Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me

Twenty Four

Itd been four days since Val had arrived and things between Matt and myself couldn't have been better. I was cooking dinner, it was like second nature to me now. We were having beef steak turnovers, it was a home dish my Mom used to make for me when I was feeling down. I made sure to pull my hair out of the way before I started cooking because all I needed was hair in the food. I heard the front door open then slam shut making me jump, the knife slipped in my hand and I cut my self.

"Shit..."I said running it under some warm water. I took a look at the cut assessing whether or not it would need stitches. Thankfully it wasn't too deep.

"Matt? You okay?"I said putting a bandaid on my finger, he held up a condom wrapper in his hand. It was opened well empty.

"Who'd you fuck?"he asked me angrily and I looked at him confused.

"Uh what?"I said almost laughing at his maniac expression on his face.

"I said who'd you fuck! Val said she saw some guy leaving the house then I find this on the coffee table, who was it..."he said stalking towards me and grabbing my wrist.

"Ow...Matt you're hurting me..."I whimpered.

"Well you've hurt me! Who the fuck was it!?"he yelled in my face, tears stung my eyes.

"I don't know who she was talking about I just got home an hour ago. I spent the day with Gena and Lacey!"I said cried as I tried to pull my arm from his tense grasp. He let go then glared at me shaking his head.

"You don't believe me..."I said mortified.

"Val said Gena and Lacey were with her...."he said in a low tone.

"Call them! God dammit matt! I though you trusted me but its apparent that she still has some fucking hold on you!"I yelled at him, I shoved past him and began walking upstairs.

"I was gonna sleep with you tonight...because I care for you so much I wanted to show you...but now you can use cheap lube and make your own fucking dinner."I said to him as I walked up stairs. That night I slept in the guest room for the first time in a week.
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Sorry for the delay D: I hope this chapter is up to your expectations. Id like five that a lot..? Not really considering we have like 85 subscribers....