Supernova Love

They didn't agree on much.
In fact they rarely agreed on anything.
They fought all the time and they challenged each other everyday...
...But in spite their differences, they had one important thing in common.

They were crazy about each other.

Websters Dictionary define a supernova as a stellar explosion that is more energetic than a nova. Supernova are extremely luminous and cause a burst of radiation that often briefly outshines an entire galaxy, before fading from view over several weeks or months.

Ryah Morrison had everything she could ever want. A gorgeous home, two adorable little puppies and the perfect fiance. A year after they nearly split, Ryah and Jonathan Toews seemed to have everything pieced together. Or at least that's what she thought.

Jonathan had become increasingly bored with his everyday life. It was the same thing everyday: hockey practice, interviews, meetings, two hours at the gym, then home to Ryah and off to bed. He needed some sort of change in his life.

Ryah, thinking she and her fabulous fiance are on the same page, is about to get some incredible news. News that turns her life upside down and has her trying to put together a life much different than the one she was counting on.