Tracks of Her Tears


It was almost three in the morning when Eric awoke to an empty bed. He sighed as he realized where his fiancé probably was. He groggily got out of bed and went to her. He found her exactly where he thought she would be, standing in the doorway of the room that was built to be a nursery for their baby.

As he approached her, he sighed and put his hands on her shoulders. Silent tears fell down her face. They had had some hard months that were mostly spent in the hospital because of horrible complications. Eric kissed her on the head as she fiddled with her engagement ring. “I told you not to do this anymore, babe. It isn’t healthy.”

It was now her turn to sigh. “I know but I can’t help it. I went through so much. I can’t help but wonder why it all happened to me. I just…can’t believe it turned out this way. I didn’t even think we’d be going through this.”

She walked into the dark room and brushed her fingers across the edge of the crib settled by the window. Eric came and put his arms around her and they rocked back and forth in each other arms.

They looked down and smiled as they watched their baby girl sleep. Brook brushed a thumb over her daughter’s forehead. “Baby girl you are loved, you are blessed and you are safe.” She looked up at Eric who wore a smile. “Thank God.”

For once Brook’s life was finally happening exactly like she wanted it to.
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This story is now over. I hope you liked it and I am working on that other story now. I am still not sure if it is going to be a prequel or not. It will not be up for a bit though, because school just started againa nd Marchign Band is insane this year. Also I am writing a story for the show "Supernatural" if you are a fan check out "A Living Nightmare". I want some comments! <3