Broken Hearted


My mum's footsteps soon brang me back to realilty. Those fucktard stars rushed away as soon as the door opened and as I sighed a long deep sigh of relief, I soon had my mum pulling me up to a sitting position. I felt my head rest against my headboard, before my mouth being opened and closed again once two tablets were plopped in.

The reaction to swallow didn't come straight away, and as my mum started tipping my head up, gently rubbing my throat, I felt the horrid feeling of melted tablets slowly making their way down.

As soon as they past the 'No return' part, I was coughing and choking on the vile taste. They taste horrible! I swear to god...if I had to take them every day, I'd be hiding them in my food, not letting them melt on my tongue!

"All done dear, now get ready. College today" was all my mum's voice echo'd before walking out the room to sort some of the house out. I stared blankly at the door, but as soon as I saw one of those fucking stars flutter from the ceiling, I shot up out of bed and walked once more, to my dresser.

I opened the draw, with my hands soon finding my love! Skinny black jeans. I loved these jeans...all of the ones I've bought are my own little piece of heaven. Then just make me have confidence in not hiding away from anyone, they can see all of me...hell yeah!

As I changed my boxers, pulling on my skinny jeans felt great. My tablets were working already and as I stood infront of my wall length mirror, looking at my reflection of a skinny 18 year old guy, tight skinny jeans on and showing off the muscles in my stomach, I thought right then that Cindy would love this look.

Cindy Reynolds was the most amazing girl in the whole college. The most amazing girl in my whole entire life, and for me to be so so so damn lucky, she was my girlfriend. We've been together fornearly three years now, and I don't regret any of it. We stayed through thick and thin, when my dad rushed away to be with someone else...when my mum was taken into hospital when she'd fallen down the stairs. I loved her with every piece of heart, mind and soul I had in me, and no one in this world could change it.

The day we started dating, I'd given her this ring I used to always wear. It was my grandad's to start off with, but as he layed on his bed before he died, he handed me the ring and told me to take care of it. That he got it from his dad, and to skip the generation of my mum, he handed it to me. But I was sure if he looked down on me that day I placed it on Cindy's finger, he'd have been smiling down at me. I hope so anyway.

I grabbed a random shirt from my drawer, pulling if over my head as I made the great, kicking my shoes on without tripping up, technique I've studied doing so damn well!. My bag lay at the side of my door. When my shirt was on comfortably, I rushed and grabbed it, then ran all the way downstairs into the kitchen.

Hugging my mum from behind, I slyly nicked a slice of her toast before rushing off. Her confusedexpression watched me rush to the door before I turned around with the piece of toast wedged between my teeth,

"James!" she stared at me dumb founded. I laughed at her, then scrambled around bouncing the slice of toast to each hand so it didn't fall on the floor. Finally able to grab hold of it, I smiled childishly at her, and rushed out the door before she could take it off me. Yes I can be childish, so what??

I jumped into my car and started it up. Watching the kitchen window as my mum glared at me, I smiled sweetly at her with the slice of toast once again wedged between my teeth. As I pulled slowly out our drive way, I took it and stuck my hand out the window,

"Bye mum!" I called, her face sighing and then smiling at me as I drove off. I knew I won that battle for dominate toast theif, which pulled my smile even wider across my face as I quickly drove down to my college. Oh what fun today was going to be...NOT!.