Broken Hearted


The morning was shining bright through my window as I was rudely awoken by my alarm clock. What is it with clocks that you just hate so much?? Oh that's it...they wake you up.

I still lived with my mum, but I didn't think it was strange an 18 year old still lived under the same roof as his parent?? It didn't affect the friendship we had...yes ok, she's have girl moments alot, and I'd have moment when I just wanted to be on my own...but that's life. No one can ever change what is always going to happen.

Getting out of my bed was easy, walking over to my dresser wasn't. I don't think I should have drunk so much was an awesome party yes, but with my head spinning and the headache that was making itself known in my temples, I knew today of all days wasn't going to be great.

I rubbed my temples slowly with my index and thumb. The pain that shot through almost made me stumble into my dresser. I'm guessing a little too much to drink. My eyes opened slowly, to find myself half over my wouldn't have been a good sight if my mum walked in, but hey...I don't have much privacy in this house, so it was probably obvious my mum would just happen to walk in right now.

Her footsteps stopped as soon as she opened the door. I could feel her eyes on me...the half naked son she had given birth too, 18 years of waste I'm sure she'd say. But as I picked myself slowly up and off the dresser, I turned to her and gave her a sheepish grin,

"Morning mum" was all I could manage before curling in on myself with the noise booming through my head. She shifted over to me, then held me to her small body. My mum was the best in anything, she could cook, be a wonderful bed side nurse, looked after me when I needed her help, and a good taxi service for late nights. Although that part I did have to actually pay her for.

She shifted my boxer covers body over to my bed. Laying me down across it before dashing out the room for my headache med. I always got migraines or just really bad headaches, so got perscribed tablets for them. They tasted...vile!

I watched little mind made stars floating around my ceiling, to see them rushing down to theswoop around my head. My arms I soon found, were flailing around in the air, trying to get rid of those darn stars...they were laughing at me, telling me I was stupid to be laying here with this stupid pounding headache...but I wasn't the one to blame!

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed out, waving my arms harder in the air. The stars just came back more and more, it was like everytime I either hit of touched one, 5 more of the fuckers came back!...What is with this?? I hate stars now...!
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New Story!! ^^
Know it just ends...but I'm going to keep trying to add some more =D