!” she yelled with her eyes wide on the road.
“I hope they go to hell” I muttered sinking down into my seat with the long car ride ahead of us.

When we got back to Sam’s house the boys where fooling around, wrestling in the front yard as I slammed the door and stormed into the house. “Why do guys have to be such dicks!” I yelled at Emily who jumped and looked at me in shock.
“Did you and Paul have a fight?” she asked looking concerned as she offered me a cookie.
“No, some dicks harassed us in the parking lot of the mall” I mumbled leaning against the wall. Suddenly I heard some loud commotion going on outside and Emily and I quickly hurried outside to see Jarred and Paul having a freak fit about what happened to Kim and I.
“Lacy, did he hurt you?” Paul demanded storming over to me shaking violently.
“No, Paul calm down he was just some dick” I said brushing him off as I saw Seth quickly come over and pull me away from him while Quill did the same to Kim. Suddenly Sam was yelling at them to calm down but it kind of just seemed to make them even madder.
“Paul, it’s okay calm down” I said slowly as I pulled away from Seth and slowly approached him calmly.
“Lace, back off” Sam warned holding out his hand looking sternly at me.
“You back off” I mumbled glaring at him quickly before turning back to Paul and gently placing my hands on his abs. “It’s okay, look Kim and I are fine, I think you need to have a little more faith in me” I smirked mocking him as he slowly calmed down and smiled at me, kissing me on the top of the head and pulling me into his chest. “haha” I mocked with a big gin at Sam who just rolled his eyes and smiled before walking off into the house with Emily. “Can we go now, I’m getting cold” I whined nudging into Paul who I’m sure felt nothing, but smirked and walked off into the woods to phase.

When Paul and I got home Michelle was beginning to make dinner, so while Paul took a shower, I decided to join her. “So you’re going to be heading back to you family in a few days” Michelle said looking a bit sad.
“Oh my goodness I totally forgot!” I almost yelled in shock, “I haven’t even gotten Paul a Christmas present yet!” I said slamming my hand onto my head.
“Oh honey, I think your presence here was already a huge gift to Paul” she cooed smiling softly down at me.
“Ugh, I can’t believe this” I moaned shaking my head mashing up some potatoes. The whole dinner I was focusing on what I could buy Paul for Christmas before I had to leave.

“What’s wrong babe?” Paul asked lying on the bed as I crawled in and sat on his lap straddling his waist.
“I’m going to be leaving in a few days” I said looking down at his chest sadly.
“Hey” he said gently tilting my head up to meet his eyes, “you’re going to be with you brother and parents, don’t make it a sad thing. And I promise to call you a lot” Paul said kissing me gently on the lips.
“I love you” I sang with a smirk pushing him down on the bed and leaning down to kiss him.
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swry its a little bad! im having a bit of blockage rightt hang tight!!! hehehe
comment please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks all u readers!!! u guys r awsome!