Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me

Twenty Nine

“Matt,” Kandy groaned as I slid her body a bit and climbed into the bed next to her. It had been a week since she gave me another chance and things couldn't have been better.

“What?” I teased, wrapping my arm around her waist. She rolled over to where she was facing me.

“Why can't you sleep in your own bed?” She questioned as she rubbed her eyes.

“Maybe I would if you'd sleep in there with me.” I said as I grinned, showing her my dimples. A small smile tugged at her lips and I knew immediately she wasn't going to kick me out.

She shook her head and closed her eyes. “Go to sleep, Matt.”

I chuckled softly. “No, you wake up.”

She opened her eyes and connected them with mine. “You really are a pain in my ass.” She joked.

“Of course I am, but you wouldn't any other way.”

“God, you're so right.” She giggled. “If you seriously want to sleep next to me then lets go to your bed. It's bigger and more comfortable.” She suggested.

I climbed out of bed before picking Kandy up and throwing her over my shoulder. “Matt!” She squealed.

“Shh,” I laughed. “People are sleeping.”

“What people?” She whispered, stifling her laughter. “Val's the only one staying here besides me.”

“Oh shut up.” I joked before carrying her down the hallway and into my bedroom.

I shut the door quietly before setting her down on the bed. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down on top of her before placing her lips against mine. “I love you.” She breathed out.

“I love you too, Kandy. More than you could know.” I said before kissing her softly again.


“Morning Val,” I smiled as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

“Why is that slut in your bed?” She questioned, placing her hands on her hips.

“Val, Kandy isn't a slut. She's asleep in my bed because I wanted here to sleep in there last night, not that it's any of your business.” I rolled my eyes took a sip of the hot black coffee.

“I'm leaving today, Mattie. Aren't you gonna miss me?” She asked softly, placing her hand on my arm.

I shook my head and pulled my arm away. “No, Val, I'm not gonna miss you.” I said before leaving the kitchen. Just as I walked into the living room Brian and Zacky came walking through the front door.

“Where's short shit?” I questioned.

“With Lacey, I suppose.” Zacky shrugged. I nodded knowing he was probably right.

“Where's Kandy?” Brian asked, a small smirk placed on his lips. “Upstairs asleep in my bed.” I chuckled.

“You guys finally did the deed?” Zacky asked.

“No you idiot,” I shook my head. “She just slept in there with me. Nothing's happened between us yet.”

“When something does happen you'll be the first to know.” Kandy said before Zacky could as she came down the stairs. I knew she was kidding when I saw her wink towards him.

“Ha-ha.” I smiled. “Morning,” I said before placing a small kiss on her lips.

“Morning to you too.” She laughed as she took my coffee out of my hands and took a sip of it. “Yum. I think I'm gonna keep this.” She said before walking away.

“I am so fucking glad you worked things out with her.” Brian said as we all watched her walk into the kitchen.

“Me too.” I nodded. I was more than glad. Things were finally looking up, and hopefully they'd stay that way.
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I really liked this chapter, aha!(:

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