Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me


“Bye, Jimmy.” I whispered quietly as I watched his coffin be lowered into the ground. Everyone who was around us had tears falling from their own eyes, and I hated to admit but I was also crying.

“I can't do this,” Kandy cried and shook her head before walking away from everyone. I went after her immediately, knowing she wasn't stable enough to be alone. “Where are you going, Kandy?” I asked as I caught up with her.

“Anywhere but here,” She responded solemnly. “I know this hard on you Kandy, bu-”

“You don't know shit, Matt!” She turned sharply on her heel, suddenly angry at me. “I just lost my brother! The only fucking family member I had left, and he's gone.” She shouted at me, tears shining through her eyes.

“He may not have been my brother by blood, but he was still my brother too! Not only was he my brother, but my best friend, and one of the best band mates in the entire world. So, don't fucking tell me what I don't know, because I do, Kandy! I know how it feels to lose someone you cared about and loved dearly.” The second I said it I wished I could have taken it back, because I didn't mean. I was just angry, not with Kandy, but with everyone, with life.

“It's not the same,” She cried. “You were able to grow up with him, and I wasn't. It's not fair, I fucking hate this.”

“Your right,” I nodded. “It's not the same, and I'm sorry.” I apologized. “Let me help you? Tell me what you need me to do?”

“I just need you to bring my brother back.” Tears streamed down her face, and all I wanted to do was take the pain she was feeling away.

“If I could I would, Kandy, in a fucking heart beat.” I swore. “I know you would, but that doesn't change anything!” She shouted. “That doesn't change the fact that he's dead. He's gone, Matt, he's gone forever.”

“I know,” I murmured with a small nod, as I pulled her into my arms.


“What happened to you guys?” Brian asked as Kandy and I walked through the door. Kandy just shook her head before darting up the stairs, leaving me alone with everyone.

“She ran off and I had to go after her.” I shrugged.

“Well, someone needs to make sure that poor girl eats something.” Lacey sighed. “I know,” I nodded.

“I say we all take turns watching her.” Johnny suggested. “I agree, she's not very stable at the moment. Who knows what she could do?” Brian said.

“Alright, then it's settle.” I nodded again with a small sigh.

“I'll take the first shift,” Brian stated before disappearing up the stairs. “I'll take the next one.” I offered.

“No you won't,” Michelle shook her head. “You will eat something and rest, you've been awake for almost forty eight hours now.”

“Alright fine,” I agreed before going upstairs and into the room I was staying in.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it's short, I haven't been feeling well the past couple of days.

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