Thoughts of You


i woke up the next morning really late! it was already 10:00!
anne was already gone and had left a letter on the pillow.
Goodmorning beautiful!
:) i had to leave to get to work! but ill stop by later tonight because your mom said shes working the night shift tonight and said i could spen the night again and we could have some fun! hehehe she told me to tell you that she loves you and to behave! like thats going to happen!
see you later cuttie!

I got up and took a shower. i threw on some torn up jean shorts and a white lacy tanktop.
when i got out of the shower i walked over to my window hearing the horses in the barn "Nilla i think its been way too long, lets go down to the river today" i said with a devilish smile picking her up as i slipped on my cowboy boots and grabbed my hat before racing out to the barn. "hey boy" i said as my beautiful stallion was making such a fuss in his stall "whats wrong boy?" i asked walking into the stall. he immediantly stopped and i placed my hnd on his face, i could tell he wanted to run just like me "lets go boy" i said with a smile as i threw on his side reigns and hopped on bareback. i Picked nilla up from the top of the hay bales and placed her on my lap. with a little kick we were racing down to the river.

i waited with my father for the Quileutes. two days ago i pahsed for the first time and i have been having a little problem with phasing on command. so dad forbade me to go around Lacy in fear of me hurting her, i knew she was sad right now missing me, but i couldnt disobey my father.

"You must be the Quileutes" my father said as some boys pulled out of the car along with a female wolf? "hello! im jake, this is paul, jarred, quil, embry, and leah" jake said poiting to each of them going down the line. "well its a rare thing for a female to phase, cherish it" myfather said with a smile but she just looked away causing jake to growl at her "its okay it must be hard for her to have to live with all you boys" my father laughed. he suddenly stopped and looked over at a big hawk that landed on a tree right next to us. "mike, take the boys and go find your sister, i fear shes in trouble" he said staring at the bird.

i didnt even bother to motion for the others, once i heard Lacy was in trouble i jetted off.
i phased and raced to the house but she wasnt there. i phased back into human form and ran into the house to see if she left a note, but nothing. "lacy!!!" i yelled running out of the house while the rest in wolf form waited for me. i stopped dead in my tracks and ran into the barn. i became very angry when i saw her horse was gone.
i exploded and phased out of anger pounding though the woods.
i raced down to the river where i found her laughing with nilla in the water as her horse grazed in the field. Nilla looked up in my direction sensing me and how angry i was. she jumped infront of Lacy and began growling. Lacy squinted trying to see what Nilla was growling at but saw nothing which worried her "come on girl" she whispered picking her up. she walked quickly over to her horse not taking her eyes of the woods, jumped on his back and whistled a few times waiting there. "whats she doing?" jarred asked in my head "i dont know" i said pissed "calm down mike, i dont want you to do anyhting you would regrett" jake warned as i began stalking out twards her.

I thought it was a vampire in the woods when Nilla began growling. she never growled. as soon as i was about to ride off a big dark brown wolf came out of the wolves staring at me growling lightly.
my horse began to get scared from the wolf, i mean it was bigger than him! "ya!" i yelled racing off. the wolf fallowed us. i looked behind me and saw 6 other wolves fallowing my brother, one slowed down and stared at me. the big brown wolf was right at my heals.
my horse reared and i fell off and went tumbling down close to the cliff. "ahhh" i breathed as the wolf was right infront of me. i looked into his eyes and something struck a cord in me, suddenly a russet wolf dove at the brown one and pinned him down.
something seemed to snap in the brown wolf and jemped up and stared at me almost in horror. "ma-m-mike" i choked. something in me told me it was him. the wolf ran out and came back as mike. "lace-" he began but i took a step back "you-you tried to attack me" i said holding my stomach, i felt like i was going to throw up :you-you phased" i said quietly and then whistled for my horse who came galloping up to me cautiuosly. i quickly hopped up on him "lacy!!!" he yelled as i rode off
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more on the way!