This Isn't The Alcohol Talking, Baby... This Is All Me

I Can't Wait To See You Again


“Come on Nix, you have to go!”

I sighed and finished drying off the clean bowl, “I have work tomorrow, Lisa. I can’t go and spend all night drinking.”

“Please! Karen set me up with this guy she knows and I don’t want to go alone!”

Putting the bowl away I look at my best friend. She was dressed in a very nice tank top with a pair of her favorite skinny jeans. Her blonde hair was down and natural while her make-up accentuated her beauty.

Lisa’s the exact opposite of me. I have slightly curly brown hair, brown eyes, and am plus sized.

Lisa’s a blonde haired, blue eyed, size four bombshell.

Lisa and I have known each other since our elementary school days and she’s never had any problem with guys.

I raise an eyebrow, “Really? How did that date last week go? You know the one that Karen set up?”

She looked a bit sheepish, “It was okay.”

I nodded, “And did I hold your hand through that one?”

She sighed, “No, I went alone.”

With another nod I smiled, “That’s right. So why should I go tonight?”

Lisa bit her lip, ruining her lipstick, “Because this isn’t just any guy, Nix. I’m supposed to be meeting Mike.”


Lisa has been secretly in love with Mike since she was fourteen.

She’s just been too shy to tell him.

“This is a good thing, Lisa. Now you can finally tell him how you feel.”

“But what if he doesn’t feel the same? What if he just sees me and walks away?”

I sighed and gave her a hug, “He won’t walk away from you. He’ll take one look at you and fall to his knees.”

Lisa stepped back, “He’s never fallen on his knees before.”

I smiled, “That’s because you were the one always walking away. This time you’ll be walking toward him.”

She smiled, “So you’ll go with me?”

I sighed, “Of course. I’m going to have to be the one pushing you in his direction.”


The Bulldozer, named after its signature mix of alcohol, officially opened its door only three short weeks ago. With its loud music, open rooms, and willingness to explore the world of alcohol The Bulldozer has quickly expanded from local customers to people traveling from the outskirts of town just to socialize and get drunk.

Entering the bar with Lisa just ahead of me I glance around the spacious room. The dance floor was so packed people were practically on top of each other. The people who weren’t dancing loitered around the multiple tables that scattered around the room.

The lights ranged from pulsating colors over the dance floor to low flameless candles on the tables. Waitresses in barely there uniforms ambled around the tables, taking orders and laughing with the drunks.

Taking a seat on the bar stool beside Lisa I watch as she nervously glanced for Mike.

“I don’t see him… do you see him? Maybe he’s not here yet. Oh God, maybe he’s not-“

“Lisa, chill out! We’re ten minutes early.” I interrupt her babbling.

She took a deep breath and gulped down the liquor that the bartender set in front of her.

“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry. I’m just really nervous.”

I smiled and accepted the drink the bartender was holding for me, “Don’t worry so much. He’ll be here and be delighted when he sees you.”

She nodded and glanced back at the door.

“Lisa, stop!”

She glared at me as a small laugh escaped my throat.

“It’s not funny, Nix. I have loved him my entire life and now I’m afraid…”

As Lisa continued to babble on I glance up and see Mike standing behind her, a look of shock on his face.

“So when Karen told me that I’m supposed to meet him tonight of course I’m going to think about all the possibilities. What if he-“

“Lisa he’s…”

“Don’t interrupt me when I’m freaking out Nix! God, you’d think you’d know me better-“

“No, you don’t understand-“

“I can’t believe you’d accuse me of not understanding. I mean, come on Nix. I was there with you through all these years and you can’t let me have one night of freaking out.”

I opened my mouth to reply, but she just talked right over me.

“I’m finally going to tell this guy I love him and-“

Lisa was cut off when Mike spun her around on the stool.

With his hands tightly on her shoulders Mike growled, “Who are you meeting?”

Lisa did a great imitation of a fish, “I-uh”

“Tell me! Who is this guy you love?” Mike’s eyes flashed with anger.

“What?” Lisa whispered

“You know what I’m talking about! You were just telling Nicole about this guy you’re meeting!”

I watched with a small smile as Lisa began to get irritated.

“And why do you care? You’ve never shown any interest in the men in my life before.”

Mike narrowed his eyes, “You’re never said you loved a guy before.”

“What’s the big deal? So I love this guy,” she shrugged her shoulders as if indifferent.

“The big deal is that I don’t like this guy!”

“You don’t even know-“

She was cut off once again, but this time by Mike’s lips as they slammed into hers.

Pulling back he rested his head on hers, “That’s why I care.”

Lisa smiled, “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m here to meet you.”

This time Lisa pulled him into a kiss.

Covering a smile with my drink I looked away to let them have their time. Glancing around the bar my brown eyes stopped at the entrance.

There, walking in with a small group of what looked like his friends, was one of the most handsomest men I have ever seen. His dark hair looked as if he constantly ran his fingers through it while a pair of worn jeans hung loosely around his hips. With an untucked and unbuttoned shirt his toned body was shown off in a very sexy way.

