Thoughts of You

togeather again

“Hello Lacy” he said with his musky voice coming out of the shadow of the woods as his face became clearer.
“Wa-what are you doing here?” I asked in shock taking a step back.
“What? You aren’t happy to see me?” he asked with a pouting face.
“Of course I am” I smiled as I ran into Paul’s arm and kissed him fiercely until we pulled away breathless, me more than him.
“But really why are you here?” I asked tilting my head to the side.
“I missed my babe, and apparently she’s been missing me too” Paul laughed kissing my neck softly.
“I did, but I didn’t think you would come here” I said with a small smile.
“Always” he whispered. A sudden gust of wind brought shivers down my spine, making me shrink further into the comfort of Paul’s chest.
“Come on, let’s go” I said turning and walking back home.

“Wow, this is all yours” Paul said as we walked into the house.
“Yup” I said popping my p as I went into the kitchen and started making some spaghetti and meatballs while Paul wondered around the house aimlessly.
“so you work at the hospital?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms loosely around my waist.
“Yeah, it’s something to do” I shrugged turning my head and kissing him softly as I handed him a plate.
“Thanks babe” he cooed as he sat down at the table and began shoving food down his throat while I joined him and quickly ate my food and then walked over to the case of books and began flipping through them while Paul finished up.
“Whacha doing?” he asked as he sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap.
“I had a trauma come in this evening. A little girl only 8 years old, she’s in a comma and in pretty bad shape…anyways these are the healer books of our tribe and I was wondering if there was anything in here that could help her” I sighed as I buried deeper into Paul’s chest.
“why don’t you go unpack your stuff, there’s some space in my closet to the right” I smiled turning to face him.
“Alright” he sighed and walked off into my bedroom dragging his feet behind him. I spent hours looking through countless books and kept getting frustrated about how jumbled the information was.
“Come on babe, it’s late, let’s go to bed” Paul said taking the book from my hands and putting it away.
“Fine” I mumbled as I slowly got up and washed my face off before crawling into bed with Paul. Despite the fact that I kept thinking about that little girl…I couldn’t help but to be extremely happy that Paul was here with me.

The next morning I woke up early and took a shower while Paul still slept, snoring softly, sprawled out on the bed. After I got ready I whipped up some more cold medicine since there was still a lot of people asking for it.
“Hey girl!” Sarah sang as she strode into the house with some of the boys.
“Shh! Paul’s still sleeping” I hissed at her.
“Oh sorry…Sooo how is it now that he’s back?” She asked with an innocent smile.
“You got him to come here didn’t you?” I asked placing my hands on my hips.
“well, technically the boys did, I just told them to do so, and Mika had a lot to do with it too!” she smiled sitting down on the counter next to me.
“Oh I need one of these, my little sister finally got the bug” Sarah said snatching one of the bottles.
“Mkay” I smiled as I began to clean up my mess.
“So what’s on the agenda today?” Mike asked.
“Well, I am not working today, so I will probably just hang with Paul” I said shrugging my shoulders.
“oh! This is so fun! Your boyfriends here and everyone’s happy!” Sarah sang.
“Yeah, yeah, get lost before you guys wake Paul up” I laughed.
“Okay!!! But you two are coming home tonight for a bonfire” Mike said kissing me on the head before running out of the house with the others. I laughed lightly at my brother and jumped when I turned around and Paul was right behind me.
“Bonfire, ay?” he said with a smile as he snaked his arms around my waist.
“If you don’t mind” I smirked kissing him gently.
“Not at all” he growled with a smile.
“Alright then, while you get ready I am going to run down to the hospital” I smiled and walking over and slipping on my boots.
“I thought you said you didn’t have to work?” he questioned.
“I uh don’t, but I want to check on the little girl” I said with a small frown and then quickly left the house before he could ask more questions.

“Lacy, what are you doing here?” my supervisor asked looking me over cautiously.
“I just wanted to check on the trauma that came in yesterday with the little girl” I explained looking over to the ICU trying to looking into her room.
“Oh please tell me you are not getting emotionally attached…Oh hell no” she said is disbelief.
“I am not getting an emotional attachment, I just think I can help her” I said convincingly.
“Lacy, she’s in a comma, there’s nothing you can do” she said.
“Watch me” I said a little angered and quickly went back home.

“Hey Babe” Paul smiled but then quickly saw how upset I was.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I need to help that little girl” I said with determination as I reached for the bookcase.
“Oh no you don’t! today you are going to relax” Paul said snatching the book from my hand and scooping me up in a cradle. He then carried me outside and carried me all the way to my parents’ house.
“I can walk myself” I giggled as I was finally set down.
“I know, I just find comfort in carrying you” he smiled.
“Paul!” my mother called as she swung the door open with a smile and arms wide open.
“Hey” Paul smiled and ran over and gave her a hug.
“My goodness, there is snow on the ground and you still don’t wear shoes!” she laughed scolding him.
“Ah, I find no need for them” he laughed brushing her off.
“Paul, son” My father smiled as he gave him a manly hug.
“Hello sir” Paul said a little nervous.
“Well let’s not all stand outside” My mother laughed as she grabbed my arm and walked inside with me as Paul held my other hand.
“So Lacy, how is the house?” my mother asked.
“It’s nice, it still smells like Tinana” I laughed lightly.
“You two are coming for the bonfire tonight, right?” my mother asked.
“Of course” Paul smiled.
“Alright, well we don’t want to hold you up here all day! Go on and have some fun” my father said with a smile, kissing me on the top of my head.
“Bye!” I cooed as Paul and I left the house.
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alright, so i'm sure u knew it was Paul from the previous chapter, but w.e!!!!