Hell is a Place on Earth

chapter 8

Aaron couldn’t believe that three months had pasted, and that she was actually having fun. Her new job was working at a hair salon, even though all she did was sweep she still had fun.

On Friday nights she went and watched Teddy and Ninja play football, Alan was too small to. Clair played in the band, which Aaron thought was harder than the actually football playing. The rest watched in the stands, well everyone except Kadin. She said that football was stupid and wouldn’t come out; instead she would talk to Doc.

Kadin was acting weird lately, she wouldn’t look anyone in the eyes or she would fly off at the smallest thing. Especially after she came back from her training, which Birdie told Aaron not to ask about. Aaron had learned not to ask a lot, but she still wondered what Kadin did on the outside.

It was Wednesday; Aaron had learned that for some reason Kadin covered her arms and legs on Wednesday.

“Kadin? What is your job?” Aaron asked looking at the black sweater with a skull right in the middle of it.

Kadin looked up from her cereal and glared, “Taking care of brats and dogs. Why?”

Bunny looked at Aaron and shook her head, trying to stop an inevitable fight. “Well you always wear a sweater on Wednesday. Is it cold where you work?”

Ninja rolled his eyes and went back to eating, wanting to leave before they started to fight. Kadin dropped her spoon in the bowl and glared, “No, but I need it to protect me from….certain creatures. Also it’s none of your business; you just keep having a fun time while the rest of us die from lack of sleep and lack of….energy.”

Aaron stared at Kadin confused, “What do you mean?”

Kadin stood up and walked to the trash can, “Ask Doc,” with that she walked down the same hallway she always did on Wednesday.

Aaron looked at Bunny; they had been getting really close since Kadin’s weird transformation. “What does she mean? Are you guys okay?”

Alan looked at Aaron and sighed, “She just has it rough from her team mates, and it has nothing to do with you. Just don’t talk to her for the next couple of days.” With this he continued to eat his hash brown. Aaron still confused looked at Clair, they weren’t the greatest of friend but they understood each other.

“Clair will you tell me what is going on?”

Clair looked at Aaron and stood up, “I have to go; Kadin will need help with the dogs.”

“You work with the dogs as well?” Aaron said following her to the trash can.

“Yep, and I hope I don’t get a certain persons dogs,” with that Clair went down the same hallway as Kadin.

“I’m lost; whose dogs doesn’t she want?” Aaron asked sitting back down.

“Ignorance really is bliss, just go to your job,” Ninja said as he walked away.

Aaron pouted; she had learned that this usually helped to get her way. Ninja just continued to walk away; Teddy on the other hand stared at her.

When it was only the two of them he opened his mouth, “Do you really want to know?” Aaron shook her head so hard it gave her a headache. “You tell no one what you’re about to hear. Understand!”

Again Aaron shook her head so hard her headache doubled. “Okay, they’re this dude in Kadin’s group that is using you against her. She is forced to do a whole lot of junk every Wednesday, except of course the one that she’s gone. Most of the time she is beaten up, and what makes it really bad is that they’re medium strength.”

Aaron never knew that Kadin would do anything like that for anyone, let alone her. “What is his name?!?” Aaron yelled as she slammed her hands on the table.

Teddy taken back from her anger was speechless, Aaron still glared at Teddy. Teddy snapped out of his trance, “Oh, yeah. His name is….”

Just then a guy from Teddy’s job came and grabbed Teddy, “If you’re late one more time then you are fired! Come on!”

“I’ll tell you after my job,” Teddy yelled as he was dragged off. Aaron sat by herself wondering who it was, and if she had ever met him.


Kadin walked slowly to the hunter’s room, soaking wet. “I had to be nice and take Dagger’s dogs.” Clair had been given Dagger’s dogs, but Kadin traded with her. Snow, Dagger’s lead dog, got her soaking wet. “oh, well. I’m changing anyway, I still think that I prefer the wet clothes though,” Kadin thought as water dripped down her face.

She hated Wednesdays now, not that she sort of didn’t before. Sure she loved her dogs, but it was all the other dogs that were the problem. Especially Dagger’s or Yang’s’, they just got her wet to make her mad. They also knew that she couldn’t hurt them, but Dragon usually took care of them. Kadin shook her head, trying to get water out of her hair. When she looked up from shaking, the door was there. Kadin sighed, she wished Aaron never was a perfect low or at least she was a him. She opened the door, and yang was there sitting on a table. When he looked up and saw her he couldn’t help but laugh. Kadin turned red, and then shot around to head to her corner. She cringed, it was the outfit she hated the most.

