Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me


After visiting Jimmy, I felt as if a ton of weight had been lifted off my shoulders, like everything for the first time in a long long time would be okay. Taking a sip of my coffee that sat in front of me I remembered everything I went through before I found out I had a brother. So much money problems, and tears..stress. The stress was the worst part, not knowing if I'd be able to pay rent or get to work because my damn car wouldnt work. In the end...Jimmy found me and I am so gratful he did. I smiled as I watched Matt talk with Zacky about something or other, they both looked at me and gave a short smile before continuing their conversation.

Matt began walked over to me and he smiled kissing my cheek lovingly. "We're going out to Johnn's Bar tonight...dress semi formal casual...alright?"He told me softly, the clock read four in the after noon.

"What time?"I asked him and he smiled.

"Close to six, so you should start getting ready now. Shower and stuff."He said and kisse dme on the lips affectionately.

"Aw guys! They did it!"Brian cooed making Michelle slap his arm and me giggle a little.

"Shut up..."I said softly as I got up and walked up stairs.

"Guys see what you did!"Matt complained as I disappeared, I picked out a blue jean mini skirt and a black tank top. I pulled out black leather jacket to go over it then went to take a shower. I didn't know what Matt had planned but it had to be something sneaky if he wanted me to dress semi-formal. It was a quarter to six when I started applying my make up and getting dress. My hour long bath was long over due. I needed a nice hot bath to calm down, not knowing what Matt had planned made me all nervous inside.

"You ready?"I heard him say from the door way making me jump.

"Yeah just about."I said as I sprayed some perfume in the air then walked into it.

"You look..amazing."He said to me and I grinned, looking him over he was wearing blue jeans and a band shirt with a jacket over it.

"You look amazing too..."I said to him and kissed his lips softly, it was so soft in face it almost felt like it didn't happen. Taking his hand in mine we began walking down stairs to the cars, everyone left at the same time and somehow everyonemanaged to get there about five minutes apart from eachother.

"Lets go inside..."I said to Matt as I leaned my head on his chest and yawned.

"Alright..."He said just as the last group pulled up, I could have sworn I saw Jimmy in the back seat wearing a grin the size of China on his face but when I looked back he was gone. The only thing that popped into my head was either I was going insane or I was turning into my grandmother. Pushing the thought to the back of my head I walked into Johnnys bar with Matt.

"Lets get a round of beers..."Matt said to Zacky and he nodded then went to get them and thats how the night went. Beer and hanging out with friends, it was a great time but I had a big feeling he was up to something.

"HEY HEY HEY guys settle down everyone!"Matt said and everyone shut up immediately. "As you all know we've been discussing the album so we all havent had much time to spend with friends and family so is the day that I start my family..."Matt said and looked at me with me a small smile.

"Kandy..."He said and knelt down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"

I put a hand over my mouth and, shock was my whole being now and I didn't know what to do other than stare at him like a mad man. "Yes..." I nodded and said before my brain could register anything that was happening around me.

Then I woke up, thats the one thing I hate about sleeping is that the whole day had been a dream minus going to see Jimmy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tis only a dream, I hate that XD

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