Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me


Matt's POV

Kandy made her way out of the water and to our spot before plopping down on her fluffy towel. I watched curiously as she frowned and noticed her back and shoulders were sun burnt quite painfully. I walked over and sat down next to her.

"Ouch, looks painful." I said before drinking from my water bottle.

"It is," She scrunched her face up in discomfort as she moved hers arms around. "We have some Aloe Vera lotion if you want put some on." I offered.

"Sure, thanks." She shrugged and smiled, showing of her beautiful smile. I dug around the beach bag that held most of our stuff and pulled out the lotion bottle. "Here you go Kandy," I handed it to her.

She looked at it for a minute before looking back up at me. "Would you mind putting it on for me? I mean, I can't technically reach." She asked with a small laugh.

"Uh," I hesitated, "Sure," I told her. "Thanks a lot Matt," She thanked me before turning around so I could reach her back.

"I'll hold my top in place so you undo it and get all over."

"Alright," I undid her top while she held it, before squeezing some lotion onto my hand. "Tell me if it hurts," I told her before gently rubbing it on her back. "Ow," She hissed.

I stopped immediately and pulled away. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." She laughed. "Continue, it's okay." I did as told, but carefully.

"The sun is almost set and when it does we're going to sit around the fire that Jimmy and Brian are trying to make and eat s’mores." I said and chuckled.

"That sounds like a lot of fun. I was wondering why I spotted wooden logs in the trunk." She giggled. I finished rubbing the lotion on her shoulders and wiped my hands on my towel. She tied her top back on and turned to me.

"Thanks Matt,"

"Your welcome," I said before getting up and walking towards Jimmy and Brian.

Jimmy's POV

"I've never done this shit before either but it can't be that complicated, so stop complaining Brian." I huffed as I arranged the wood to were we could light it and make a fire.

"Dude, this is stupid. Why are we doing it?" He asked. "Because everyone else wants to do it," I said. "Looks like Matt has a crush on Kandy," Brian chuckled, changing the subject.

"What?" I asked looking up at him. "Over there," He motioned. I followed his motion and noticed Kandy and Matt sitting in the sand and Matt rubbing lotion.

"It's nothing, I'm sure." I shrugged. Brian raised an eye brow at me. "Whatever you say man," He shook his head before walking off. "You're suppose to be helping me," I called out to him.

"No thanks," He called back over his shoulder. "Thanks Brian," I muttered. After a few more minutes of stacking wood I lit up the fire and set out all the stuff everyone would need to make s’mores. I walk over to Kandy with a shit eating grin on my face.

"You ready to make some more memories with everyone?" I asked. She nodded and laughed before I pulled her up. The sun had already set completely and the fire was really going by the time everyone sat down and got comfortable.

"I've never done this before," Kandy told me. "Well, now you have and with you're brother." I said as I hand her a bent close hanger to roast her marsh mellows on.

"Thanks, Jimmy." She smiled.
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I'm sorry it's taken so long to post again, I've super been busy.

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