Darkest of Them All


It was late afternoon and Zack was secretly plotting his revenge against his stepfather.
He made some coffee for the man and silently went into his room. Packing some of his clothes, Zack thought of a life outside the torture chamber he grew up in. It was getting darker, and night was fast approaching. He heard his stepfather grunt and the television was turned on.

He soon went out of the room, a pocket knife with him. He sat down for dinner, eyeing the man fearfully. He stared at him for a long time, when the man finally noticed.

"Eat your food, boy."

What? No more violent remarks?

"Eat the damn food. And be silent."


"Wanna know the deal? A businessman will arrive in this place, and I don't want them to see you doing crap in this household. It's for my money." the man said.

Silently, Zack ate his food. Finally, a knock on the door was heard.
His stepfather opened the door, acting in a polite manner. But the businessman was no fool. He quickly noticed a bruised boy sitting down on a chair at the dining table, and quickly questioned his appearance.

"Sir, who is that boy?" The businessman asked.

"That boy? He's my stepson. Quite a nice boy, really. Polite too." the man lied.

Half-convinced of the man's reason, the businessperson sat down on the sofa and talked to Zack's stepdad. Zack heard their conversation. All the lies he told... He can't take it anymore...

"Shut up, old man." Zack blurted out.

"What?!" the stepfather said.

"Everything you told him are lies. Lies to get your money. Your money that you use when gambling. Stop trying to fool the man."

"Excuse this boy. He's depressed."

The man motioned Zack to go in his room.

Finally, the businessman left, leaving a wad of money for Zack's stepdad. A fuming man approached Zack's door, and he banged it open.


He raised is fist, ready to strike the boy. But Zack was suprisingly speedy. He took out the pocket knife and threatened the man.

"STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING, OLD MAN! You've contained me in this torture chamber that made me emotionally wounded. My mother thought you were a proper man, but she was wrong. And now, you'll try to beat me because you almost lost your money for gambling?" Zack said.

He raised the pocket knife as the man let down his guard.

"Ha, so you're not as stupid as I thought."

"I'm NOT stupid at all."

"If you're not, then you'll probably avoid this blow!" The man shouted.

He threw his fist to Zack, but Zack managed to wound the man, causing him to weaken the blow and squirm in pain. Quickly, he dropped his knife and grabbed his bags, running out of the house as fast as he can.

He hid in the bushes as his abusive stepfather was taken to the clinic.
He succeeded in his plot, but it was not enough. He had to completely wipe out the man's existence...