Thoughts of You


Paul and I went up to my favorite spot, where the water was now all frozen and you could here a howl or bark from the boys every now and then.
“It feels so good to be home” I smiled as I watched Nilla playing in the snow.
“I’m glad you’re happy” he smiled squeezing me gently and kissed the top of my head. I leaned into him and Nilla bounced over pawing at my legs until I scooped her shivering body and nestled her into my body.
“What did u mean back at my parents house about staying here?” Lacy asked.
“Come on Lacy, it’s obvious that we miss each other and it wont work living miles away” Paul said softly.
“Paul, I can’t let you leave your pack” I hissed turning to face him.
“Why are you being so stubborn!? I mean Jake left a while ago to move with the Cullen’s in Alaska!” Paul said.
“Paul, your family and friends are all in Washington” I said grabbing his face.
“But the girl I love more than anything isn’t here, and I do have friends here, and just because I’m leaving the boys and all behind, it doesn’t mean I won’t ever see them again.” He smiled. Sighing in defeat I nestled my body into his chest and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist knowing that he would just keep arguing it and there was nothing I could do…

Paul and I, then, made our way slowly down the river with Nilla bouncing behind us. As we walked I couldn’t help but to let my mind wander back to the little girl at the hospital. Paul was talking to me about how Jake had left to live with his imprint Renesme, but my mind was not listening to him. I looked up into the cold day and breathed out heavily watching the heat from my mouth form a cloud of smoke that instantly vanished.
“You okay?” Paul asked looking down at me and pulling me closer to his body.
“Yeah” I sighed looking off into the forest where I caught glimpse of my brother running through the woods, briefly stopping to look at me, and then kept on running fallowed by one of the other boys.
“Why don’t we start heading back, your getting cold” Paul said as he began turning my body back to the house. Suddenly it came to me….a way to help that little girl and fix her brain. I gasped at the thought and Paul instantly stopped and swirled my body to face him.
“I know how to help her” I whispered as a smile grew on my face and began running through the snow. Paul, tired of my slow human legs, scooped me up and began running even faster until we made it back to my house. I immediately raced over to the books and grabbed the one from my great great grandmother and flipped through the pages until I found what I was looking for. I immediately began working while Paul kept bothering me as to what I was doing.
“I got it” I smiled finally turning to Paul as he just laid on the kitchen floor tired of asking and pestering me. I got down on the floor and straddled him.
“Got what?” he asked looking at the bottle I had in my hand.
“This is a medicinal remedy that is going to help that little girl from the hospital wake up from her comma!” I cheered with a bright smile. Paul sighed and grabbed my waist pulling me up closer to him.
“Babe, I think you may a little too attached to this girl” Paul said looking for something in my eyes.
“I am not! This is what I do Paul, I help people” I snapped as I got up and went to my bedroom and right to bed without saying another word to Paul.

The next morning I woke up supper early because I had the morning shift at the hospital and I was afraid Paul would keep talking about how I was obsessed with my work. After I got into my scrubs I checked all my patients and then went to check on Stacy who was still in a comma and her father was sleeping on the chair. I checked all her monitors and sadly there was still no brain activity.
“Is she okay?” Her father asked popping up from the chair.
“Still no brain activity” I whispered setting the chart back down, “You know the parents room is right next door, there are beds in there” I suggested seeing he was sore in that chair.
“I don’t want to leave her” he whispered looking sadly at his 8 year old daughter. I wanted to tell him about my theory but I knew better so I silently left the room and went to find doctor Robinson, the head of children practice.
“Doctor, um I was wondering if I could have a word with you?” I questioned
“Sure thang shurley” her chipper self replied. I wondered how anyone could be this chipper in the morning but I shrugged it off.
“Well I was there that day when Stacy came in and I have a remedy from my great, great grandmother and its supposed to awaken people from comma’s, and I was wondering-” I began
“You were wondering if you could try it…no” she said and turned back to her chart.
“But why not! There is a good chance that this may work, what’s the harm?” I defended pulling the bottle out of my pocket. Robinson looked at it for a few minutes and then turned back to her chart, then turned back to me for a final time and looked me dead in the eye.
“We will leave it up to her father to decided” she said grabbing the small bottle and marching over to the room. Doctor Robinson explained what I had discovered and how there was no risk to it, but there was a slim chance it would work. I found it strange how he showed no emotion the whole time, nothing, I took this in fear thinking that he didn’t want to try it. After we were done explaining, he looked over to his daughter and then to the monitors, which he had come to find out how to read them, and then finally looked back up to us.
“Do it, I have nothing to loose” he said glumly.
“Now this won’t have immediate results, you need to give it time” I said as I began injecting it into her body. I wished there would have been immediate results as I stood there with his father, but I was torn away from my work when an intern in the room next door began yelling for help. I raced into the room next door and a little boy was convulsing in his bed.
“He’s not breathing!” the intern yelled as she was fussing with air tubes. Doctor Robinson came rushing into the room and shoved us both aside as she began to try and get a tube down his throat, but she had troubles doing so.
“damn-it! I can’t get through” she yelled getting frustrated. I quickly remembered reading a medical journal on making an hole in the neck and then shoving the tube through it if the throat was too inflamed. I quickly took the tubes from Robinson’s hands knowing he had only about a minute left before he would run out of air, and quickly stabbed the throat and stuck my finger in it to stop the bleeding and find the right spot to feed the tube through. When I had finally found it I quickly shoved the tube down and the other intern had attached the air pump and we had successfully saved this boys life.

After filling out some more charts, I made my way home surprised to get out so early. When I got home Paul had left a note saying that he went out with my brother and would meet me at my parents house for dinner. I took and quick shower and threw on a nice black dress before I rode Alti down to my parents house where I was instantly greeted with warmth and a wonderful smell of food, but not Paul.
“The boys are still out” My mother answered knowing what I was looking for as she finished setting up the huge table that consumed our whole kitchen and even half of our living room. “You look beautiful dear” She smiled and kissed me gently as she wrapped her comforting arms around me.
“Thanks mom” I sighed as I tightened my grip around her body. I lounged around with my mother for the longest time until finally the boys had all made there way into the house laughing and shoving around each other.
“Hey baby” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Paul’s neck and stood up on my tippy toes to place a kiss onto his lips. He smiled and wrapped his arm tightly around me, pulling me into the comfort of his body as we all made our way to the table were we enjoyed a delicious meal. It felt so nice to have the family together and getting along together. My mother and I cleaned the table while the boys went into the living room where they were talking about something that caught my ear, but I couldn’t hear it quite good enough to realize what they were talking about.
“Come on Lace, the dishes will be done later!” my brother hollered. I rolled my eyes but laughed lightly as I dried my hands and went back into the living room where there was no room to sit so I sat on my brothers lap because the other boys were too busy bugging Paul about something. I smiled at him lightly but became slightly cautious by the fact that he looked like he was going to be sick.
“Paul, are you okay?” I asked getting up and bending over to caress his head in my hands. Paul snapped out of his trance and scooted to the end of the couch and looked me deeply in the eye before looking to my father and then back to me.
“Lacy, I love you so much” Paul began which really made me worry that he was going to break up with me. “You’re my other half, and without you I was lost. I am here to stay Lacy… it only would make sense…..would you marry me?” he asked as he bent down on one knee and pulled out a tiny box from his pocket.