Supernova Love


“Rise and Shine, sleepy head!” Ryah exclaimed as she made her way into the bedroom that she shared with her fiancé. Jonathan glanced at the door way to see his beautiful bride to be holding a lap tray containing the very breakfast that she had just cooked up for the young captain. She set it on his lap.

“What’s all this?!” He questioned.

“You can’t leave for that long flight on an empty stomach.” Jonathan smiled at Ryah and then went to town on the french toast, bacon and hash browns that she had cooked up. Ryah found herself recalling the very first time that she had made her famous french toast for Jonathan. She grinned as she watched him devour the meal. Her right hand rested absentmindedly on her flat stomach.

“You want some?” Jonathan asked, to which Ryah shook her head declining the offer. She glanced down at her stomach. Ryah had missed her period this month. She was exactly fifteen days late, but she didn’t need to take a pregnancy test to know that she was, indeed, pregnant. She could already feel the little life inside of her. Ryah’s smile widened. Maybe they would have a little boy. A little boy with a full head thick, rich brown hair, deep brown eyes that sparkled in any sort of light and the ability to skate on ice just as simply as he could walk on solid ground. She knew that if she and Jonathan had a boy he would be taught how to skate the minute he had walking down. Ryah glanced back to Jonathan as he drank half the glass of orange juice in one gulp. On the other hand, maybe they would have a girl. Ryah quickly found herself wondering how Jon would deal with having a daughter. The poor girl would be on lockdown until she was thirty. Ryah’s grin grew as she glanced back downwards. Boy or girl, she knew that Jonathan would be a fantastic father. She just knew it.

“What’s with you?” Jon questioned, bringing Ryah out of her daydreaming.


“What’s up? You’re acting weird.”

“No I’m not!” Ryah defended herself. She wasn’t about to tell him their news when he was just about to leave. She wanted to have time with him when she told him. She didn’t want to spring it on him as he was walking out the door.

“Yah. You are.”

“I’m just going to miss you while you’re gone. That’s all.”

“I’ll miss you too baby.” Jonathan retorted before pressing his lips to hers.

“I love you Jonathan.” Ryah told him. This time, for Ryah, those words had taken a whole new meaning. She had been in love with him for quite some time now, but now that she was pregnant with his child that love that she had felt was at a totally new level.

“Love you too babe. But,” Jonathan trailed off glancing at the bedside table in search of the time. “I’ve got to get going before I miss that flight.” He swiftly got from the bed, kissed his fiancé, and hurried into their ensuite bathroom. Ryah picked up the fork and ate a forkful of hash browns. She then laid back on the large bed, smiling to herself. She couldn’t imagine a better life for herself.
Ten days had passed since Jonathan had been out of town and Ryah was going out of her mind. She so badly wanted to tell Jonathan that they were going to be parents. She couldn’t wait for him to get home in three hours so that she could finally tell someone. It had been so hard not to tell her sister, Jenna, when they had gone out for lunch the day before yesterday. Jenna had questioned her when she’d ordered a bottle of water to go with her meal rather than a glass of wine. Jenna had also commented on the fact that Ryah had turned down the chance to dine at her favourite sushi restaurant. Instead they went to the little Italian place down the street from the house. It took everything in her not to just blurt it out, but she kept her composure because she needed to tell Jonathan first.

Ryah had been to her doctor to confirm the pregnancy; not that she needed any confirmation. She’d had an ultrasound done and found out that she was five weeks pregnant. Ryah had framed the small ultrasound picture and she stared at it every night. It was fascinating to her that the little dark spot in the photo would be a full grown baby before she knew it.

Ryah leapt to her feet when she heard the doorbell ring. Halfway to the door she realized that if it was Jonathan, he wouldn’t be ringing the doorbell. She reached the door, feeling slightly deflated, and opened it. The minute she did she was greeted with a smiling face before being lifted from the ground. “Well hello to you too!” Ryah laughed.

“Why in the hell is that fiancé of yours allowing you to answer the door when he is fully capable? It would be way too easy for someone to just scoop you up and run off with you.” Brent stated with a grin on his face. Ryah felt her heart melt as she looked into the eyes of her best friend and former roommate. She had missed him so much.

“You know, Brent, you don’t have to kidnap me to get me to run away with you.” She told him with a wink. Her eyes then made their way out into the front of the house. “Where is he?!” She asked.

“Where’s who?”

“Jon.” Ryah informed him, but the utter confusion on Brent’s face said it all. “Oh. He must have left after you. Well…come in! He’ll be here any..”

“Tazer hasn’t been home yet?” Brent asked, trying to figure out what exactly was going on here.

“Well…no! The flight wasn’t supposed to get in for another three hours. You guys are early!” Brent’s eyes widened.

“Ry…” Brent started, running a hand through his messy hair. “Our flight was almost an hour late getting in. We landed over an hour ago. I’ve already been home and had something to eat.” Ryah’s face dropped at Brent’s words. Jonathan had lied to her. He had told her that his flight was arriving at eleven in the evening but, apparently, they landed after six. Her heart began to race in her chest and she suddenly felt sick not knowing where her fiancé was and what he may be doing.
Jonathan hit ignore when Ryah called him. He’d just tell her that he’d been on the plane when she’d called him. He lifted the brown bottle to his lips and downed its remainder. He then signaled to the bartender that he wanted another. When the bottle was placed on the bar in front of him he handed over a twenty dollar bill. “Keep the change.” He muttered.

“So, superstar.” The dark haired woman behind the bar began with a smirk. “What brings you to my neck of the woods? Again.” She questioned, letting him know that she’d noticed him. She’d been there the first time he’d ventured in on his way home and she’d been there just about every other time. Jonathan Toews had been finding his way into her bar more and more lately. He was in there at least once a week, but she hadn’t seen him in a while. Jonathan shrugged and took another sip from his beer bottle.

“Just something to do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i kind of forgot how much i love the ideas i have for this story.
but...good news!!!!!!
i remembered.
expect another update soon.

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