Not Likely for Silence

A "Faint" Reaction

It had been two nights sence the eventful one. Juniper was in bed, the necklace on her chest. No matter how scared she was, she couldn't let it go. She was almost asleep when she heard a noice brake the silence.
"Lovely, Breathing, Baby of mine," A wisper sighed. It came in the same langauge Juniper had read on the neckace. It ruffled her hair slightly like a breeze.
"What do you want," Juniper wispered.
"Breathing child, follow the forest on your quest."
"Yes. Not now. When morning comes."
"Don't hurt me," Juniper wispered softly, then noticed she was speaking in a different language.
"Your father does evil, does he not?" Juniper shrugged.
"I believe so."
"You must stop it. Quash his plans, Kill his evil." Juniper thought.
"And if i do?"
"Then your colors will come back, and I will be set free, my Breathing Baby." Juniper gasped.
"Destiny awaits. Sleep until morning." A breeze blew around her and for a moment she was cold, and then she was sleeping the best she had ever.

She ran down the steps at dawn, not sure if she was crazy or not. Follow a dead voice? Some say it was crazy as it have been told, but nobody could understand her conection, her desire. She sped outside and found a way into the forest by climbing the stone wall surounding the property. It wouldn't be easy for anyone else, but Juniper was different and talented in ways she was yet to find out about. She zipped through trees, some how knowing where to go.
"Very good, Juniper," The vioce spoke, It getting stronger the deeper she went. Then Juniper came to a halt. She had just pssed a wall of trees that lead to a clearing. A camp was in sight and lovely people were everywhere that it was so not normal.
"Someone is here!" a person shouted and in moments there was a man in front of her. His power that came off from him made Juniper wince.
"Who are you," He blasted.
"I'm here to send a message for Emily?" The man totaly changed his face and it was soft and light. The change in the air was so immence that it made her dizzy.
"Oh, how is she," He asked delitfully as if he was very sure of her Mother.
"I'm her daughter, Juniper. Emily's dead, and I have a message to carry out, or at least I thing thats why she told me to be here." The man in front of her stumbled and fainted. Just simply fainted. Someone screamed in the distance.
"Great," Juniper and Emily said sarcasticly at once.