Status: Completed.

Those Who Walk Beside Me


It was still early when everyone began to go out to the boat, I was wearing a mesh top over my black and pink skulled bikini as well as some pink flip flops. I looked out over the water and sighed, I never dreamed life would take me on a journey like this before.

"You alright?"I heard Jimmy said to me as he stood beside me leaning against the railing his elbows propping himself up as I continued to look out at the clear blue water.

"Yeah..."I whispered softly as I looked up at him, my eyes shining happily as we looked at eachother. I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"You sure? You don't look okay..."he whispered to me quietly, as he rested his head atop of mine.

"I'm just happy I'm not alone anymore."I said to him quietly as we stood there, this was a moment everyone had with a sibling sooner or later.

"You won't be alone ever again, kandy...."he said kissing my head softly, then pulling away to go grab a beer from the cooler.

I smiled a little, then pushed some of my short hair out of my eyes as the sun was high above the water now. I heard the guys whooping a lot and I realized we were leaving the dock, I laughed at their childish antics. Brian turned on some dancing music and we began dancing.

"Kandy! Come dance with me..."Matt called over to me so I walked over to him, this was ironically a slow song. My arms moved around his neck and his rough hands rested on my hips.

"So are you liking it here?"He asked me softly and I smiled a little.

"I more than like it here Matt."I giggled as I looked up at him, I knew if I was going to make a move I shoulder do it quick. Our faces began to near closer and closer.

"Hey guys look!"Johnny yelled excitedly as he pointed out towards the horizon, we could see dolphins skipping through the water.

"That's all, short-shit?"I heard Matt say annoyed his hand still placed on my hip as we had turned to see what he was talking about.

"Uh...yeah?'he said and I heard Matt mutter something about worst timing ever and I smiled weakly.

"I'm gonna get a drink, did you want anything?"I asked Matt as we walked towards the mast of the boat.

"Beer please.."he said with a smile, his dimples driving me near insane.

"Coming right up."I said and walked to the cooler that sat next to Jimmy as he steered the boat.

"So what was that?"he asked me.

"What was what?"I asked laughing a bit.

"I saw you and Matt,Kandy. I'm not blind."he said to me and my face heated up a little.

"I don't know what you're talking about."I said to him and he shook his head laughing.

"Sure..."he said to me and I walked back to Matt, I handed him his beer his hand brushed mine send electric volts throughout my body. I couldn't stop looking at him, I knew jimmy didn't want us together by how he had been acting...but don't know if I could stop how I was feeling towards him.

"So..Jimmy has changed a lot since you've been around."he said to me and I looked away from him.

"How so?"

"He's stopped some dirty habits."he told me honestly as he glanced at me then back at the water. I was trying to do more than one thing at once, drink soda, talk about Jimmy, and avoid looking at Matts be completely honest that's a hard job.

"I see, well I'm happy I could help."I whispered softly not knowing what kind of dirty habits he had going on before he'd known about me.

"Kandy, don't worry so much about him. He knows what he is doing and I know it sounds bad but the more you try to push stuff out of him, the more he shuts him self in and us out."Matt told me making me nod a little as I sighed a bit. The waves crashed against the side of the boat mimmicking what I wanted to do with my head to a wall.
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:D I had inspiration, hopefully the next update won't take quite as long lol. So, I hope you like this chapter any errors can and will be fixed this was all typed on my cell phone lol.

Comments = love :D