Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me


I sighed heavily as I sat down outside on the back porch next to the guys. "Kandy still won't come out." I shook my head and sipped my beer. "I'm worried about her." Zacky frowned.

"So am I," Brian agreed with a slight nod.

"Give her some time, she's just mourning the lost of her brother." Johnny said. "Yeah, but I still wish there was something we could do to help her." I stated.

The three of them shrugged and stayed quiet. "How are we suppose to move on guys?" I asked after a few minutes. "I don't think I can continue without him." Brian said his voice cracking slightly.

"I don't think I can either." I agreed. "It just seems impossible at this point."

"We'll figure it out soon enough." Johnny spoke quietly, and that one phrase repeated in my head because I knew he was right.


"Kandy, you need to eat something." Michelle said with a small sigh as she stood outside Kandy's door. "Leave me alone." Was all that she said back. "This is impossible." I through my hands up and walked downstairs.

"Not even Michelle can get her to open that damn door." I complained to everyone who sat in the living room. "Poor thing," Gena frowned along with Lacey. "Well, I give up." Michelle said as she came downstairs.

"Why don't we make some lunch?" Lacey asked as stood up from the couch. "I'll help," Michelle and Gena said in unison before following her into the kitchen.

"Has anyone talked to Leana?" I questioned as I ran a hand through my short hair. "I did this morning," Zacky nodded. "She's miserable, but she'll be home in time for the funeral."

Leana had taken everything so hard that she had in fact gone to stay with her parents for a week, instead of staying with us."Okay, sounds good."

Thirty minutes later Michelle came out and handed me a bowl of soup and a drink for me to take up to Kandy, just in case she happened to be hungry.

"Kandy," I said softly as I knocked on the door. "Leave me alone," She whimpered. "I brought you something to eat. Do you want it?"

It took a minutes but she finally opened the door slowly, and allowed me to pass by her. I set everything down on her nightstand and turned to her. "I'm sorry," She whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"It's okay," I nodded and walked over to her. Before I knew it she was hugging me and sobbing into my chest. "It's okay, Kandy." I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.

"It's not okay, none of this is okay." She protested. "I just want to be with him again." She sniffled and wiped a few tears from her face as she pulled away.

"We all do, we all want to be with him, but we can't." I sighed, watching her sit down on her bed. "He's watching over us though, like a Misguided Ghost." I cracked a small smiled, and allowed a laugh slip past my lips.
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