When his eyes lifted to mine it seemed as if the world stopped.

I watched as he immediately left his bewildered friends behind and walked in my direction, his eyes never leaving mine.

As he came closer his eyes slowly dropped down my body, taking in my form.

Nervousness consumed me as he got closer and I turned to look for Lisa’s support.

But she wasn’t there. Looking around I spot her on the dance floor grinding against Mike, their lips still connected.

Quickly looking back at the strange man my eyes grow wide to see him right next to me, a smile on his face.

“Hey there.” He drawled, his smile growing.

“Uh, hello?” I asked, wondering why he was talking to me.

His eyes traveled over my body again, making me more self-conscious.

“My name’s Jordan.”

“Nicole.” I looked back to Lisa, but she was still occupied with Mike.

Jordan’s smiled grew bigger, “What a beautiful name, for such a beautiful person.”

I stared at him, incredulous, “How many drinks have you had?”

“I just got here,” He leaned against the bar, the smile still on his face.

“I know that,” my face reddened when I realized I just confessed to watching him, “what I mean is – uh – how many have you had before coming here?”

His smile faded a little, “None, why?”

I looked down to my outfit, the flattering shirt still not able to completely camouflage my stomach.

He followed my gaze and his expression sobered, “Is something wrong?”

I looked back to his eyes, “Yeah, guys don’t normally see me as beautiful.”

His eyes stared into mine, “Those guys are idiots. From the moment I saw you I knew we were destined to be together.”

I rolled my eyes, “Oh please,” I reply sarcastically, “I don’t do one night stands.”

Jordan leaned closer to me, “Neither do I.”

My eyes widened as he face came closer, our noses almost touching, “What-“

“I don’t want a one night stand with you. I want the real thing.”

I swallowed, opening my mouth to reply.

But he cut me off by melding our lips together in one of the most memorable kisses I’ve ever had.

When he pulled away he grabbed my hand, “I’ve got a way of knowing when something is right.

As he stepped back I clutched the paper in my hand tightly, “Are you sure you haven’t had anything to drink?”

He smiled, walking slowly backward, “This isn’t the alcohol talkin’, baby. This is all me.”

As he faded into the crowd I looked at the paper in my hand. At a closer look I noticed it was a business card. There, under the logo for a construction company, was Jordan’s cell, house, and fax numbers.


I glance up to see Lisa running toward me with a more sedate Mike following behind.

“I totally saw you kissing the man! OMG he was so totally hot!”

Mike cleared his throat.

“Oh, you are so totally hotter, but he’s perfect for our Nixie here,” Lisa smoothed, smiling.

I sighed, “I don’t think it’s a good thing to-“

Lisa narrowed her eyes at me, “Don’t you dare. Not after pushing me to go on this date.”

“Lisa, I’m not skinny like you-“

I stared in shock as my best friend covered her ears and made ‘lala’ sounds.

When she noticed I was silent she stopped and put her hands down, “There, now that we’re all being adults here… what are you going to do about that?”

She pointed at the business card still clutched in my hand.

I bit my lip, “I don’t know.”

She gave me her I-know-better-than-you look, “If you don’t call that number by the end of tomorrow I will.”

Looking back down at the number I feel my lips tingle, causing me to remember his kiss.

I smiled, “I don’t think you’ll have to.

I've got my sights set on you,
And I'm ready to aim,
I have a heart that will,
Never be tamed,
I knew you were something special
When you spoke my name,
Now, I can't wait to see you again...

I've got a way of knowing,
When something is right,
I feel like I must have known you,
In another life,
Cause I felt this deep connection,
When you looked in my eyes,
Now I can't wait to see you again,

The last time I freaked out,
I just kept looking down,
I st-st-stuttered when
You asked me what I'm thinkin' bout
Felt like I couldn't breathe
You asked what's wrong with me
My best friend Lesley said
"Oh she's just being Miley!"

The next time we hang out,
I will redeem myself,
My heart ache it can rest till then,
Whoa! Whoa! I,
I can't wait to see you again,

I got this crazy feeling
Deep inside
When you called and asked to see me
Tomorrow night,
I'm not a mind reader,
But I'm reading the signs
That you can't wait to see me again

The last time I freaked out,
I just kept looking down,
I st-st-stuttered when
You asked me what I'm thinkin' bout
Felt like I couldn't breath
You asked what's wrong with me
My best friend Lesley said
"Oh she's just being Miley!"

The next time we hang out,
I will redeem myself
My heart ache can rest till then,
Whoa! Whoa! I,
I can't wait to see you again,

I've got my sight set on you,
And I'm ready to aim,

The last time I freaked out,
I just kept looking down,
I st-st-stuttered when
You asked me what I'm thinkin' bout
Felt like I couldn't breathe
You asked what's wrong with me
My best friend Lesley said,
"Oh she's just being Miley"

The next time we hang out,
I will redeem myself
My heart ache can rest till then,
Whoa whoa I,
I can't wait to see you again,
Whoa whoa I,
I can't wait to see you again.
~ Miley Cyrus
♠ ♠ ♠
How'd it go?