Status: Okay, being inspired for the meantime. (:

Profanity and Below


The lights were dim. My legs and arms were weak. My breath was shaking, rapid intakes of what flashed through my mind flew right back into my head. I closed my eyes, limply trying to process what was going on right now.

I was tied up by my ankles, bounded by shackles with my wrists, the metal slicing my wrists to a raw point. I whimpered lightly as I felt the rawness of the pain settling in. I panicked once I heard a door open. The steel metal of the door shrieked for a good five seconds before I heard any foot steps.

"Wake up, you sleezy up drug addict," a slick, dark voice spouted out as a foot jammed into my ribs, making me scream in pain, flinching.

"I want my money, NOW." he roared at me, his spit crudely splattering onto my tanned face.

"I don't have your fucking money, you stupid jackass, I told you, I'll get it by the next week!" I spit at him, only earning another whip of a kick at my ribs, cracking the bones. I shrieked, crying out in pain, pure fucking pain.

"I told you that I wanted my money a month ago, and if you didn't give me my money, I'd come after you," he knelled down to my fetal form.

I took my chances, my chains were a good 36 inches, giving me time to retaliate and take his keys. I pulled my legs up, smacking his face with the cups of my wrists, swinging my heavy 5 lb. chains with my legs so that they rammed right into his privates. He keeled over, passing out within an instant.

I searched his pockets, looking for something anything. I found a steel silver key, hopefully the ones to unlock these damn cuffs. I groped onto the key, which to my guess, was the key to my cuffs once I unlocked them.

I grabbed his wallet, gave him a genuine smile and ran the fuck out that shit-hole.
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