Thoughts of You

movies and babies

When Sarah and I got back to the house we started making popcorn and a whole mess of other snacks, mainly for the boys, while we gossiped about boys.
“Have you and Paul had sex yet?” she asked in a hushed tone with a smile on her face as she grabbed my arm.
“No, I want to wait until marriage” I said with a smile as I blushed a bit.
“Aw how cute! I don’t know if I can wait” she said with a giggle.
“Control yourself” I laughed throwing a handful of popcorn at her. It didn’t take long for all the boys to gather back into the house and I was excited as my brother brought a tall, well built, short black hair, and blue eyed girl into the house with his arm wrapped tightly around her.
“Mikka, this is my sister Lacy. Lace, this is Mikka my girlfriend” he said smiling down to her as she smiled widely at me and pulled me into a hug.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! Your brother talks very highly of you” she smiled.
“It’s nice to meet you too” I smiled, as he guided her into the living room. I stopped and watched all the couples in my house and made me feel sad and a bit out of place.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be your date” Alex said with a smile coming up behind me.
“What?” I asked trying to be dumb.
“Lace, even a blind man could see you’re missing Paul” he laughed.
“Oh, okay thanks….but we’re not going to first base” I giggled poking his chest as we went into the living room and he pulled me onto his lap. The movie was kind of boring, I didn’t really find scary movies all that scary, so I just sat there spacing out most of the time while some of the guys made out with their girlfriends.
“wanna make out?” Alex asked with a smirk.
“Nothing would make me happier” I said sarcastically and rolled me eyes while he laughed quietly and turned back to the movie. During the whole movie I kept thinking about Paul and how I haven’t spoken with him in days and how it totally sucked that we lived so far away. Paul was tied to his tribe and I was tied to mine, there was basically no way that we could actually be together and happy. I know he wouldn’t cheat on me, but the fact that I can hardly even talk to my boyfriend once a week!
“What’s on your mind?” Mikka asked leaning over next to me.
“What?” I asked with a smile.
“It’s obvious that you’re not paying attention to the movie” she smirked.
“It’s just my boyfriend lives so far away” I sighed.
“yeah, your brother told me about that… I’m sure it will work out” she smiled.
“Hey! Shut up!” Andrew yelled. Mikka and I both giggled softly before turning back to the movie and my thoughts…

“That movie was good!” Sarah said standing up as the credits rolled across the screen.
“Oh please, your attention was never on that movie” I said throwing a finger to the TV. She blushed deeply and then began cleaning up some of the food while I took out the movie and then joined her. After we got all cleaned up, some of the boys ran off on patrol and the rest stayed behind while I sat on the living room floor with Nilla, reading about birthing and what I was supposed to do.
“This is crazy” I sighed shutting the book and setting it down on the table.
“That’s gross” My brother replied shivering at the thought of a woman squeezing a kid out like that.
“Grow up” I muttered flipping my phone out and calling Paul, but he must have been out because he didn’t answer at all…

That night Sarah slept over with me and helped me in figuring out this whole birthing thing.
“Alright I think you’re ready” Sarah said closing the book and setting it back on the bookshelf.
“This is a scary thing” I said shaking my head.
“You better not act like that when it happens! You’re going to freak her out even more!” she laughed jumping on my bed next to me and curling up in the blankets.
“go to sleep” I muttered and curled up next to her.

“Lacy! Lacy hurry up!” my mother yelled running into the hospital during my shift.
“Mom? What’s going on?” I asked grabbing her arms.
“Kelly’s in labor! You have to hurry!” she yelled pulling me out the door in a rush. When we finally made our way to her house I heard her screaming from outside in the cold bitter air.
“Thank goodness you’re here” Noah sighed opening the door as we reached the front step. I walked into their bedroom where she was lying and Noah and my mother took a seat next to Kelly on the bed and I took a very deep breath before I made my way down to her bottom area and pulled up the blanket.
“Okay you’re going to have to push for me” I said as calmly as I could, sliding some gloves onto my hand.
“I-I can’t do it” She cried
“Yes you can” Noah encouraged smiling down at her so heavenly. She screamed loudly as she began to crown, but the smiles never left out faces as I pulled the baby out and quickly wrapped HIM up in a blanket and cut the umbilical cord and handed her over to Noah.
“Congratulations, it’s a boy” I said with a tear running down my face. After I finished up cleaning everyone up and made sure little Andrew was okay before I went back home and took a shower.
By the time I got out I was just purely exhausted and hungry. I quickly heated up some leftovers and tried to call Paul before I went to bed, but once again he didn’t answer. I was beginning to really miss him, of course I missed him the second I got home, but I haven’t even talked to him in weeks! I got sad as I thought that thing’s just wouldn’t get better, I am bound to my tribe and he is to his. Things were just getting too complicated…
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swry its a little short!!! and swry i havent updated in like forever!!! :) hope u guys like this chapter!!! comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!