Not Likely for Silence

Simple words

It's a dark night, like every night at the castle Silence. Back before Juniper, the daugher of the war master, the castle was designed to create Killing Monsers. Franklin, the war master, trained men to fight, trained them to kill and mend wepoens. One could only hope to be as good as Franklin though. If a talented man faced against him, even the best would fall.
But one day Franklin's eyes fell upon a light unknown from before. Emily, a earthy girl. She had secorets not known and it made Franklin follow her every move. They started meeting in hidden mazes that Emily had made with the other women. Emily had told Franklin that she was just another Maid, but he was smart to know that couldn't be true, and even more bright not to question her.
So as the story is told, the two got married. Emily begged him to shut down Silence. When he asked why her unhumanly green eyes peirced into his.
"Because I said so."
As the mounths grew on Franklin started to notice a difference in his wife. she grew bigger. He would, of course, not bring up the weight issue for a long while. Then he realized what must be happening.
"Emily....Darling, are you... having an infent?"
"Yes," She said simply. Franklin's mouth flopped open.
"Why ever did you not tell me?" she shrugged her shoulders.
"Because you did not ask, My Love. You told me not to ask about shutting down Silence again, so I did not give you a reason." She smiled at him and his heart melted.
I am the War King, he told himself. This cannot be the right way to feel.
But he Shut the castle down mostly, keeping the basment for his troop. Franklin ordered a lot of the men to go, making his troop smaller and usless. Behind his back though, Emily was said to kill them some how, though no one knows how.
A few mounths later Emily gave birth to a baby girl. She named her Juniper, and Franklin didn't object. He had to admit, the baby was the most lovely thing in the world. Emily set her down in her basket, and with unhumanly strangth, she stood up and walked into the gardan.
"Amazing is she not," Emily asked, knowing Franklin would follow her. Her voice was Irish, something Franklin never really thought about until now. It was like the baby girl brought him out of his trance.
"Who are you, other than my wife?" She stopped cold.
"Just tell me one thing," She demanded. "With our daugher, will you ever let go of the castle?"
"My Love, I cannot. I will be destroyed. I connot live without my war."
"Then you are still the selfish pig from when I met you. I cannot help you now that Juniper is here. I was suposed to stop you so vilence was never to come into the forest where your ememy would come through. But I cannot help such a soul like yours." Emily Took from behind a bush a hidden knife. She must have kept it there for a long while.
"Emily, no!" Franklin screamed. Before the knife hit her chest she spoke simple words.
"If I kill you, I'll be forced to kill another."