
Back to School

I woke up monday morning and I went to the mirror. I had all my make up smeared down my face because of crying so much.
My mom came in the room to make sure i was awake and to make sure I was okay.
I got dressed and headed down the stairs for breakfast.
"Morning", I said.
"Goodmorning sweetheart", my mom said while she was smiling.
My dad came in the room and just smiled at both of us.
"Okay well i guess I better go. I don't want to be late for the bus".
"Okay bye honey have a good day at school" My mother said.
Then my dad yelled "Bye" right before I walked out of the house.
I was standing at the bus stop and Ryan came up to me.
Ryan was Matt's best friend. They were like brothers. Ryan was also one of my good friends. We haven't talked since last week because of what happened.
"Hey, how have you been?" Ryan asked.
"Umm.... I okay, it is still hard but I am trying to be strong. How about you?"
"Same. Did you go yesterday?"
"Yeah, I didn't see you. Were you not there?"
"No I couldn't. I went later by myself because I couldn't handle everyone there yesterday all upset. It would have just made things worst for me, but I stopped by to see Mr and Mrs Hunter and they understood why I didn't go."
Finally the bus got here.
I walked onto the bus and there weren't many seats left. I chose the one closet to the front.
Ryan came on and sat more to the back with a couple of his other friends.


I got to my locker and my best friend Peyton was there. When I walked up to her she just gave me a hug.
"Morning". she said.
I opened my locker and I saw all of the pictures of me and Matt together and I just fell to the floor and started crying. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Peyton just looked at me and hugged me. She didn't know what to do to help me.
The bell rang and I didn't move.
"Do you want to go to class or do you want to sit here?"
"Umm I think I will just sit here, but you can go to class if you want." I said while I was still crying.
"No that's okay I will stay here with you."
"Thanks." I just looked at her.

First period was then over. Ryan came walking by and saw that my face was all red and that i was crying. He just came and sat beside me and put his arm around me.
"Hey buddy are you okay?" He said.
"No!" I layed my head on his shoulder and I couldn't stop crying.
"Hey Peyton, if you want you can go to second period and I can stay with her?"
"Thanks Ryan. Call me if you need anything. I don't care if my phone starts ringing in the middle of class just do it. Okay?"
"Okay, thanks again Peyton." I said.
"No problem, Well I will come see you later. Bye."
"Bye" Ryan and me both said at the same time.