Thoughts of You

guys are ***s! part 2


“good morning” Paul cooed as he finally woke up around 8:00 with me lying deep in his chest with a slightly content feeling.
“It’s Christmas eve” I mentioned meaning as in I was leaving this afternoon so I would be able to get to my parents in time for Christmas while still managing to stay with Paul as long as possible. I took a quick shower while Paul offered to pack my bags for me leaving out the clothes I picked to wear.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving!” Michelle moaned as I came out with Paul, hand in hand, dragging our moods further into the ground.
“I know” I sighed as Paul squeezed my hand a little tighter and pulled a chair out for me to sit at the table. Michelle had made a grand breakfast of basically every breakfast food in America and it all tasted amazing!
“that was great Michelle, thank you, can I help you clean up?” I asked as we all finished up.
“no, no, I can get that later, I have a present for you before you leave… an early Christmas present” she sang as she hopped up and ran out of the room and outside to her car. I gave Paul a smirk and raced into his room where I had hid his and Michelle’s Christmas presents. When I got back into the living room Michelle shoved a little bag into my hands that had this all natural lotion and body butter and other beauty products.
“Thank you so much!” I sang giving her a hug before shoving her gift in her lap.
“oh my goodness!” Michelle shrieked as she unwrapped her gift, which was this beautiful bottle of perfume. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed the top of my head before dancing out of the room to get ready.
“it’s my turn now” Paul said with a smirk as he reached over and grabbed a little box and held it out in front of me opening it slowly to reveal a little charm bracelet with many beautiful charms, but the one that I noticed first, was a little wood carven wolf that looked to be howling at the moon. “Jake taught me how to make it” He whispered as he wrapped it around my wrist, “each one of those charms has a significance to us” he smiled as hot tears streamed down my cheeks.
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swry i missed part of the chapter!!!