Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me


I smiled a little as I stroked Matt's face, we'd been through so much together and now we were having a baby. I kissed his lips softly his rough hands pulled my body closer to his as we laid in bed. "Morning." I whispered to his quietly.


"If its a boy...I want to name it after Jimmy.."I whispered to him softly as he kissed my lips continuously so I spoke between pecks.

"Perfect, I was thinking the same thing actually..." Matt told me as his eyes stared back into mine, a smiled broke out on to my face. I kissed him deeply, today we were going to tell everyone the news. I had found out the other day I was about three months along. Hence the morning sickness and I was almost out of my trimester so miscarriage was more than likely not going to happen.

"You should shower.."I whispered to him.

"Is that some...indirect way of telling me I smell." He pouted.

"Of course not honey, but do you really wanna tell everyone when we both need a shower after..our..uhm strenuous activities last night. Face it babe we smell like sex." I giggled a little as I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom, it didn't take him long to follow after me. I started the water making sure it wasn't too warm, like the showers I usually take are.

"What if its a girl?" He asked me as he came into the shower after I'd walked into the cubical sized shower room.

"Well...Jaime Marie?" I said softly, "Its close to James but not quite."

"Its are good at this baby naming stuff." He grinned kissing my neck softly, nipping it as he moved his lips to mine. My hand rubbed the back of his neck affectionately as his hands rested on my hips.

"You can't tell me you want more..."I said laughing against his lips.

"I always want more.."He grinned.


I was making dinner, something special that all the guys loved to death. Chicken. I mean come on who doesn't like chicken, I heard the hoots and hollers of the guys coming into the house. "I smell food!" I heard Zacky yell.

"That you do, sir vengeance." I said giggling as I smiled over my shoulder. I opened the stove to look in the oven, checking on the chick. A wave of heat sent the smell of baking chicken my way, and all of a sudden I felt sick.

" sucks. Michelle can you finish up the chicken? Or one of the guys please." I said as I walked out not able to handle the smell, or more over what it was doing to my stomach.

"Babe you alright?" Matt asked from the couch and I pouted.

"I feel sick.."I said sighing, Michelle gave me a knowing smile and went to finish of the chicken for me.

"Do you want me to order you some Chinese baby?" He asked as I came and cuddled into his side.

"Yeah..."I whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you so much..."He whispered.

"I love you too."

Michelle served the chicken while I piled the veggies on to their plates. "Everyone is sitting at the table that has never been used before."

"It has too be used before." Matt protested.

"For something other than beer pong?" I asked raising an eyebrow and he sighed in defeat.

"You know me all too well babe." He said kissing me softly, all the guys fake gagged.

"Shut the fuck up." I said to them smiling.

Once we were all seated in the dining room we kind of ate in silence it was nice to sit with your friends and family. We'd already told my dad and Matt's parents. We'd even went to visit my moms grave and told her, now it was time to tell our friends. Matt grabbed my hand under the table and began to talk.

"So, we all know how..all the fans keep wondering who is going to be the first couple to bring in the first ever Avenged Sevenfold baby." Matt began and I felt my face flat pretending I didn't know what he was going on about.

"Well. I already know who it is."He said in a teasing/ mocking tone.

"Its not me..."Brian said, "Michelle said she didn't want any yet."

"Did not, that was you. "She poked him with her finger.

"Well..I don't know if Gena is pregnant or not...but I'd be cool with it." Zacky said shrugging a little.

"Kandy is pregnant." Matt said and all the talking stopped.

"No fucking way!" Johnny said and I broke out into a grin. Matt pulled out the ultra sound pictures and Michelle snatched them and cooed to herself then showing Brian.

"Look, its a baby!"

"It looks like an alien." Brian commented.

"Don't talk about the baby that way!" She said smacking him on the arm.

"You knew didn't you..." Brian asked her and she grinned.


"So mom, hows it feel to be prego?" Zacky asked looking at me curiously.

"Different, really different. Its why I couldn't finish the chicken up, the smell just made me so sick to my stomach." I said shaking my head a little as I leaned on Matt's shoulder.
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Another chapter because I am not longer sick <3 Comments and subscribe <3