Status: Active

A Warped Summer


"And we're back with Mixed Tape!" The camera turned to show the eager new band as Cindy Lockwood, the interviewer, continued, "How bout we start with you all telling us who you all are?" She turned to the boy with the bright white hair and asked, "How bout you start,"

Smiling, the boy said, "Well, my name's Hunter Jackson, I'm 20, and I play bass. I'm single and plan on keeping that status for our upcoming tour. For the tour, my twin sister will be doing merch with her best friend. After the shows, I'll always be willing to talk to fans, I want to meet them all. Plus I like boobies. Boob cancer sucks!"

Laughing at Hunter, Cindy turned to the boy with the black hair that had two thin strips of blond, "What about you?"

"Uh, my name is Aaron Wilson, I'm 21, and I'm the lead singer. Unlike Hunter, I'll say something more about the band. I had first thought of the idea of starting a band when I was 13, then, later that year, started Mixed Tape with Bliss. When I was 15 we had auditions for bass and drums. I still can't believe we've come this far."

Smiling, Cindy said, "Well, believe it. I've heard your music and I think it's amazing." She then turned to the boy with brown hair with blond on the top.

He took this as his cue, "My name is Gabe Darke, I'm 23, and I play the drums. I have a fiance and her name is Steph, she does merch with Hunter's sister. After the band had gotten together and they met, they became instant best friends. After shows, I'll probably be hanging around our merch tent, meeting fans."

Cindy turned to the last bad member and did a double-take. Once she got over the shock, she asked, "And you're the last band member?" They nodded. "Introduce yourself then."

"Don't look at me like that. I'm 17 for Christ sakes!" They sighed and continued, "Anyway, my name's Bliss Cambel, I'm 17, and I play the lead guitar. Yes, I'm a girl and I'm damn proud of it! I helped Aaron start this band when I was 9 and trust me, my parents didn't approve. They got over it. I know you're probably wondering how I got mixed up into this crowd and it's because I've been best friends with Aaron since I was born and I guess I'm four years ahead of my time."

Cindy turned to Aaron and asked, "How did it feel? I mean, were you ever made fun of for having your best friend be a girl that is four years younger than you?"

Aaron nodded and replied, "I was definitely made fun of. A lot of people called me a pedophile. That, or they said Bliss was a gold digger."

"Pedophile!" Bliss shouted, standing up from the couch.

"Gold digger!" Aaron countered.

Laughing, Bliss told him, "The only gold you have is up you nose, ass-fart."

"You want to go little girl?!"

Hunter sighed, "Every day."

Gabe stood up, stopped the name calling, the cussing, picked up Bliss and sat back down. He held her to his side while she squirmed and continued to call names.

Cindy laughed and asked Gabe, "Are you usually the one to separate them?"

Gabe nodded.

Cindy looked at the camera and said, "Well, that's all the time we have. Don't forget to check out Mixed Tape on the Vans Warped Tour this summer. I'm Cindy Lockwood and see you next time."
♠ ♠ ♠
I've always wanted to do a band story and so here it is. There will be a lot of bands in this story and you'll have to pretend that it's possible for all the bands that I mention to go on Warped Tour at the same time.

I'm not sure if I'm going to do a character page yet, but here are the pictures-

Bliss-lead guitar/back-up vocals
Aaron-lead singer

By the way, this is a love story. I think the main dude might be someone from All Time Low, but I don't know yet.

P.S. I have to get at least two comments before posting the next chapter.