The Boy With the Dimple Grin, the Girl With Sad Eyes


Huntington Beach High School is like every other school on the face of this planet. You have your stereotypical teens, the cliques and the out casts. You have the teachers, some who give obvious affections to the atheletic students and punish the socially disturbed. You have the popular students, the bullies, the geeks and the punks and all of those in between.

Me? I'm a nobody. I'm invisible. In this school with over six hundred students per class, there are only two other teens I can consider friends. Katherine James and Christopher Carrol. I don't really like people very much and I find idiocy to be rather annoying.

There really isn't anying special about me.

So, I can't understand why he talks to me. Matthew Sanders, a student who is either feared or respected. He's always surrounded by his group of strange friends and he is known for never backing down from a fight. So why do I always find him watching me? Why is he always greeting me in the crowded halls when we pass? Why does he always try to talk to me in the few classes we have together?

She's beautiful. Not like other girls at this school, those who are most likely to become the next super model, or the next actress. No, her beauty is subdued, silent and her calm exterior is comforting. If only her eyes didn't seem so sad.

In the few years I've known of her, I've hardly seen her at any school functions, nor have I seen her hang around anyone other than Christopher Carrol, who is widely known for being a loud-mouth and at times seen as arrogant, and Katherine James, who is known throughout the school for her infinite kindness. The few classes I have with her, she hardly says a word, her voice carrying a soft, raspy tone, nothing like the high-pitched, squeaky voices from other girls.

The summer before my Junior Year has come to an end and after this past summer, I'm really not looking forward to anything about school. Hopefully Matthew Sanders will lose interest this year and just leave me to my demons. Hopefully he stops giving me that damned smile of his.

Senior Year is on its way for me and I can only hope that she will finally give me a chance. Hopefully she'll let me erase the sorrow from her eyes.

Disclaimer: I do not own A7X...believe me..if I did, I have sooo many good uses for them that doesn't just surround music...^_^