Thoughts of You


“Hey baby” I sang as I entered the video chat with Paul and Nilla on my lap.
“Hey sexy, so how is everything?” he asked trying to fix the camera.
“Well Tinana left everything to me in her will, so today I started cleaning the house and moving some of her stuff into boxing and in the basement, but I’m good now” I said with a sigh smiling sweetly as I stroke Nilla’s soft fur.
“Well that’s good babe” he smiled and then looked off to his side.
“Something wrong?” I asked
“I don’t know, I gotta go, Love you” he sang before hanging up. I sighed heavily as I slammed my laptop shut while muttering how I hated him being a wolf.
“Nilla, bedtime” I sang pulling back the covers as she hopped on my bed and laid comfortably on her pillow and fell fast asleep. As for me it took hours until I finally fell asleep wondering about Paul and what I was going to do about us being so far away…

“Wake up!” my brother screamed into my ear the next morning.
“What” I hissed slowly sitting up in the bed and reached for Nilla but she was no longer in my room.
“Merry Christmas!” he yelled in my ear lifting me out of my bed with my blanket still wrapped around me.
“You suck” I mumbled as he carried me down the hallway and down to the living room where my parents were sitting on the couch drinking coffee
“Merry Christmas dear” my mother cooed as Nilla jumped out of my mothers lap and over to me where she curled up next to me. We sat around for hours unwrapping presents and drinking coffee, eating breakfast, and just hanging around with each other.
“Merry Christmas family!” Andrew yelled bursting through the door fallowed by Jack and a few others.
“Good morning boys” my father greeted with a soft smile.
“What’s up Lacy” Andrew said sitting down next to me and slung an arm around me.
“Good” I sighed leaning in his chest and closing my eyes.
“Somewones sweepy” Jack laughed with a baby face.
“Fuck you” I mumbled.
“Where’s Sarah” Mike asked with a smirk.
“She’s getting ready, she will be here soon” Andrew said with a smile. I looked up at his face and saw that same facial expression in Paul whenever I was with him.
“Oh my goodness, you imprinted on Sarah” I said with a wide mouth.
“Yeah” he smiled blushing a bit.
“Awe!” I sang sitting up.
“What are you going to do today Lacy?” my father asked.
“Well today I am going to finish up cleaning and fixing Nana’s house” I said so I could give my parents time alone at the house today.
“Okay then” my mother smiled as I went up to my room to take a shower and get ready. Making sure I had my charm bracelet on, I tacked up Alti and Rode down to Tinana’s my house.
“There are way too many books” I said staring at the stacks of tribal healer books that cluttered up the guestroom’s closet. I decided to empty one of the bookshelves and placed all the books from oldest books to the most recent.

Cleaning the house was an easy thing, trying to organize all of the spices was the hard part. The entire kitchen was cluttered with different sections of spices where I had organized them by what they were and where they were found and what they were used for. It had to be around 3 in the evening when I finally had the kitchen all organized and looking very clean.
“Hey sexy!” Sarah sang walking into the house fallowed by all the boys.
“Hey!” I smiled running over and giving her a hug.
“Damn I can’t believe you already have your own house!” she said looking around and telling me how different it looked and how she missed Tinana already.
“I know! I feel like I don’t know anything about this! I really have no clue how I am going to do this” I sighed shaking my head.
“Hey, you’ll do amazing” she said lightly.
“Thanks” I smiled.
“You know Kelly Usborne is going to have her baby soon” she said with a smile.
“Holy shit! I’m going to have to do that!” I yelled knowing nothing about it than what I had watched on TLC’s a baby story.
“Don’t worry, it’s not that hard I’m sure, I mean she pop’s it out and all you have to do is cut the spinal cord and make sure it cries” she said shrugging her shoulders.
“oy” I said shaking my head with wide eyes.
“Gross, so you’re going to have to be staring at her vagina while she squeezes that thing out!” Mike said with a face full of disgust.
“Grow up” I said smacking him upside the head and sat down on the couch with the others.
“God it’s freezing in here Lace” Sarah said curling up next to Andrew who pulled her close to him and rubbed his hands on her sides warming her up.
“Mike, start the fire burner” I said with a convincing smile. He rolled his eyes but heaved his butt off the couch and threw some wood into the burner, tossing a match in after it.
“Hey! We should have a movie night here!” Sarah said with a wide grin turning to me.
“Sure why not” I said with a soft smile.
“Yay! Mike you should bring your girlfriend!” Sarah said with a smirk.
“What girlfriend?” I asked a little hurt I didn’t know.
“No one” he mumbled with a slight blush.
“Mike’s been hanging with the girl a lot recently and he cares for her so much” Sarah said with a sigh and loving eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked painfully.
“I was when it got serious” he said feeling bad. There was a few minutes of silence awkwardness before I stood up.
“Sarah, you want to come with me to the store, and then we can rent some movies” I said grabbing my bag.
“Sure, but I’m riding with you” she said with a small laugh.

“Too bad Paul’s not here” Sarah sighed as we went through the check out.
“What?” I asked a bit confused.
“I mean almost all the guys are bringing their girls” she said a little hesitant on weather she should had said anything.
“Yeah.., I mean I have no clue what we are going to do now? I mean I never thought of what would have happened after I finished college, I mean I was debating on taking another year, but I mean between us. Paul belongs to his tribe and I belong to mine, I could never ask him to leave” I said getting sad.
“Oh Lace, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to get you sad!” she said grabbing my arm.
“No, it’s okay. Come on, let’s get some movies” I said forcing a smile onto my face.
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I want to thank Miss Badass Herself for her comment! read her story Our Love Is Like Whoa !!!!!! its awsome!