Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me

Chapter Twenty Six

It had been two weeks since I'd seen or heard from Matt, I still couldn't believe he thought I would cheat on him. I didn't even know anyone aside from the guys in Avenged, pushing that thought from my mind as quickly as I could I started crying. Burying my face in my hands trying to ignore the things he had said to me. Were Gena and Lacey lying as well, saying that I hadn't been with them? I wasn't sure but if they were they were no friends of mine, and maybe I was better off without all these fiends. I wiped the tears from my eyes when I heard a soft knock on the door, I stood and opened the door. I knew my eyes were puffy and red from rubbing them, but I didn't care I'd been broken for the last time.

"Hey Brian..."I said as I walked back to the bed in the room he was lending me, he gave me a sympathetic look.

"He is stupid to think you'd do something like that..."He told he lightly as he ran a hand through his short dark hair. I sighed a little then nodded in agreement. Stupid is the only term I could come up with at the moment to describe what I thought of Matt for believing his Ex who was so openly still interested in him.

"Val, well she has always been openly territorial about Matt, when they were dating but I've never seen her be this...I've never seen her this way, its dirty, she ruined what you two had, and I'll do everything I can to make Matt see he screwed up in believing her."He said to me, fresh tears now stained my cheeks.

"What are Gena and Lacey saying?"I asked him softly.

"They are visiting family right now, but when they come back I'm pretty sure all hell is going to break loose on Val." Brian said to me and I smiled weakly, to me it seemed that Brian didn't like his girlfriends sister which in all honesty it was absolutely fine with me because now I had someone on my side.

"I'm gonna take a nap yeah? I'll talk to you later?"I said to him and he nodded then kissed the top of my head. He'd been pretty understanding, he stopped with the hitting on me and went on more with the defending me. I laid my head on the pillow and I felt instantly at ease.

Everything seemed so surreal and hazy, I pushed some hair out of my face as I looked around. I saw Jimmy sitting at a bar, the place I was in was absolutely gorgeous. There were stained glass windows and finished wood bars. Jimmy waved me over so I ran over to him throwing myself into his arms.

"I need you so much right now..."I whispered as I started crying into his chest.

"I know, sweet pea, I know and I plan on giving Matt shit for not believing you the next time he goes to sleep. BELIEVE ME. Val has always been one to mark her territory so this didn't surprise me as much as it did the others, either way what she did was wrong." He told me in a firm tone, one I'd never heard him use before.

"Jimmy, I love him so much...if I loose him...I don't know what I'll do..."I whispered as I buried my face into his chest, he stroked my hair affectionately then sighed.

"I know...I know...I'll handle everything, don't you worry..."He said seriously.

I sat up in bed with a small smile on my face as I looked around my room then stood and walked down stairs and into the kitchen where I found Matt and Brian in a heated argument. I bit my bottom lip nervously when Matt's eyes landed on me, he looked even angrier than before when he looked at me making me look away.

"I'll talk to you later."He said looking at Brian then walked over to me and grabbed my wrist leading me out of the room so we could talk I guess.

"Have you thought about getting your own place?"He asked me with hint of malice in his voice.

"I got a job, how about you worry about that home wrecking bitch you got in your house."I said to him seriously yanking my hand out of his grasp.

"How about you mind your own fucking business you fucking cock sucking queen, you fucking played me like a fuck harp. I can't believe I fell for all the shit you said to me."He said and I could feel my anger rising.

"how about this bull shit huh? Have you bothered to call Lacey or Gena? I was with them! If you cant believe me there where is the fucking trust Matt! Where is it? Just because you two have history you think it will be easier because you know what to expect you know her like the back of your hand but you know what? Those six months before we started dating, I thought I knew you! You said you'd always believe me and you fucking took her side, the bitch who left you because 'she needed space' the fucking line everyone uses! I would never stoop so low as to fuck someone else in your house. If I was going to do it, I'd do it somewhere else and I'd leave you first! I fucking love you, and you know what? I don't even know why! You're a real piece of work Matt..."I said then wiped the tears from my face as I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me, I wish he would have followed me but he didn't.

I sat on the beach and watched the sun set, I had finally let my anger get the best of me. Something I know I shouldn't have done, I buried my head into my knees and began sobbing. My life was a soap opera, and there was nothing I could do about it till I got on my feet.
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Alright, the plot is unfolding as of now!
We all know Matt is being an ASS all caps even but everything will start unfolding?

Whats gonna happen? Will Jimmy kick matts ass in dreamland? Or will he not hold up his end of his promise?