Thoughts of You

She's only 8...

The next morning it was really cold out as I went to feed Alti and the other horses at my parents before heading off to work.
“Don’t worry boy, we’ll go riding when I get off from work” I smiled as I entered his stall door and emptied his grain into his bowl. He whinnied throwing his head up and walked over to his food.
“Do you think Paul and I will ever be together, together?” I asked patting his neck. He kept on munching his food.
“Yeah I thought so” I said flatly.
“Talking to the horses again?” My father asked walking over to us.
“Even though they can’t speak, I feel like they help” I sighed shutting the stall door and proceeded to feed the other horses.
“What’s on your mind baby girl?” he asked.
“Paul, I mean we are both tied to our tribes and they are so far away! I mean how can we ever be together if we’re not together?!” I explained with a pouting face.
“Give it time, maybe something will happen” my father said and kissed me head before I ran off for work.

“We have three trauma’s coming in Lacy! I need you!” Carrie yelled rushing for the ambulance drop off. I raced over with her and quickly got on our cover-ups just as the ambulances were pulling up.
“Car crash, four victims and one dead at scene” the man began to ramble as I grabbed the first patient and I wish I would have waited for the second one. A little girl around the age of 8 was strapped into the crash cart and she looked awful.
“Neck and several other bones broken, left contusion to the head, she doesn’t remember her own name or anything when we tried to get her to speak.” The man continued to explain as we rushed down to the O.R.
“B.P is extremely low! She’s crashing people!” Doctor Grey yelled as we pushed even faster as nurses and others parted when they saw us bursting through the halls. We took her to the O.R and I was put in the surgery as she was quickly being put to sleep and given anesthetics.

Finally two hours later we had the little girl stable and was put into I.C.U and I was set as her nurse.
“So, the one that died at the scene… that was her mother. Stacy’s father however was one of the others came in. He had all minor broken bones, cuts, and bruises” Carrie explained sitting down on one of the chairs in Stacy’s room with me.
“Poor girl” I said looking over to her lying peacefully in the bed.
“Yeah, he’s been asking for her…” she said quietly
“And you want me to tell him about his daughter…thanks Carrie” I mumbled as I heaved my body up from the chair and then made my way down to her father’s room.

“Where’s my daughter?” he instantly asked as I walked through the door.
“Stacy is in ICU. She suffered from some trauma to the head along with several other major injuries, most of them we were able to fix, but there’s a chance that she may have some memory loss, but we won’t know for sure until she wakes up” I explained placing a hand on his. He instantly broke down and began sobbing while clutching himself tightly.
“When can I see her?” he asked with deep breaths as he finally began to calm down.
“Right now” I said softly trying to place a smile on my face. I grabbed a wheel chair and took him up to his daughter’s room. He instantly began crying again as I wheeled him over to his daughter and then quickly slipped out of the room and closed all the curtains to give them privacy.

After an hour I had to go in the room and take him back to his room.
“When can I see her again?” he asked as he laid back down into his bed.
“Tomorrow” I said lightly and then quickly left the room before he could ask me anymore questions.
“You’re done for the day, you did good” Doctor Grey said placing a hand on my shoulder. As I walked home from work I began to cry about work. That girl was only 8 and there was a 89% chance that she wouldn’t wake up, how could I tell her father that his wife is dead and his little girl will be a vegetable her entire life… the more I thought about it, the harder I cried until I was sobbing and couldn’t see where I was going so I just sat down in the snow against a tree.
“Breathe, breathe” I kept repeating to myself as I tried to stop crying. Suddenly my body froze as I heard something in the forest.
“Andrew? Mike? Who’s there?” I questioned jumping up and slowly backing away from the forest with tears still streaming down my face.
My heart stopped as I saw a dark figure coming out of the trees, and when I saw who it was….I almost had a heart attack.
“Hello Lacy” he said with a devilish smirk
♠ ♠ ♠
cliff hanger!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
guess who it is??????
comment please!!!!!! i'll try to update soon!!!