Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me

Twenty Eight

The days passed slowly while sharing a house with Matt and Val, he still hadn’t put her in her place which kind of ticked me off. She’d been avoiding me for the better part of my return with was a-okay with me. I was cooking dinner for us all, resisting the urge to put poison in her food. I’d been holding my tongue since Matt asked me to move back in with him, it was partly for respect for him because he wanted me to live with him.

“Mattie….”I heard her whine.

“I can’t I promised Kandy we’d watch movies together tonight…”He said to her, which he had indeed and she wasn’t about to ruin my plans.

“What about me?” She said pouting like a three year old.

“What about you? You ruined what we had; I’d feel pretty fucking lucky you’re not out on your ass right now, Val!” He said raising his voice; I knew she was going to try something else. I mean it’d be weird if she didn’t right?

“We dated first…”She said to him.

“So I’m supposed to drop everything that makes me happy when you start running back to me? Fuck no, Val it doesn’t work that way!” He said shaking his head, I walked out and smiled a little.

“Dinner is just about done, Are you eating with us tonight Val?” I asked with a sickeningly sweet voice that made me want to gag.

“No thank you, I’m eating at Brian and Michelle’s.” She said and I nodded a little, she had an evil smirk on her face, one I didn’t like at all. I wish I knew what she was up to so I could give everyone a heads up that she is about to pull some bullshit move.

“Well let’s eat then, I’m starving.” Matt complained.

“It’s almost done, don’t be a baby.” I said to him as I walked back into the kitchen. I pushed some hair out of my face then checked on the chicken that was baking in the oven. I walked over to the oven and Matt leaned against the counter watching me intently, this unnerved me.

“What?”I asked him as I looked over my shoulder.

“Why are you so nice to her...”He asked me, I looked at him and shrugged.

“I'm not sure, maybe its knowing I've won...”I said to him lightly, I sighed a bit.

He smiled at me, the one that had won my heart a few months prior to all this drama that I've found myself in. It made my heart thud in my chest and I swear I heard an angel chorus in the background. I smiled a bit and looked away as I checked on our dinner, he shoved his hands in his pockets.

“So, when can we get back together...I miss you...”He said softly, his voice in a pouting tone I hadn't heard since we were dating. It was slightly flirty yet, serious all at the same time, I pushed some now black hair with blond streaks in it out of my face so I could take a look at him over my shoulder. His hazel eyes seemed to be peering into my very soul and I gotta tell you it was kinda creepy if I say so myself.

BUT, I knew I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Guess who has internet? -Sing-song voice-I DO! I finally dont have to type it alllll on my phone. SO IM BAAAACK