Do Opposites Really Attract?

Ok, so Reade High School is your typical, well high school, In the middle of the Buckingham Countryside (in England). The kids there live average lives, have average houses, average clothes, average friends... they're just, well, average, I guess. People stick to being normal, its the safest thing to do round here, you get starred at in the street if you get a hair cut, let alone do anything....... different. People just don't do that. Ever.
    In which we meet a pair of twin brothers...
  2. Moving
    In which everything changes
  3. The grand tour
    In which everything changes
  4. Realisation
    In which the change becomes apparent
  5. Reality
    In which Zach reveals his thoughts...
  6. In the Garden
    In which feelings are revealed...
  7. Home truths...
    In which they get to know each other....
  8. Prejudices
    In which Zach scheme's with Jack
  9. Confused feelings
    In which emerges a paradox...
  10. My favourite place in the world
    In which thoughts are given a voice, and a hate, becomes a love
  11. Good byes
    In which he walks her home