Kadin had tree outfits that told her what she had to do that day. The first was a kimono, which meant that she basically had to be the proper and obedient wife. Second was the maid, this one is pretty exploratory. Lastly, there is the hated catholic school girl outfit, how Dagger even got it was a mystery to Kadin. Also if Kadin ever disobeyed Dagger or any of the Hunters while she was in dress, she got beat.

But there was the school girl staring her in the face, she grabbed it and went into the bathroom locking the door. As a reflex she pulled out her cell phone, when she saw that nobody had called or texted she looked at the time. A bright red light flashed 2:50 at her face that almost blinded her.

She sighed, “Oh well, at least I can text Ghost for a few minutes.” Kadin looked at the ceiling trying to remember his face; she hadn’t seen him for at least a month now. Kadin truly wished that sometimes Ghost would come, but she knew that he had prior engagements. While she was changing and thinking about Ghost, her phone vibrated on the bathroom counter. She looked confused and worriedly at the phone, for she had not called anyone one yet. She looked at the screen hopping secretly in her heart that it was Ghost. Instead the name flashing was Bubbles with a picture of a fish on the screen also. She opened her phone wondering what Bubbles wanted.

We’re fine!!! : ) Ghost did great!
Love ya,
Bubbles : )

Kadin couldn’t help but smile, even though she knew that she owed Ghost big time.

“Kadin. Time for you to come out,” Daggers voice ran throughout the bathroom.

Kadin sighed and put on her shoes, and opened the door. He was standing right by Yang and the newly arrived Ying.

“So that’s the one he chose….good one,” Dagger said hugging Yang. Kadin looked over but shivered when she saw Yang staring at her.

“You just like looking at her, huh?” Ying said sitting on his usual table.

“He better not,” Dagger play threatened as he hit Yang in the back of the head. Kadin growled at them as she stood in her spot. Dagger grabbed her arm and pulled it behind her back, Kadin cringed in pain.

“You need to learn to be more polite,” with that he shoved her against the wall. Kadin turned rubbing her wrists trying to ease the pain that was now pulsing that now engulfed her whole hand.

She turned back to the boys, “So what are we doing today?”

Yang glared at her, then turned back to Dagger, “There’s a girl who won’t give me the time of day.”

Kadin stood in her corner and snickered, “Only one?”

Ying muffled a laugh, while Yang’s face grew red. Dagger ran across the room and hit her in the gut, “I thought I told you to be polite.”

Kadin fell to her knees, gasping for air. Yang laughed, “Serves you right. All you do is try to defy Dagger, now you’re getting what you deserve.”

Dagger looked down at her, “You know that I don’t want to do this, but you force me too.”

Kadin’s mind had a million things to say back to him, but she had finally learned it’s better to just live and let live. “Dagger, I’m going to shut my mouth. What are we going to do today?”

Dagger smiled and patted her on the head, “Good.”

He turned to Yang, “What is this girl like.” Yang sat on his table, acting like he had to think about it. “Well she assertive, and doesn’t put up with crap.”

Kadin smiled, “I like this girl, what’s her name?”

“I’m not going to tell you,” he said turned around. Dagger smiled and grabbed Kadin by the waist.

“Yang, I am going to show you how to win this girl’s heart. By demonstrating with Kadin what you’re going to do.”

Kadin turned beet red, “Whoa! What?!?”

Aaron walked down the hallway, soar from her job. “Man! All I did was sweep, and I’m still soar,” she said to herself, as she rubbed her arms. Aaron wondered what Kadin did on Wednesday, and why she stayed in doc’s office on Wednesday night. When she walked into the cabin Clair was already in there lying on her bed. “Clair?”

Clair looked down on at her, and smiled, “Yes?”

“You’re close to Kadin right?” Aaron asked starting to climb up on Clair’s bunk.

Clair looked at her confused, “Yeah, I guess. Why?”

Aaron looked at her in the eyes, “What happens to Kadin when she goes down that hallway?”

Clair’s face went white, “Why do you want to know?”

“I’m worried about her. So please tell me what happens.”

Clair turned on her side and sighed, “I can’t most of the people that stay in this room doesn’t even know. I’m sorry Angel I can’t.” Aaron glared at Clair’s back and stormed out the door. When Clair knew that Aaron had left she turned back around, “Kadin, you better tell her or she might get hurt.”
♠ ♠ ♠
three in a row i am sooooooo good ^,^ anyway comment and stuff also i kinna need help with pairings so any cute pairing im up for!